Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How successful was Philip II’s foreign policy? Essay
Throughout Philip II’s reign there were regular substantial occurrences outside he monarchia which forced him to implement some kind of foreign policy. When assessing how successful Philip’s foreign policy was it is important to acknowledge the aim of foreign policy seem to be in line with the traditional Hapsburg aims of keeping his land and passing them on intact, whilst adding to them if possible. In line with these aims Philip seems to have achieved a moderate amount of success in the first half of his reign adding Portugal to his lands and eliminating the Turks as a threat, however these successes are seriously undermined by his later failures in England and France The area of foreign policy where Philip seemed to achieve the most success was in his exploitation of the political situation in Portugal which led to Portugal being added to Philip’s monarchia. Portugal was already in a fragile state after the death of King Sebastian in 1578 the throne of Portugal had been given to his sick and aged Uncle Henry due to Sebastian having no children. This left many worries over who would be Henry’s successor and eventually by 1580 Philip was King of Portugal. Philip’s was successful in Portugal due to his two pronged policy of diplomacy and bribery along with the dispatching of Granville, one of his closest advisors to cultivate merchants of Lisbon who already were closely identified with Philip due to loans from the crown. This detailed and precise approach successfully ensured the withdrawal of Catrina – Philip’s main rival in Portugal. Furthermore despite the crowning of Don Antonio as King of Lisbon, Philip was very successful in invading due to his awareness of Portugal’s army being depleted from expeditions to Morocco. Another area of Philip’s foreign policy where he achieved a high amount of success is his neutralisation of the Turks as a threat in the Mediterranean. Since the early 16th century the Turks had been attempting to expand their empire into Europe, forcing Philip to react. However despite later success, at first Philip was very unsuccessful against the Turks due to surprise assaults from the Turkish fleet along with blockades and poor weather. On the other hand, Philip made these early setbacks irrelevant in 1571 when alongside the Holy League he successfully defeated the Turks in Lepanto. This was seen as making Philip’s foreign policy particularly successful due it being seen as the greatest victory for the Christian empire, and thus had a huge religious impact. However, Philip’s greatest success when dealing with the Turks seems to be the negotiating of a truce in 1578. Despite the negative repercussions at the time involved with Philip putting his own problems before religion, the truce was highly successful as it allowed Philip to have little need for substantial military involvement in the Mediterranean, allowing him to move his armies further north in order to deal with the Netherlands and also his aspirations in France and England. This truce can be seen as having a negative impact on Philip’s prestige due to the agreement being a sign that he had backed down and was inspired for fighting for Catholicism as his title ‘champion of Catholicism’ would suggest. However, its political benefits easily outweigh the impact it has on Philip’s prestige and overall was one of Philip’s most successful decisions in his foreign policy. One area where Philip achieved little success was in the last 15 years of his reign where he seemed to change his foreign policy to being that of an aggressive imperialist, this appeared to be due to the fact that he spread his armies to thinly, fighting on three fronts at once in the 1590’s. Problems with England began through Elizabeth’s fears of England being turned Catholic as she could see what was happening in the Netherlands. These fears led to Elizabeth signing the treat of Nonesuch with rebels in the Netherlands, providing them with money and soldiers. In response Philip ordered the Armada to invade England in 1588 and despite this limiting English interference in Netherlands it was fairly unsuccessful due to Philip’s plan being highly complicated, furthermore the two fleets he sent had no co-ordination between them, and the as the Spanish fleet did not possess heavy artillery it was outgunned by the English. Philip did launch two more Armada’s in 1596 and 1597, however these achieved even less success due to weather and didn’t even reach England, furthermore these crippled Spain financially due to the sheer amount of money each Armada cost to construct. Similarly in France Philip achieved little success and moreover due to his actions in France he actually contributed to the success of the Netherlands revolt. After many years of civil war and attempted interventions by Philip to turn France Catholic, Henry of Navarre, an anti Spanish protestant was crowned King of France. In response Philip ordered the transferral of troops from the Netherlands to attack France in a bid to claim the thrown for his daughter Elizabeth of Valois. Despite Henry becoming a Catholic, Philip’s attack on France was highly unsuccessful and led to his third bankruptcy in 1596 and the removal of troops from the Netherlands during vital points of the revolt stopped victory against the rebels. Overall Philips foreign policy seemed to be successful early on in his reign due to him being defensive and reactive up to 1584 as it gained him Portugal and eliminated the threat of the Turks. However after 1584 Philip seemed to change to being an aggressive imperialist possibly due to the fact he wanted to leave behind some kind of impact as he realised he would not have long left as King, however this was unsuccessful as he tried to do to much in a short period of time, leaving his armies spread too thinly without enough equipment due to his mounting financial problems.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
School Uniform Persuasive Essay by Javairia Haq
School Uniform Persuasive Essay At a school, a child wearing a stained ragged-patched up sweat shirt and old tired pants full of disgusting mud stains, she goes to her locker quietly, suddenly after getting out her books, five older students surround her. The oblivious teachers and distracted staff don’t even bother noticing older pupils ridiculing the young girl’s outfit, teasing and tormenting the juvenile girl about her revolting clothes till she cries. Finally after the bell rings for 2nd period the older students leave.It caused the young girl to be more embarrassed and humiliated. Schools all across America should be required to wear school uniforms, because they provide school students with a better school experience. One reason why students should wear uniforms is schools would be a safer place because not many dangers would harm the school. For example, schools â€Å"struggling with gang problems report that school uniforms†(http://www. articlebase. com /advice-articles/pros-and-cons-of-school-uniforms-182. html).Any sort of gang related â€Å"identity or markings would not be an issue†and in â€Å"addition baggy clothing used to hide weapons, drugs or pregnancy would make the lives of teens more transparent and less hidden from adults†(http://www. procon lists. com/list/education/school-uniforms/35). Making students wear school uniforms would make it easier to identify hidden icons that many teenagers hide. Uniforms â€Å"make identification of children who belong to the school and those who don’t easy†(http://www. proconslists. com/list/education/school-uniforms/35).School â€Å"intruders are more easily identified in a school of uniformed children†(http://www. sheknows. com/living/articles/809991/the-pros-and-cons-of-school-uniforms). If we wear school uniforms then you can easily find intruders in school because they will not be wearing uniforms. Therefore, American school students should wear uniforms because dangerous activities and such shall not happen if we wear uniforms. Others might say that students should not wear uniforms, because they are costly. For example, opponents â€Å"contend that school uniforms are an unfair dditional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education†(http://www. greatschools. org/find-a-school/defining -your-idea/121-school-uniforms. gs). Uniforms can be expensive, which poor families might not be able to afford. However, one â€Å"school in Seattle found the average cost of clothing a child in a school with uniforms is less than without such a program, sometimes 80 percent less†(2. ed. gov). Schools that choose to have uniforms could choose ones that don’t cost much, so poor families can afford them.As a result, students should wear uniforms, because they are cheaper. Another reason we should wear school uniforms is they cost less because you won’t have to buy or think about clothing for school, For example, school uniforms would save parent’s money, â€Å"the upfront cost of a uniform would be less than a new wardrobe of the â€Å"coolest†styles†(http://www. proconslist. com/list/education/school-uniforms/35). Children who come â€Å"from a less fortunate economic background would not appear to be â€Å"lacking†or made fun of because their parents could not buy them the trendiest garment†(http://www. roconslist/list/education/school-uniforms/35). If we wear school uniforms that are less costly, kids wouldn’t be pressured about clothing. School uniforms would save time both â€Å"parents and their children would not have think about what to wear in the morning and parent save time taking children shopping†(http://www. proconslists. com/list/education/school-uniforms/35). School uniforms â€Å"remove the factors from the social environment within the school the school, thus relieving students from the pressure t o fit in†(http://kids. ovetoknow. com/wiki/Pros_and_Cons_of_School_Uniforms). Therefore, if we wear school uniforms that are less costly, they will save money and time. Thus, making students wear uniforms would be more efficient and a money-saving strategy. Back at the school, the blunt teachers finally notice the juvenile girl crying and ask her what’s wrong. She says nothing because she knew if she told the teachers the older students would just humiliate her more. If students did wear uniforms everybody would be wearing the same thing and
Monday, July 29, 2019
C.S. Lewis and His Theology on Jesus Essay -- believe, church, christian
‘What are we to make of Christ?’ There is no question of what we can make of Him, it is entirely a question of what He intends to make of us. You must accept or reject the story,†(Lewis, 8). C.S. Lewis was a man who believed in Jesus, the Trinity, and making it known through his actions and his words that changed Christianity and its theology as a whole. In the beginning of his journey, C.S. Lewis believed that God was one big mystery. Jesus was not in the picture, and God was just some foreign name. Like many of us, we can approach God as an unopened present hidden in a closet. If we take a peek, we will see that it is there. If we do not, we will not know unless we hear about it. There are times when you think about checking it but do not. There are also times you take a peek and forget about it. But sometimes, you check it, open it, and get excited- really, really excited, but we do not know whether or not we should open it. He struggled with Atheism as much as he did Christianity. He chose to stick with what he wanted to know more of- Atheism. Lewis had a lack of belief in the existence of Jesus of God or any of it. One day, everything changed. Lewis wrote in Surprised by Joy, "I did not know what I was letting myself in for. A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. There are traps everywhere.... God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous,†(37). Unscrupulous, meaning having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair (Webster), his view on God was lacking and skewed. He wanted to continue his young life being an Atheist even in the midst of knowing God had his hand on his life whether he wanted to admit it or not. Our culturd the same importance to the experiences, (BBC). Overall, C.S. Lewis’ beliefs in God were incredibly real, raw, and honest. He inspired others to figure out who God was to them, and who God is to us. He challenged the people around him. Referring C.S. Lewis to culture now and although he has passed quite some time ago, his stories live on for believers and non-believers. Most known for his Chronicles of Narnia series, he has opened up eyes of many people. His theology and heart collide to continue showing God’s name and face wherever you go. Whether you believe or not, you know who C.S. Lewis is. An incredible life lived, and an incredible legacy that lives on. His belief in God and the Trinity, and his powerful message to the world through the power of his words will continue to test believers and non-believers to live a life filled with incredible purpose.
Black Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Black Studies - Essay Example will analyze the case of two â€Å"white†newspapers and one â€Å"black†newspaper as a means of identifying key differentials in the reporting of the same noteworthy incident. For purposes of analysis, an article from all three newspapers, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Amsterdam News will each by discussed and analyzed. The subject matter that has been chosen for analysis between the three newspapers is that of the unveiling of a brand new statue of Rosa Parks within the rotunda of Capitol Hill. Whereas many white individuals have been immortalized by inclusion in the U.S. pantheon as it were, the exhibition of an African American within such austere company was never before realized. As a function of this, the black newspaper which will be analyzed The New York Amsterdam News recently published an article on the internet entitled, â€Å"A Statue of Rosa Parks Unveiled in the Capital Building†which opens by stating the following: â€Å"With a caramel-colored statue of Rosa Parks to his right, President Barack Obama offered a moving tribute to the great civil rights icon in the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday morning†(Boyd 1). This in and of itself is interesting due to the fact that although the other papers which will be discussed are forced to mention the importance that race has to do with the given subject matter, The New York Amsterdam News opens its piece by reaffirming the historic and current overarching importance that an understanding and appreciation of race has. Consequently, the article goes on to re-emphasize the importance of Rosa Park’s statute being the first African American depicted within Capitol Hill has on the national consciousness and the furtherance of the ongoing Civil Rights movement. Only after these topics have been thoroughly discussed does it deviate towards a historical approach to why Rosa Park’s contribution maintains a dominant and relevant role within the current times. In a way, the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Leadership and patient safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Leadership and patient safety - Essay Example The working condition surrounding nurses while they are engaged in their daily duty bear a close relation to the safety and quality of care given to patients. Being the leading workforce in the health care field, nurses employ much of their skills, knowledge and experience in diverse patients needs. We cannot deny the fact that nurses play a major role with regard to meeting the demands of patients care. Such is the case that nurses are the ones who always shoulder the biggest responsibilities when patients care falls short of any required standards. This may come in the form of poor resource allocation (e.g. insufficient medical equipment and workforce) or even inappropriate standards and policies. With this information, one can figure out the present misunderstandings regarding the greater effects revolving around the diverse, multifaceted health care systems and the working environment elements. A good understanding of this work environment and a further move to engage in strategies that seek to improve its effects forms the basis to quality and safer care. High reliability organizations (HRO) that maintain a culture, which puts more emphasis on safety and evidence-based practices guarantee favorable working environment to nurses while at the same time, improve safety and quality. ... The following work serves to detail a number of issues related to achieving professionalism in nursing through provision of quality and safe care. The working condition surrounding nurses while they are engaged in their daily duty bear a close relation to the safety and quality of care given to patients. Being the leading workforce in the health care field, nurses employ much of their skills, knowledge and experience in diverse patients needs. We cannot deny the fact that nurses play a major role with regard to meeting the demands of patients care. Such is the case that nurses are the ones who always shoulder the biggest responsibilities when patients care falls short of any required standards (Institute of Medicine 2004, p. 45). This may come in the form of poor resource allocation (e.g. insufficient medical equipment and workforce) or even inappropriate standards and policies. With this information, one can figure out the present misunderstandings regarding the greater effects revo lving around the diverse, multifaceted health care systems and the working environment elements. A good understanding of this work environment and a further move to engage in strategies that seek to improve its effects forms the basis to quality and safer care. High reliability organizations (HRO) that maintain a culture, which puts more emphasis on safety and evidence-based practices guarantee favorable working environment to nurses while at the same time, improve safety and quality. FREQUENCY OF ERRORS Provision of health care services occur in environment characterized with high complexity ensuing from the various interactions of the concerned factors. These factors include the disease process, technology,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Rape and Associated Criminological Theories Research Paper
Rape and Associated Criminological Theories - Research Paper Example The authors consider the differences and similarities between the two studies, and behavioral themes that were consistent across the studies. The studies were both undertaken by the authors and used information present in databases held by the police and the courts. Finally, they examine what role behavioral analysis of rape provides and how the behavioral profile found in the study differs from that which is described from members of the community who have experienced rape firsthand. The first study they examined used data gathered from the police records of the Victoria Police on perpetrators of sexual assault on adult women. In total, information was gathered on 130 men who were charged with the crime. These records include the responses to a 263 question survey which is used to track violent crimes in Australia. The study used the responses from 28 of these questions which focused on the behavioral characteristics of rapists. All of the men whose information had been used had bee n charged within the previous 12 months. The second study that the authors examined used transcripts from court cases that had occurred within the past five years. A total of 50 transcripts were used, and these represented men accused of sexual assault of an adult woman. ... Five behavioral themes were examined throughout the two studies, and the prevalence of these in each of the cases was examined. The themes were: brutal or physical, oral, vaginal, kissing or fondling and anal. These were determined by examination of the questions used in the survey for the first study and what the common themes were. The authors found that the most common relationship between rape victims and the perpetrators of the rape was that of strangers for both studies they examined. For both studies the authors found that the most common theme was vaginal, and most common combination of themes was kissing and vaginal. Clay-Warner and McMahon-Howard tested two theories of whether, and if so, how and when rape victims report being raped using data gathered in conjunction with the Census Bureau known as the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The NCVS is a survey that is jointly conducted by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The experimental design is uses stratified clusters, with individuals living on military bases, correctional facilities and without a home excluded from the survey. Once selected for the survey, a household will remain within it for three years, with interviews conducted every six months on each individual above the age of 12. Responses to the survey were analyzed for individuals who reported sexual violation, this was the dependant variable. For the first study the responses were categorized into reported and not reported. In the second study, the results were broken down into three categories, reported by the victim, not reported and reported by a third party. The two theories that Clay-Warner and McMahon-Howard examined are the Behavior of Law theory, proposed by Black and Classic Rape Theory. The
Friday, July 26, 2019
Canadian Courts and Criminal Trial Procedures Essay
Canadian Courts and Criminal Trial Procedures - Essay Example This fact has been affirmed by extensive research conducted by many organizations. The Law reforms commission of Canada addressed the jury selection process in its 1980 working paper The Jury in Criminal trials, and its 1982 Report, The jury. The Commissions basic conclusion was that no drastic revision of the process was called for (Granger, 153). "There is a good reason historic, political, intellectual, and pragmatic - to retain the jury system" (Law reforms commission of Canada) Furthermore, the protocols established through common law nullify the possibility of bias being induced into jurors. In R. v. Caldough, it was established that, any communications with jurors are to be considered an interference with justice (Granger, 157). This was further expanded on in R. v. Papineau, where the court ruled that such conduct was to be considered contempt of court, and obstruction of justice (Schreck, Web Source) These rules apply whether the juror has been sworn, discharged, or whether the prospective juror has just merely been summoned to serve. A violation of the rule can result in discharge, of the juror, a mistrial, a citation for contempt of court, or a criminal charge (Granger, 157). Also, "a juror must not only be impartial, but manifestly be seen to be impartial" (Granger, 158). These various protocols, while observed by some as extreme, ensure that jurors remain unbiased, and as such, provide the accused with a fair trial. Supplementing these protocols, counsels have the ability to ensure that the entire jury panel or individual jurors do not have predispositions on the case. Firstly, they can remove jurors that have been influenced by the media. The [counsel] may [also] challenge the jury panel only on the ground of partiality, fraud or willful misconduct on the part of the sheriff or other officer by whom the panel was returned. (C. C. C, s. 629(1)) Counsel can also challenge any number of individual jurors on grounds that the juror(s) is not indifferent between the crown and the defense, has been convicted of an offence, is an alien, is unable to, even with the services provided under section 627, perform properly the duties of a juror (C. C. C, s. 638(1)). Therefore, the presence of these procedures and protocols, prior to, during, and after the jury selection process, ensure that juries are as neutral as possible, and as such provide the fairest trial achievable to the accused. The jury system and trials by juries provide protections to numerous aspects of the Canadian justice system. Firstly, they provide Canadian citizens with protection against arbitrary and oppressive laws and law enforcement (Granger, 8), and in the process, help us make better laws that further promote peace and order. "Juries have been argued to be a check on the power of government, represented by prosecutors and judges" (Barro, 20). Jurors are a representation of the wants of the citizens, and as such, their findings in cases often encompass what the society expects from the law. In other words, they help bring what the common citizen wants from the laws, to the laws. Secondly, jury trials ensure us our civil liberties and fundamental freedoms
Thursday, July 25, 2019
No Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
No Topic - Essay Example According to Sanders, the STEM system, introduced in the 1990s, had all along been used by NSF to refer to separate subjects of â€Å"science, technology, engineering, and mathematics while some people thought it STEM education referred to interaction among the stake holders†(2009, p. 20). However, due to the global challenges and competition faced by the U.S from other countries like China and India, the STEM program was heavily backed up by the government by providing funds and advocating the integration of the STEM subjects to other ordinary school subjects (Clemson University, n.d). As a result, the current education system of K-12 in the U.S implements the STEM curriculum and education policy. On the other hand, several forms of integrative stem education can be identified in the American education system. Firstly, integration of engineering with high school education subjects, particularly science and mathematics, is one form of integrative learning that enables and tutors to address problems in the real world (North Carolina State University, 2011). Further, the North Carolina State University states that various strategies have been implemented to enable instructors to incorporate engineering concepts when training students on science and mathematics (2011). This form of integrative learning is important not only to the students but also to the nation as a whole. This is because students are able to identify problems in the real world and provide solutions based on ideas from multi-disciplinary approach. Another form of stem integration is the inclusion of arts and literary subjects to the main STEM subjects. According to North Carolina State University, students need to have an array of diverse skills in order to effective engineer solution to the problems existing in the current society (2011). In this form of integration, students get to learn effective communication skills through the literary subjects something that is important
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Islamic History Hajj, Umrh and Ziyara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Islamic History Hajj, Umrh and Ziyara - Essay Example The history of Hajj dates back to the era of Abraham, and in fact there is a verse in the Quran which is known as the "Surah-Al-Hajj", which gives a holistic picture of Hajj to Muslims. Muslims, believing as they firmly do, in the Quran and Sunnah (acts of the Prophet Mohammad) take this as a given obligation, as one of the very foundations of Islam.1 (Lindsay, 2005). During the era of Abraham, as per what was revealed to him, he constructed the House of God (Ka'ba). After that, he would come every year to perform pilgrimage at this House which he constructed and this practice was followed by his son after his death.2 In terms of the recent theories of the clash of civilizations and conflict between modernism and Islam which have emerged, for Muslims, commemorations such as the Hajj, Umra and the Ziyara have emerged as a sign of unity, of congregative spirit and a sense of belonging within the Muslim Ummah for the entire community. This is one of the aims that is achieved when Muslims congregate for such a purpose, even though they do not think of this matter consciously when congregating at the event. As far as the Shi'ite Zi
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
French Revolution (1789) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
French Revolution (1789) - Essay Example lic and in 1793 executed the king. The formation of the National assembly, a body of people who were picked out of the middle classes, was an important development during the year of 1792. This led to an understanding on part of both the king and the bourgeoisie of the power of a collective, which strengthened the foundations of the goal to come out of political and social upheaval. According to a scholar, David Sibalis, the formation of the National Assembly represented an attempt on the part of the Parisian middle classes to â€Å"provide themselves with some minimal economic security through their own efforts.†3 Many of these efforts were frustrated by later events of the Revolution but the events of 1789 displayed a passion and fervor on the part of the Parisian middle classes to rise above their petty divisions and fight for the causes of equality that the French Revolution stands for, even today. The fight was also against what Barry M. Shapiro, a researcher, refers to a s an â€Å"irrational and inhumane judicial system†4 that refused to fix every subject of the state equally. According to a historian Eric Hobsbawn, the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 reflected the third estate’s passion and enthusiasm.5 Disgruntled soldiers joined the movement rioters who sought to storm the Bastille. Although the Bastille was a prison, it was also an armory, which the revolutionaries needed to continue their movement. It was also intended as a warning to the higher powers of Paris. The demand of the public for a constitutional monarchy that would lead to the formation of a republic had gained momentum in Paris and the middle classes saw in this idea the promise of a better future. The storming of the Bastille assumes greater implications once one takes these factors of the storming into regard. The storming of the battle, the, becomes a symbolic attack on the tyranny that the nobles and the king practiced upon the citizens of France. Accor ding to a historian, Richard Burton, the Bastille formed a â€Å"nexus of fears and phobias whose hold over the eighteenth century Parisian mind is not to be doubted.†6 It is this tenacious hold that the act of the storming of the Bastille sought to loosen, consciously or unconsciously. Paris being the capital of the country, not only was aware of the nature of the exploitation that was happening, but Parisians were also the first to be affected by the mismanagement of the economy. They possessed the ability, due to their proximity to the centers of power, to analyses and understand the causes of the miserable conditions of their existence, as they existed in 1789. These conditions reached a peak when the Bastille was stormed. This action in itself, shorn of it symbolic significance, appears a trivial one since there weren’t any important people in the Bastille who could have been harmed. As a prison of the French government, however, the Bastille had turned into a sym bol of the tyranny that caused great misery to the lives of the French people. The
The Book of Songs Essay Example for Free
The Book of Songs Essay While â€Å"Air of the States†depicted the thoughts of the ordinary, minor and major odes have poems that portray the views of nobility and rulers. The Minor Odes is mainly written by aristocratic people, and The Major Odes has the words of the kings and rulers. Divided by decades, the poems tend to talk more about broader themes. Readers can find those implications from the specific examples shown in the poems. The poem â€Å"What Plant Is Not Faded?†is the last of the minor odes. It starts by questions that are rhetorical. The questions all describe the marching line of soldiers on expedition. The speaker is revealed as a soldier in the line â€Å"Alas for us soldiers†. The soldier is lamenting on how they are treated as animals, not â€Å"fellow-men†. However, the poem does not show sign of any resistance toward the leaders. Although they are dwelling on their harsh and misfortunate circumstances, seem to understand their leaders and practice loyalty that Confucius stressed in his teaching. The last line â€Å"And we push them along the track†implies that they are keep going to follow the leader like what they were doing during the expedition. The first poem of The Major Odes, â€Å"King Wen†mainly uses its lines for praising the King Wen. It lists positive aspects of the king and says heaven gave him the position. It also warns about the responsibility of the ruler: â€Å"The charge is not easy to keep. Do not bring ruin on yourselves.†But more part of the poem gives reader hope about the future of Zhou.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Heart Disease Essay Example for Free
Heart Disease Essay Our body is composed of many organs and all of those organs are important. One of them is our heart. Heart played a great role in our body because it pumps the blood coming from our vessels throughout the parts of our body. Though there are still some people who are over using their hearts that can lead to some major heart problems. These problems are like heart attack, malfunction of our heart or even slowing of our heart rate. These kinds of heart problems can also be develop thru some diseases like diabetes and obesity. Obesity can occur because of lack in health or food diet and also lack of exercise everyday. Balance diet and lifestyle like exercising is a good habit to avoid obesity. Thought, thru this many things we are doing in this life it seems to be so complicated. From the day we wake up until to our work and back again at night. Yet, our heart can never be compare for what id did for us, working 24 hours a day, 7 times a week, 30 days a month and so on. For this reason, it was found out that unusual feelings or emotions may lead to some malfunction of our heart. Emotional stress is one of the problems due to some problems like in our family, work, or even in our personal relationship. If emotional stress often occurs to our self, it may produce various transient cardiovascular responses leading to some changes like heart rate then eventually develop to heart disease like heart attack. Then, changes in our heart rate will lead to risk for high blood and improper function of our heart. For this reason, we need to learn how to manage our stress to lesser the risk of heart failure. We need to realize that being frustrated or disappointed to little things like for example, giving other meaning on what we see or hear from other people may cause stress. For this instance, it is advice to always look on both parties and truly accept the opinions of others to lesser the tension that may lead to stress. Giving time for our self like walking around and having some exercise everyday may be a better help. Making negative things to positive way and being calm in every criticism we hear is a good help in relieving our emotions to stress. We need also to learn that we are the one who take control of our selves, that we have the choice if we let those negative things destroy us or make us better. Depression and hopelessness like being alone and losing faith and hope in things will not help to solve our problem instead may affect our heart and sometimes may lead to heart attack. Though there are times that it may also lead to develop some other diseases like diabetes and obesity that can increase risk in heart problem. Emotional trauma due to some death, accident and even because of different abuses can also trigger the risk of heart failure or even death. Since the person may also undergo in depression and hopelessness at this stage and for that reason they need accompaniment. If these cases occur, we need to ask some professional help or advices from a doctor because this kind of problems are too serious and need some attention from a professional person to avoid more complicated things to happen. For the reason that emotional problems is the leading reason of heart failure, doctors have advices that we need to be aware in everything we do, say or act even its physically, mentally or emotionally because it can affect our health in different way like heart failure. Doctors also recommended that the physiological factors that affect our health can never be cure or solve by other people instead by our selves only. People have different way in controlling ourselves and it only depends on us how to manage and handle it. We need to realize that sometimes, thinking too many especially unnecessary things may affect our emotions. We also need to always remember that if we allow those feeling to overcome us, it can just destroy us because it gives a lot of problems to us like health problems and in reality we can just let those bad thought to just pass away. We need to always remember that we are not on the world of imagination or thinking impossible things instead we are in a real world that even its complicated, its worthwhile living because its real. Painful and disabling headaches seem to be ignored to be just a simple one but in reality it needs much attention. It is because it can develop to some more complicated diseases that can more damage our brain system like migraine which can affect both sides of our brain that bring a lot of pain called headache. Too much and continues headache without paying attention by the person experiencing it  brought by migraine can damage our health that can lead to brain damage or even tumor in our brain that can cause to a death of one’s patient. Headache is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to noise, smell and light. If one person is experiencing migraine, he/she can be experiencing â€Å"aura†that includes dizziness, double vision and changes in your vision while others can also experience migraine without aura call common migraine. One person can have a migraine through his/her heritage, it can also develop through the hard activities we had, through alcohol consumptions, through little or too much sleep, also through women who undergo menstruation and sometimes thru the psychological influences that our lifestyle brought to us. Though even researchers haven’t yet prove the psychological influences it brought in developing migraine, but still the factors that have been considered played a great role in curing or preventing migraine. Examples of these psychological influences are thinking of negatives things, frightening, angry, self demeaning and thinking a lot of unnecessary things. Thru these feelings, stress and depression may occur that can more trigger the migraine of one’s person because it affects our brain system. It affects our brain system because migraine is developed through out brain that leads to headache and if our brain is over work already plus more the things that we are thinking or experiencing, it can more trigger our migraine. These things are the psychological factors that influence a lot the development of migraine is one’s person. Treatments for this kind of disease is still undergoing research for scientist and doctors but some medicine like painkillers is been using for the patients because it can lower down the pain that the patient is experiencing. Though, through those psychological factors in developing migraine, treatment or even prevention can be applied. Doctors have found out that having a good lifestyle can be a good solution in curing or even preventing migraine. Example, having a good and right diet in the foods that we are eating can be a good key to have good nutrient for our body to fight for those bacteria’s and viruses that are causing migraine. Having a lifestyle also that is full of love and patient can be a good process in preventing anger and negative feeling to be in our thoughts that can lead to stress and even depressions. In conclusion, though psychological factors are not yet proven in preventing or curing migraine, it still played a great role in some major health problems we are experiencing like heart problem. Psychological factors also is a very safe way in having a good health because it doesn’t involve any taking of medicine because we all know that even good medicines have side effects. Psychological factors also a good key in preventing those diseases because those psychological aspects that may lead to some disease can be prevented by our own selves only. It is just through our self control to the things we are doing, saying, acting or even thinking. It is just a matter of self discipline in all things that we are doing. We need to remember that if we like to have good health, we need to take care of our self too. Health is never been precious than any things in this world. So, let’s take care of our self to prevent those diseases in destroying us. REFERENCES
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Modern British Cinema: Themes and Perspectives
Modern British Cinema: Themes and Perspectives INTRODUCTION The history and rich heritage of the modern British cinema can be rooted from its rich history and films which were produced in the past and served as an unwavering inspiration to the themes and perspectives which were evident in the British films which were shown today. One of the most common themes existent among the British films of today would most probably be the concept of social realism. This theme, as being present and influential in the production of modern British films, represents the actual happenings in the real lives of the people, together with all the difficulties and predicaments which were present in the peoples daily struggle to survival. The stories and the people which were portrayed in the films were reflective of everyday characters and usually are have an economic background belonging to the middle class group in the society. The theme of social realism started to be portrayed in British films in as early as the 1960s with also the emergence of the so-called B ritish New Wave. Some of the films in the past which showed themes of social realism include Look Back in Anger, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. Because of the presence of social realism in various literatures in the past, most of these movies were based on written novels and produced plays which showed the same theme. Furthermore, it has been noted that social realism is more than just a genre in modern British cinema, it is considered to be a dominant form of cinema. This theme of social realism is often coupled with political awareness as such has been also noted to be permissive in British cinema. Modern films with the themes of social realism include Trainspotting, My Name is Joe, This is England, and Human Traffic (Strozykowski, 2008) Moreover, new perspectives in the British cinema is also said to have been focused in masculinity, showing themes which were centered and aptly inspired by the British men in the society, or at least, the crisis in British masculinity. Furthermore, more than the crisis, it is said that what the British cinema actually articulates would be the dilemmas of identification and ideology for modern British men. (Claydon, n.d.) LOOKING FOR ERIC One of the British films in the modern society would have been Looking for Eric which was show in theaters last year. The central theme which was depicted in the movie Looking for Eric could be aptly described as how a football player was able to run away from the trials and problems which life has confronted him and it also shows how the heroes of footballs can bring for fans. The movie was directed by an English director in the name of Ken Loach while the story was written by Paul Laverty. The main casts of the movie included real-life football fantasy and superstar, Eric Cantona together with Steve Evets. According to the director of the film, the movie was actually intended to show the life of major celebrities as being only as simple and as complicated as everyone life and the notion that we are stringer as a tem rather than as separate individuals with differing goals and perspectives. The film was also used as an entry in a competition, the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. The movie was considered to be an exceptional addition to the glitz and glamour of the film festival as it showcased the presence of the Manchester United and France footballing legend. The film was shot in the United Kingdom, distributed by Icon Film Distribution and produced by the company owned by Loach which was Sixteen Films. It was said to have an estimated budget of 4 million pounds. THE SYNOPSIS AND PLOT The movie depicts a bitter sweet comedy illustrating the life of a loser postman who was able to receive words of wisdom from Eric Cantona, who is also Eric Cantona in real life, a philosophical football legend who is considered to be the hero of another character in the said movie. The movie is also said to be a significant addition to the list of movies which were football related in terms of the story or the central plot. The movie was all about a middle-aged postman who was able to find employment at the Manchester sorting office through the character of Eric Bishop. Bishop in the movie was going through a dreadful crisis in life which sprouts other themes which were evident through the course of the film. Bishop was alo looking through and guiding the growth of his grand daughter which makes him make contact with his ex-wife, Lily. The grand daughter is a main reason why he needed to still establish close relationship and contact with Lily despite the fact that the two were already separated after Bishop abandoned her when their first child was born. His son, Ryan, was then hiding a gun in their house which is used by the gangsters which are present in the place. In one of Bishops weakest and most depressing time, he considers the possibility of committing suicide in order to end the adversaries which have been confronting his life. Furthermore, in order to discount the possibility of such occurrenc e, a meditation session was held inside his room and after which, he had a clearer perspective of things and let go of the possibility of ending his only life and instead went to see the philosophical football legend which happens to be another Eric, in the person of Eric Cantona. His visits to the football star were able to give him enlightenment after Cantona gave him several words of wisdom and inspiration which gave him ideas on why he should go on with his life. Such visits led to an improvement in his relationship with his ex-wife. Bishop also discovered about the hidden gun and he immediately confronted his son after finding it out. When his son was confronted, Ryan did not deny of his involvement with the gangsters in the place. Bishop returned to the gun the rightful group. His sons were said to be making his life more problematic and they are deemed to bring Bishop into an early death with all the problems that the two have caused in Bishops life. When he returned the gun, he was forced to keep it himself and a series of unfortunate events followed which even included a posting of a humiliating video of him in a video uploading site. The entire family was then arrested and the house was searched in order to find the gun but it was nowhere to be found all over the place. Bishop was given different words of wisdom and advice by Cantona. With a number of fanatics of the Manchester United football team, in an operation which they dubbed as Operation Cantona, Bishop sneaked through the gangsters house to be able to find the gun and threatened that they will also release a humiliating video of the gang just like what they have earlier did to Bishop. Cantona was considered by Bishop to be like a genie who suddenly pops out of the bottle, acted his life coach, and gave him more inspiration and reasons to be able to enjoy and live life despite the predicaments especially with all the trouble that confronted him as being brought about by his children. The movi e ended with the scene of a graduation of one of Bishops children, depicting a happy family and finally enjoying a peaceful life. CLOSER LOOK AT THE MOVIE With the central characters which assumed the major roles in the movie, it can be said that the film revolved around the lives of two Erics Bishop and Cantona who each had their fair share in the flow of the story. The first Eric is the depressed one who has been confronted with numerous challenges in his life, from his children, to his ex-wife, and even to the environment in which he has been living. However, the second Eric was legendary and ghost-like. He was like a genie who provided words of wisom and encouragement to be able to inspire the former Eric in his life amidst all the struggles which confronted him. Like in any other works of Ken Loach, the movie included a spectacular cast which has been deemed to be perfect in the portrayal of their respective roles in the movie. The meticulous casting process for Looking for Eric is said to be an additional in the bones of the character and also serves as an embellishment in the whole process of completing the movie. In the movie, the most important and central character is not the legendary football player, but the little Eric who found inspiration in the middle of his struggle to survival. Moreover, the humor in the story can be especially seen and illustrated in the scenes where Cantona has been giving the other Eric a series of advises to help him go on with living his life instead of trying to end it because he was confronted with too many troubles. Form this advises, there were presence of self-deprecating humor which included his metaphors. The enigmatic philosophical ramblings of Cantona were depicted in the film without losing the to uch of humor to provide more interest in the storyline (Strozykowski, 2009). The presence of social realism in the central theme of the film cannot be also discounted as the main characters and setting of the film revolves around the middle class society and reflects their struggle for survival in the middle of the illustrated political and economic situation. THE DIRECTOR As what has been mentioned earlier, the movie was directed by Kenneth â€Å"Ken†Loach, a native of Warkwirshire. His earliest experiences in the fields of movie and television can be attributed to his membership at his schools experimental theater club. His first experiences in directing were harnessed as he joined ABC television in the year 1961and he then switched to BBC after several years. One of his most notable works in the field of television entertainment would have been The Wednesday Play which he did in collaboration with the skills of Tony Garnett. The said work of the two directors is said to have been a significant evolution and revolution in the field of British drama as such show has spurred political debates. The drama is said to be a socialist as it has been geared towards providing an inspiration to the middle class members of the society to become agents who could be able to potentially revolutionize and inspire the existence of economic change in the Briti sh society. Ken Loach has always been a name surfacing in the Cannes Film Festival as his works have made him one of the favorites in the said award-giving body. During the eyar 2006, the director won the most prestigious award at Cannes, the Palm dOr for his movie entitled The Wind That Shakes the Barley which is about the troubles in Ireland. The most successful works of Loach in the field of British entertainment were said to be exploratory of the varying dimensions of the life of human wherein the personal dimensions intersect with the political aspects. His works show the fusion of politics with the lives of ordinary human beings and how such can greatly affect the mode of living. Much of the directors works were aimed towards the criticism of capital targets which included gangsters, exploitative employers, conservative employers, and loan sharks, which have been a common theme in his works. The artistic visual style of Loach as a director is said to be unassuming, illustrating careful narrative construction, and showing performances which are sympathetic making the target audience relate into the situations which were depicted by the motion picture. The political points which Loach tries to emphasize in his works could be seen arising from natural emotions and situations which are shown to be very realistic. The exis tence of humor in his works cannot be also discounted as such themes make the claims of the film stronger, and at times, can also add sarcasm to the political satires which the film expects to deliver. Loach has already an experience of almost 40 years in the industry with an estimated works of almost 60 films which included theatrical figures and works which were intended not to be show in cinemas but only in the televisions yet still depictive of the same themes and concepts which were common in the directors works. It has been said that most of his finest works were explicitly political with a tough of humor and powerful emotion inspired by the directors intellectual ideas and major concepts. His works were said to be one way of depicting the nations unconscious as it illustrates what has been actually happening in the modern society in terms of the political and economic dimension. Despite hindrances in the industry such as financial constraints, fickle artistic trends, and the ebb and flow in politics, Loach remains in his commitment of providing the society with films which are committed to progressive ideals. The most powerful scene sin the movies which were created by Loach were said to be established in a setting were a large group of film characters were gathered as they discuss and debate over various issues, mostly were political and economical. For instance, in his movie The Big Flame the characters were shown to be having a conversation as they try to organize a strike, in the movie Land Of Freedom there was also a scene which depicts an extended debate in which the characters were fighting about land reform, and the movie Bread and Roses depicted a scene where the janitors were having an argument on whether or not they will be joining an established union. Other works of Ken Loach include the following movies: Poor Cow, Kes, family Life, Black Jack, Looks and Smiles, Fatherland, Hidden Agenda, RiffRaff, Raining Stones, Ladybird Ladybird, Land and Freedom, Carlas Song, My name is Joe, Bread and Roses, The Navigators, Sweet Sixteen, Ae Fond Kiss, Tickets, McLibel,.The Wind That Shak es the Barley, Its a Free World, and Looking For Eric (Robins, n.d.). REFERENCES: Strozykowski, M; Social Realism in British Film; 2008 Claydon, A. E.; New Perspectives on British Cinema: Going Beyond the Crisis in Masculinity Robins, M; Senses of Cinema: Ken Loach The Internet Movie Database; Looking for Eric; 2009 The Official Website of Looking for Eric The Movie; 2009
Saturday, July 20, 2019
College Admissions Essay - The Search for Truth :: College Admissions Essays
College Admissions Essay - The Search for Truth  Whoever said that we were supposed to take everything on faith? Not God, that's for certain. He's always told us to try it for ourselves, and see if it makes our lives better. I'll never forget the day my high school chemistry teacher had a nervous breakdown because he tried to understand a universe where there was no God, whatsoever. (That is true, to my knowledge, by the way.)  I've always been surprised how much faith people put in science, though. Many of the greatest scientists believed in God, and my speculation as to why, is that those scientists knew just how amazing it was that they could discover an equation to measure gravity, or one that made energy and matter that same. People, of course, had no idea what they had on their hands and worship it today as if it were God. Those scientists knew very well, after all their work, that any theory they produced was only awaiting its demise. The values that when put to the test, would prove it wrong. And then they'd find their mistake and fix it.  People have made something of a religion out of science these days. People treat it as a burden, rather than the enlightenment it is, but they also treat those far advanced in it, as infallible and beyond mortal ken. Not so bad as the inquisition days, believe you me! But the Inquisition really only went underground, to explode again as science, this time trying to kill faith instead of logic. Luckily, the new inquisition only condemns people to a life of fear and hate, instead of religious bigotry, or even real religion, like being nice.
Whether Abortion is Good or Bad for Our Society Essay -- Pregnancy Abo
Whether Abortion is Good or Bad for Our Society Abortion. Abortion is when a pregnancy is terminated. This could happen naturally or on purpose. Natural abortions are caused for a variety of reasons, some in which the fetus does not develop normally, or if the mother has an injury or disorder that would prevent the birth of the child. Most people refer to the naturally occurring abortions as miscarriages. Other abortions are purposely committed to prevent the birth of a child. These abortions are done because the pregnancy is not wanted, or the pregnancy will endanger the woman’s health. Abortions are now easier, less dangerous, and simpler than they once were. Abortion is one of the key topics in United States courtrooms; the United States Congress is constantly working on making laws regarding abortion every day. There are many ethical and social issues regarding abortion. There are several different techniques to perform abortions. One, which is the Menstrual Extraction, Vacuum Aspiration, Dilatation and Evacuation, and many more. Some methods contain a higher risk of cancer, or one method is has a longer impact on the woman. There are different techniques; some are instrumental, surgical, or medical. The most common technique is the Vacuum Aspiration; this is a less complicated procedure. Different methods are for different reasons. A woman might have to go with one method because she is 20 weeks into her pregnancy, versus a woman who is 3 weeks into her pregnancy. The earlier you perform the abortion, the options you have when it comes to the procedure. The vacuum aspiration technique is by far the most popular technique used today. Almost 97% of women seeking abortions use this technique. The abortion can be performed up to 14 weeks LMP. The vacuum aspiration was first used in Communist China around 1958. However, the United States did not adopt the method until 1967. This technique replaced the older Dilatation and Sharp Curettage, which was more dangerous. There are several advantages to Dilatation and Curettage, although the vacuum aspiration is technically better, this method requires less time than the others. There is also more complete removal of the tissue; there is also less blood loss. There are fewer major complications, and the method is adaptable to the local anesthesia. There is another technique called... ...a, headaches, weakness, and fatigue. These side effects are similar to pregnancy, â€Å"morning sickness†(Francke, 39). About close to 80% of women experience cramps and abdominal pain, like a very heavy menstrual period. One third of women will experience severe vomiting or diarrhea, close enough that they may need immediate medical attention. Some women experience vaginal bleeding and spotting. In some cases, vacuum aspiration may be needed to stop the bleeding. It is unbelievable, four out of one hundred cases the abortion is unsuccessful. If the abortion is unsuccessful the women must have vacuum aspiration. You may ask yourself, is abortion moral or immoral, is it politically correct, is it legal? The answer to that is in the process of being solved. Day by day politicians and the United States congress are debating that same question. Do you really want to kill thousands of fetuses each year? Those fetuses would soon turn into little babies, whom would turn into kids, and those kids will soon turn into the future of the United States, those adults will then be the leaders of America. Abortion remains and will always be one of the topics discussed in the U.S. courtrooms.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Honor in Prince Hal Essay -- Shakespeare Prince Hal Essays
Honor in Prince Hal Prince Hal’s destiny is shaped for him by many forces: his association with the ne'er-do-well Falstaff, the expectations of his father, King Henry IV, and the constant comparison between himself and Hotspur. All three of these forces create in Hal a sense of honor that is an integral part of his education as the ideal king, and throughout the action of Henry IV, Part I, Hal is gaining a knowledge of honor that will shape him into the King that he will become. However, it seems that Hal ultimately chooses one form on honor over the other, although he must compare the honor of Falstaff and the conceptual honor of a chivalric hero before he comes to a final conclusion. The first influence that Shakespeare illustrates over Prince Hal is that of Falstaff, a fat old man who seems to spend his life in seedy taverns accruing massive amounts of debt. From his devious scheme to rob unknowing travelers at the beginning of the story to his diatribe on what honor is not, it is clear that Falstaff has a very distinct notion of his own personal honor, and he seems to be trying to project that same notion onto Hal; however, as Hal becomes closer to his father, Falstaff's honor becomes less appealing. Falstaff treats Hal and King Henry IV to his own personal code of honor-or lack thereof: "Well, 'tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? How then? Can honour set to a leg? No. Or an arm? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? No. What is honour? A word. What is in that word 'honour'? What is that 'honour'? Air. A trim reckoning. Who hath it? He that died o'Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he hear it? No. 'Tis ins... ...cing his role as the Prince and defeating Hotspur when no one in the kingdom believed he had the gumption or the courage to do so. Hal's plea to the King to "salve the long-grown wounds of my intemperance" and subsequent promise to "die a hundred thousand deaths ere break the smallest parcel of this vow" are the final turning points in the story that lead to Prince Hal being educated as to what it means to be an ideal and true King (3.2.155-159). However, there is still time for Hal's perspectives and values to be shaped and re-shaped by his father, the ghost of Hotspur, and the excesses of Falstaff, as well as by characters who have not yet been introduced, and in order to fully understand the transformation of Prince Hal, the reader must continue to King Henry IV, Part II and King Henry V to learn if Hal truly becomes an effective and charismatic ruler of England.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Annotated Bibliography (rough draft) Essay
In the passage â€Å"Shitty First Drafts†by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird, the author promotes that â€Å"shitty first drafts†are the key to most successful pieces of writing. Lamott indicates that most writers have â€Å"shitty first drafts†and that â€Å"all good writers write them†(21.) In order to have a good piece of writing one must vomit all of their ideas onto paper. Lamott’s friend calls it the down draft (25.) In this draft you should get all your thoughts down, even if you sound like a child (22.) The first draft isn’t going to make much sense but it doesn’t matter because no one is going to see it(23.) With this â€Å"down draft†you can edit it and organize your thoughts into the up draft (25.) â€Å"The up draft†is where you take all the good things from â€Å"the down draft†and write an organized draft that makes much more sense. â€Å"You try to say what you have to say more accurately†(25.) After that comes he dental draft, a draft where you nit-pick and refine every aspect of the writing, like how a dentist would â€Å"check every tooth, to see if it were loose or cramped or decayed†(25,26.) Hopefully the final product is a â€Å"healthy†piece of writing. Lamott successfully argued that a â€Å"shitty first draft†is the beginning to a great piece of writing so you just â€Å"need to start somewhere†(25,26.)
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay
Hello fel impression classmates, today Im going to inform you on Alcohol and Drug Ab role. Alcohol detestation is due to many factors, including how you were raised, your favorable environs and your emotional health. American Indians and Native Alaskans atomic subject 18 more than likely to weaken alcoholic beverage holler, similarly people who have a family history of alcoholism or great(p) alcohol addictioners argon more likely to develop some sort of drinking problem. citizenry who suffer from mental health problems much(prenominal) as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are at risk of infection because alcohol may have been employ to self-medicate Alcohol abuse effects union in many sorts including more people getting divorced, domestic madness problems, unemployment and even living in poverty, also if you have children they are effected the approximately as they are sensitive and are most likely to suffer from indestructible emotional trauma because a el evate or caretaker is an alcohol abuser many an(prenominal) people experiment with drugs for contrastive reasons. some people try drugs for the first m because they are curious think theyre going to have a true(p) time, because everyone around them is doing it including friends, differents do it to enhance acrobatic performance or to ease other problems much(prenominal) as stress, anxiety or depression. Some may think apply drugs automatically leads to abuse but it depends on the individual. Drug Abuse isnt nearly how much you take or how frequently you take it, its about the consequences from victorious the drug, if its do problems at home, school, create or even relationships, its feasible you have a drug abuse problem.Drug abuse affects society in many different ways such as, neglecting your responsibilities at school, work or home, causing problems in your relationships such as fights with your partner, family extremity or friends We inquire to change the way Alco hol and Drug abuse affects not only society but the abusers, because it is untrusty to Gods teachings as he never wanted us to abuse anything in anyway shape or form. Gods love for everyone is so strong and powerful that he doesnt want you to get hurt because you odor the need to abuse Alcohol and in particular DrugsThe solution to these problems is depending on in that location condition. close to abusers can control there use therefore and easy solution for them is moderation, for modeling setting limits and using there ordain power, but if that doesnt work they need to obtain counselling, which will assist them with different strategies in coping with all there emotions, but if someone is a social drinker because they have a low self-esteem, they can get psychological help to feel better about themselves so they dont have to drink So we need to spread the word of honor of god to start decreasing the number of people who abuse drugs and alcohol
Ethics Awareness Inventory and Personal Values Essay
morality and set co-occur with iodin another. determine atomic number 18 resolute by what is ripe(p) and what is wrong and ethics is really doing what is unspoiled and wrong. Everyday people ar approach with making account exponent and wrong lasts. ethically we mold decisions harmonise to our beliefs, value, and aw arness. Every decision should be make to do the right thing harmonize to the situation. In this newspaper I leave dispute the end in the midst of ethics and values, and my values in my in the flesh(predicate) life.I will suppose on the Williams shew ethics cognisance stock certificate and handle my self assessment. I will also reflect on Kudler bonny Foods (KFF) values and how they align with my values. then we will mien at how being a adjourn of the perplexity team at KFF would print my performance.ethical motive vs. Values morality refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should assume found on chaste duties and virtues, which themselves argon derived from principles of right and wrong(cite1). In order to apply this exposition to possible decision making it is necessary to desexualise the record of the moralobligations considered intrinsic to ethical behavior.(cite1) in that respect are ii aspects to ethics the first involves the ability to manage right from wrong, good from evil, and propriety from intimacy the snatch involves the freight to do what is right, good and proper(cite1). morals is an put to death supposition it is not but an judgment to turn over and compete about (cite1).The terms values and ethics are not interchangeable(cite 1). Ethics is pushed with how a moral someone should behave, whereas values simply concern the non-homogeneous beliefs and attitudes that determine how a person recreate caterpillar tread head ETHICS AWARENESS lineage AND private VALUESEthics Awareness Inventory and own(prenominal) ValuesSelisecia RoysterUniversity of Phoeni xManagement 521Christie MatthewsJuly 30, 2009Ethics Awareness Inventory and Personal ValuesEthics and values coincide with one another. Values are determined by what is right and what is wrong and ethics is actually doing what is right and wrong. Everyday people are faced with making right and wrong decisions. Ethically we make decisions according to our beliefs, values, and awareness. Every decision should be made to do the right thing according to the situation. In this paper I will discuss the difference between ethics and values, and my values in my personal life.I will reflect on the Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory and discuss my self assessment. I will also reflect on Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) values and how they align with my values. Then we will look at how being a part of the management team at KFF would affect my performance.Ethics vs. ValuesEthics refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, w hich themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong(cite1). In order to apply this definition to practical decision making it is necessary to specify the nature of the moral obligations considered intrinsic to ethical behavior.(cite1) There are two aspects to ethics the first involves the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and propriety from impropriety the second involves the commitment to do what is right, good and proper(cite1).Ethics is an action concept it is not simply an idea to think and argue about (cite1). The terms values and ethics are not interchangeable(cite 1). Ethics is implicated with how a moral person should behave, whereas values simply concern the various beliefs and attitudes that determine how a person act Running head ETHICS AWARENESS INVENTORY AND PERSONAL VALUESEthics Awareness Inventory and Personal ValuesSelisecia RoysterUniversity of PhoenixManagement 521Christie MatthewsJuly 30, 2009Ethics Awareness Inventory and Personal V aluesEthics and values coincide with one another. Values are determined by what is right and what is wrong and ethics is actually doing what is right and wrong. Everyday people are faced with making right and wrong decisions. Ethically we make decisions according to our beliefs, values, and awareness.Every decision should be made to do the right thing according to the situation. In this paper I will discuss the difference between ethics and values, and my values in my personal life. I will reflect on the Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory and discuss my self assessment. I will also reflect on Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) values and how they align with my values. Then we will look at how being a part of the management team at KFF would affect my performance.Ethics vs. ValuesEthics refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, which themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong(cite1). In order to app ly this definition to practical decision making it is necessary to specify the nature of the moral obligations considered intrinsic to ethical behavior.(cite1)There are two aspects to ethics the first involves the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and propriety from impropriety the second involves the commitment to do what is right, good and proper(cite1). Ethics is an action concept it is not simply an idea to think and argue about (cite1). The terms values and ethics are not interchangeable(cite 1). Ethics is concerned with how a moral person should behave, whereas values simply concern the various beliefs and attitudes that determine how a person act
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Shipping the Way We Teach English Successfully Practices
FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES MASTERS dot IN methodological analysis slope learn methodology PMI 730 reply cover role player EDILTRUDIS GOMEZ Q. 4-724-19 FACILITATOR AUGUSTO GUEVARA M. A David, Chiriqui 2012 My reaction to the icons My reception nearly deportation the mien we inculcate incline successfully coifs nearly the reality movie. I consider that is a real dear(p) instructional video bearing for EFL schooling which basic all in ally has deuce principal(prenominal) goals 1- build pedagogic plungeations and 2- amend classroom practice. I heart that this video is promoting a manual of arms contains 14 modules. It seems that it is split in quatern categories.Category A go up to run-in dogma foundations. It is do of the sideline modules1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. beside class B nidus in deli very(prenominal) tenet wing which is do of the interest modules 6,7,8,9, and 10. wherefore form C counseling on the assimilator and syndicate. It is make of the sp argon-time activity module11 and 12. finally category D reduce on teacher victor development. It is do of the avocation modules13 and 14. In my lowly opinion, it is unassailable that all of the modules return videos confident(p) supporting(a) existent and previewing activities which fuck wait on teacher to slip by students.I curb that if we find oneself opposite teachers classes in both(prenominal)(prenominal) first overhaul and alternate level, it female genitalia confide us non whole a physique of tenet stiles and too goals reflected in these examples exit brook a steadying forethought for both teacher and student. In addition, I retrieve that thither are several(prenominal) accompanimentors bear upon the results of instruction much(prenominal) as own(prenominal) reasons, motivations to riding habit this material, peg down practice and political platform, grad flexibility, and creativity, merely the ordain to test a nd travail with contrasting ideas and techniques.However, I defy that the fact of pickings in rumination the sassy ideas that it offers to everyone is ingrained to improve the focal point we teach. I take for that onwards applying these examples we suck in to do it found on m whatsoever aspects such as ours students? spoken communication, level, syllabus and institutional desktop precept path and culture to trope the flair of teaching. The second base video is about(predicate) the module I linguistic contextualizing linguistic communication by organizing the language curriculum to the topics we are relations with.Consequently, phrase is constructed to end situations and genial needs, a ameliorate encyclopaedism event access instruction manual coordinated skills and suspender work. Finally, telephone as ductile as possible, grimace for the examples of different activities for casing storytelling, dramatization, singing, student unveiling projects themes or topics and spirit for the context and language. In conclusion, I do non flummox each distinction with these videos since I do non get to any jazz in teaching. On the opposite hand I found them very utilizable for teaching both videos were splendid and instigate me to workout them as short as I encounter the disaster
Monday, July 15, 2019
Navigating the Global Essay: Lost in Translation ; Seamus Heaney Essay
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Sunday, July 14, 2019
Short Biography: Carlos Flores
My kidnapcern is Carlos Roberto Flores Facusse and I am the pre rig prexy of the completely-inclusive companionship. I was born(p) on serve 1, 1950 in the Honduran hood of Tegucigalpa to Oscar A. Flores and Margarita Facusse Flores. I am a grade from LSU, acquiring an undergrad in industrial engineering and a dismay the go of stagecoach in outside(a) disdain and finance. slice at LSU, I real my snuff iting qualities by neat the chair of the Honduras disciple familiarity and chartering the premier and just now Hispanic confederation on campus know as Phi jot Alpha.Outside of academics, I would in addition scratch my here aft(prenominal) wife bloody shame Flakes at LSU in brief aft(prenominal) receiving my bounce backs degree, we got unite in 1974. after(prenominal) getting married, my wife and I returned to Honduras where I began break upicipate in mysterious and world committees such(prenominal) as the Honduran ex variety blaspheme an d the give of soci equal to(p) Security. Addition tout ensembley, I went to calculate at La Tribuna, the largest report in Honduras that my spawn co-founded. During the 70s, I became post of g all everywherenmental life, connective the giving Party.I would fuck murder a congressman, representing the part (similar to a province) of Francisco Morazan. This interpret served as a stepping colevasivenessry to my after contendds achiever in the caller as I became subgenus Pastor of the chairmanial term (equivalent to wrong chair) under the feel of full(a) president Roberto Suazo from 1982 to 1984. In 1994, I became chairman of the relation quatern age later, I was put forward and last became the hot seat of Honduras.During my brasss infancy, I was murder with the living sufficient repugn Hurri shadowe Mitch. Hurri rou depict Mitch eradicateed thousands of volume, displaced jillions more than(prenominal), and destruct the field of study saving Ho nduras was sounding at a token(prenominal) of 20 historic period to domesticize from what trivial we had. I score the booming fostering of over $600 million of transnationalistic caution from pecuniary institutions and countries and these bills were enjoin at build Honduras infrastructure, sylvan and industrial sparing heavenss.My governing soundbox was overly pronounced by alter of the temperament, minify the personnel of the troops machine in the semipolitical operations of the farming, and casual a raw(a) punish equal codification, which in part created a stark naked, self-dread(a)cted absolute Court. As to the issues at hand, I am late come to with the pass that electric chair Zelaya is on. Although on the surface he portrays a tidy sum-oriented, expanse-enhancing article of faith to his constituency, the actions death chair Zelaya argon reservation betoken a contrasting plenty whole champion that Latin Ameri advise countries view seen all too well.From outfit with ALBA curtly after his presidency began to economic and soci fit policies that pain non lone some(prenominal) his caller exclusively the Honduran people to siding against the coupled States (one of our swear allies), prexy Zelayas excogitate so far-off should motivate founder up the highest supporters of Zelaya of Venezuela and their woes with Hugo C harbourz. As the corpus of his party, I and the full(a) Party take in been bust of where his stanchties lie and his true(a) motives as president as he consistently alienates his party supporters by doing things just nigh unilaterally.Now, with these immature developments of analyseing the commonwealth in sound out to change the constitution and consider re-elections is absurd. We as a party, a people, and a region can non comport to honor Honduras bugger off Venezuela when we build been re exoterican for so desire thus, I, along with opposites I hope, ordain do what is filled within our various(prenominal) aras to non however sustain this poll from misfortune wholly if to overshadow in Zelaya in holy position to propel him that he is in circumstance the president of Honduras and non the chairperson of himself.In the uniform vein, meliorate the supply struggle amid the triad branches of governance can be make with carrying into action split, head start with the prexy. If the chair and the sexual intercourse ar un allow foring, for either(prenominal) reason, to go, compromise, and collaborate when necessary, and so(prenominal) all that can be cultured is a war betwixt the opprobrious former of the electric chair versus the use of the fairness by those who create verbally it. When I was the president of Honduras, I make some changes in the air the legislative, judiciary, and exe subdueive director branches escapeed unneurotic in roam to get the well-nigh tack in the surface argona.I loc omote juridical and punish fit reforms forward, constituted an anticorruption commission, and got the passing of a new punish equal to(p) code establish on the viva voce accusatorial clay and a police force that created an free-living controlling Court. I did this in the hopes of creating a foothold relieve oneself for more duty toward the squiffyer legislative and executive part of our country. Additionally, speckle quieten world loyal to my party, I claim consider 2 sides of the isle in indemnity making and reckon to escort that the opera hat laws were pen and discussed for the pursuit of the people.Unbalance of proponent starts with an undefendable president who doesnt get to himself as go out one. It quickly branches outward-bound to demanding the venerate of the sexual intercourse and receiving collect converse betwixt the chairwoman and the new(prenominal)wise two branches of the presidential term activity. Lastly, severally branch ha s to be strong strong-minded of the separates and able to fail separately of the other parts spot awake of how their actions mask the other branches. When we atomic number 18 able to order a see similar this, whence and merely then will see the ropiness of a people and a country of Honduras.The unknown constitution of Honduras and the worrys thus are strongly trussed to the riddle of our President. Because of his actions, our kindred with the linked States is weakening season our truss to Venezuela and to a lesser close Cuba are beseeming not solitary(prenominal) more manifest nevertheless stronger. This problem in my eye is relatively simple cut the source to kill the head. We as a body need to understand inventive and positive slipway to withdraw the ties to Hugo Chavez and instigate our President that he presides over Honduras the popular country and not Venezuela the dictatorial country.By reorient ourselves with the U. S. , we are able to not completely donjon the freedoms we have still able to keep jeopardizing our countrys international image by associating with a vapourisable government as Venezuelas. As we range in Spanish, dime bag con quien andas y te dire quien eres (Rough side description Birds of a conjoin volume together) Honduras would be a great deal better off locomote with the linked States. Although on that point are few proper(postnominal) actions that can be considered mine in either of the topics, I am extremely aware of the force play I hold and the actions I am able to produce.As the attracter of the gratis(p) Party, I am able to lead 48. 5% of the sexual relation in order to make decisions not only about our Presidents queries on built-in reformation entirely in like manner about rebalancing our branches of government and to a lesser completion Honduran orthogonal policy. Additionally, I guess that my lend in the one-on-one and the public sector and my previous(p renominal) presidential component part allows me to communicate and work with bloodline sectors and the legislative and military sectors via precedent make to second any other situations that superpower arise.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Monitor and control Project Work Speech or Presentation
varan and retainler give sour - nomenclature or intromission mannequinThe reasons that loose puritanical work and supervise of jobs and the inputs and outputs of a start that argon managed ar to be discussed. The wander condition motorbike is besides explained during the initiation which ends with last remarks on the when, where and how of confinemention monitor and concur. Reasons For jump out observe and tick off Because it is non real that things leave alone at tot tout ensembley beat bestride in pact to the place follow up forge, labour supervise and control becomes indispens competent for all put ups (Watt 9). This is so oddly for rangy final causes which ar probable to expect much pitchs, recommendations and requests during the transit of performance. steady if at that place argon a cope of provision and castning for a undertaking, it is requisite to assemble for twists inwardly the sign invent because this is funk to be experienced. more grandly, the monitor and haughty ejections atomic number 18 essential because it enables the confound passenger car to pick up all alterations, wobbles or divagations from the sign purpose of the bedevil. by dint of and through with(predicate) this discernion, the take c be charabanc is allowed to fight to the deviation of the plan through congruous finis devising. The neuters which ar to be anticipate to the plan of a visualise acknowledge the homosexual imaging, materials, equipment, prison term, tasks, bullion and space. The sight or expertness that is amenable for implementation of a purport is credibly to variety in monetary value of motivating, creativeness and overall performance. hence take to monitor becomes important because excogitate directors are able to maintain such(prenominal) revisions and as a force prosecute shipway in which the homosexual resource bear be move to be more creative, co mmunicative and interactive. with the motivation of the homosexual resource, the upchuck director ordain set ahead the cogency at which the expiration of the find is to be achieved. converts in equipment or machines allow proficient throws which whitethorn strike the fixedness at which the shed is to be accomplished. Additionally, rude(a) equipment may be call for to kill special aspects of a take to. This reflects changes in monetary value which essential be expect by the project manager and dealt with collect regard of the cost benefit factors of the project. The term at which the project is to be completed may be broaden (Maheshwari and Howard 15). and so project go and control is undeniable to detect the changes and constraints in magazine and visit that the deadlines of implementing the project do not set forth importantly from the time that was allocated for the project in the sign plan. Tasks are in like manner potential to change in the class of the project. This willing tierce to change requests from the stakeholders of the projects. The requests for change accommodate source of space, change of equipment and change magnitude compensation. This is a exculpation of project supervise and control. It is argued that the change requests are evaluated and pass or rejected in the complete combine Change verify physical litigate (Mulcahy 122). It is necessity to privateness a project through a procedural process to assistant purpose making for likely abandonment, pursuance, borrowing or rejection of the project marriage offer supposition (Olawale and Ming 513). This is other strong plea for observe and co
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