Monday, September 30, 2019
The Development of American Literature via American Book
The Development of American Literature via American Book Publishing Several influential factors have been important to the development of American authors and the literature produced in the 19th century. One of the more critical factors was the onset of Industrialized American book publishing. Before 1 820, printed media was generally manufactured and sold by way of printers, binders, and book dealers working separately (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker).In the years that allowed, American businessmen merged the processes and created successful publishing houses which created a need for the development of American literature. In the early sass, limited resources such as financial stability and viable transportation made publishing In the united States a less than profitable venture. The mid sass, however, generated technology that helped to dramatically increase profitability in the trade.Progressive methods of transportation such as the opening of the Erie Canal (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker) , inventions such as â€Å"stereotyping, the Ron press, the application of steam power, mechanical typecasting/ typesetting, and new methods of producing illustrations created a revolution in book production†that bred competition for Imported fiction (Encyclopedia Britannica). American publishers routinely and Illegally reproduced copies of British and European text. Rifting from readers who were eager for access to foreign fiction. Copyright laws didn't regulate imported texts; irresistible revenues inspired other companies to begin producing their own editions of popular imported literature. This practice of high profit piracy among American publishers was frustrating to American writers who needed an opportunity to prove their viability (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker). British and European authors were established In the American market and (obviously) weren't viewed as a financial risk.American authors were required to absorb the cost of printing and distribution. Innovative authors such as Washington Irving and James Finnier Cooper profited from this practice by arranging to keep a substantial percentage of the revenues. Others such as Henry Headwords Longfellow and Henry Melville purchased their own stereotype plates and rented them to publishers for royalties from printed copies. Authors who were successful In periodical publications now had an opportunity to publish books (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker).Changes to copyright laws forced illegal printing to become legitimate in its association with the international publishing industry. As federal regulations were being enforced, American publishers started to seek out original American text appropriate for publication (Ecuadorian). A marketplace that had been somewhat unavailable was now open to domestic writers. The Philadelphia born publishing house of M. Carrey and Sons was one of the first to promote American literature. Their Impressive list Finnier Cooper (The Last of the Musicians).In Boston, Tic king and Fields listed major American authors that included Nathaniel Hawthorne and his novel, The Scarlet Letter which began as a short story. With encouragement from Fields, Hawthorne expanded his story into an instant best-seller. As a promoter for the company's writers, Fields set a new standard for marketing American literature to the public by offering colorful posters (to bookstores) that advertised Ticking and Field's publications and by cleverly planting favorable reviews of the company's latest releases (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker).Field's methods of promotions and marketing demonstrated continued growth and interest in American literature. The introduction of the literary agent revolutionized the financial climate for publishers and authors. Because an important element in the agent's value to an author is his capacity to extract better terms than the author would for himself, it is not surprising that publishers have resented the intrusion into personal, and often friendl y relationships between themselves and their authors†(Encyclopedia Britannica).Professional representation meant higher royalties and advances for the writer, but it also meant a decrease in profit for the publisher. Although the use of agents wasn't a welcome practice in the publishing industry, representatives pressing for higher aments to writers may have been indirectly responsible for aggressive marketing and promotions that emerged in the early part of the 20th century (Gabbler-Hover, Steelmaker).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Benito Cereno by Herman Melville
In â€Å"Bà µnito Cà µrà µno†by Hà µrman Mà µlvillà µ, thà µ author offà µrs a warning about thà µ dangà µrs of slavà µry, and thà µ futurà µ problà µms slavà µry could causà µ Amà µrica. By tà µlling thà µ story of a slavà µ rà µvolt on a Spanish ship, Mà µlvillà µ shows how prà µjudicà µs affà µct a pà µrson’s pà µrcà µption of thà µ world around him. Through writing most of thà µ story from thà µ vià µwpoint of thà µ main charactà µr, Captain Amasa Dà µlano of Duxbury, Massachusà µtts, Mà µlvillà µ dà µmonstratà µs how prà µjudicà µs can limit onà µÃ¢â‚¬â„¢s pà µrspà µctivà µ and undà µrstanding.Although Captain Dà µlano is an honà µst and kind pà µrson, hà µ cannot pà µrcà µivà µ thà µ world rà µalistically bà µcausà µ hà µ bà µlià µvà µs that blacks arà µ nothing morà µ than propà µrty. Captain Dà µlano’s inability to rà µcognizà µ his prà µjudicà µs or to là µarn from his à µxpà µrià µncà µ in thà µ slavà µ rà µvolt makà µ him a symbol of what Mà µlvillà µ fà µars will happà µn to Amà µrica. Thà µ story opà µns in thà µ à µarly morning of August 1799, off thà µ coast of Chilà µ, aboard an Amà µrican sà µaling ship callà µd thà µ Bachà µlor’s Dà µlight and undà µr thà µ command of Captain Amasa Dà µlano.Mà µlvillà µ dà µscribà µs Dà µlano as a bà µnà µvolà µnt optimist who has a â€Å"singularly undistrustful good naturà µÃ¢â‚¬ and doà µs not likà µ to bà µlià µvà µ that man is capablà µ of à µvil. Howà µvà µr, Dà µlano is also dà µscribà µd as a blunt thinkà µr and a simplà µ man incapablà µ of irony. Whilà µ Dà µlano is dà µscribà µd as such a dà µfinità µ thinking pà µrson, Mà µlvillà µ dà µpicts thà µ morning as unclà µar and blurrà µd. Thà µ sà µa is fillà µd with a gray mist and thà µ color of thà µ sky, watà µr and birds all sà µÃ µm gray. Thus, thà µ rà µadà µr knows that thà µ indà µfinità µnà µss of thà µ day and its hazinà µss will confusà µ Dà µlano and prà µvà µnt him from sà µÃ µing clà µarly.Finally, thà µ prà µsà µncà µ of shadows adds furthà µr mystà µry to thà µ morning, which Mà µlvillà µ says, â€Å"forà µshadow dà µÃ µpà µr shadows to comà µ. †Thà µ oddnà µss of thà µ day continuà µd whà µn Dà µlano spottà µd a ship without a flag, which usually indicatà µd that it was a piratà µ ship. However, based upon how the ship was badly navigating the waters along the coast, Delano presumed that it was a ship in distress. As a result, he decided to take the whale boat to investigate and help those on board. While Delano advanced toward the ship, Melville gives the first hint of how Delano’s prejudices keep him from being able to perceive the world properly.As Delano rowed toward the ship, he could not grasp the fact that it was a ship he was moving toward because he saw Negroes on the deck. At t he time, Negroes usually did not walk freely on decks, but were locked in the holds as slaves. Delano made excuses and thought the ship was impossible things, such as a monastery because he thought the black figures on deck were friars dressed in black robes. His prejudices about blacks prevented him from seeing even just simple things, including ships, accurately.Upon boarding the ship, Delano found it and its crew in horrible shape. While it was a very large and one-time fine vessel, it had become a horrendous ship looking like a funeral carriage. Barnacles encrusted the hulls and rust covered its once-fine features. The ropes were woolly and not tarred, and like â€Å"mourning weeds†sea grass swept over the engraved name of the ship, San Dominick. Melville writes that Delano’s actions were an attempt to â€Å"ignore the symptoms, to get rid of the malady,†like someone trying forget about seasickness by walking around the ship.While Delano prepared to leave after his men brought back supplies, Delano invited Cereno to return with him to his ship, but Cereno refused. Delano was offended by Cereno’s rudeness and chose to leave the San Dominick as soon as possible. However, Cereno chased after Delano and then tightly held Delano’s hand until they reached the whale boat. As Delano’s whale boat started to leave, Cereno leaped into it. Delano grabbed Cereno’s throat thinking that Cereno was going to kill him. Babo also jumped into the boat, and tried to kill Cereno with a hidden dagger.Delano, thinking Babo was protecting his master, blocked Babo and put his foot on Babo’s throat. Suddenly, Delano understood what all of the events on the ship meant and the â€Å"scales dropped from his eyes†when he saw the other slaves trying to attack the whale boat. During the attack by Babo, the canvas covering the masthead at the front of the ship unwrapped revealing Alexandro Aranda’s skeleton. Delano an d Cereno escaped to the Bachelor’s Delight with Babo as a prisoner. On board the ship, Delano finally learned about the revolt.The revolt of the slaves was led by Babo and their objective was to get back to their homeland, Senegal. The slaves violently killed many of the Spanish sailors, and after killing Alexandro Aranda, they hung his skeleton at the front of the ship. The slaves used the skeleton to warn the sailors that they would â€Å"follow their leader†if the sailors did not follow orders. After Delano heard Cereno’s story, Delano offered to give his sailors part of the Spanish cargo if they gained control of the San Dominick. The sailors boarded the Spanish ship, and killed most of the slaves.After the attack, the American sailors brought the captured slaves to the Bachelor’s Delight and shackled them to the deck. During the voyage to Lima, Peru, the sailors stabbed, killed and poked some of the slaves with knives as revenge for the revolt. At t he court trial held when they arrived in Lima, Cereno testified at his deposition and explained what had occurred during the revolt. Many of the slaves were found guilty, including Babo who had never spoken again after his capture, even at his execution. Following the trial, Delano and Cereno had a final conversation together.Cereno was disappointed with Delano because he could not comprehend Cereno’s signs warning of him of danger on the ship. Delano told Cereno to forget about what happened that day because he had already forgotten about his own errors. Thus, Delano forgot and did not learn from the experience. Delano also asked Cereno what was casting a shadow on him, and Cereno replied that it was the Negro. Cereno left Lima to become a monk and died three months later. Delano’s prejudices and clouded perspective led him to misperceive the behavior of the slaves.He believed that whites were the better race and that blacks were a completely different species, like a nimals, describing the Negroes like dogs and the Negresses like cheetahs and doves. He also believed that Negroes made good servants because of their natural calm and simple and limited thinking. Thus, while Delano thought Babo was very weak and stupid because of his size and race, he believed he was a loyal servant. However, Babo was really a strong leader because he planned and led the slave revolt.Furthermore the sweet and loving Negresses were really the most vicious people on the ship because Cereno, in his deposition, said that they wanted to torture and kill all of the sailors. Even when Delano saw the slaves abuse and stab the white sailors, he believed they were actually docile because he had read a book about a tribe of docile wild Africans. Therefore, Delano’s prejudices made him unable to believe that the slaves could revolt against white sailors. Melville depicted the cycle of violence of slavery as a warning of what could happen to America if it did not change i ts beliefs.Slavery is based on violence and the belief that a certain group of people are not human because of their race. The stern-piece of the ship symbolizes the cycle of violence that causes slavery. Spain originally used this symbol to show its power over the world. It is also symbolic of the slaves when they revolted and took over the ship because they violently killed the sailors in order to hold them down. Finally, Delano completed the cycle when he captured Babo, copying the symbol in real life. Spain, a once-great power, never stopped the cycle of slavery, and by 1799, it was falling apart like the San Dominick.America, in 1799, was the new world power that Melville feared would become like Spain if it did not end slavery. Melville’s fears were correct since slavery was the main cause of the American Civil War. However, Melville’s warning about prejudice still applies even today. â€Å"Benito Cereno†is a very complex short story with a very important message about slavery. The story has many sophisticated and symbolic points. This story is recommended for people who enjoy sailing and studying about America’s views during the early 1800’s.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
For the US Gov. Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
For the US Gov. Exam - Essay Example g laws, can neither of them consist with the ends of society and government, which men would not quit the freedom of the state of nature for, and tie themselves up under, were it not to preserve their lives, liberties and fortunes; and by stated rules of right and property to secure their peace and quiet.†Thomas Paine (1997, 6), another figure whose influence on early American thinkers cannot be understated, warned in his pamphlet Common Sense â€Å"the king is not to be trusted without being looked after, or in other words, a thirst for absolute power is the natural disease of the monarchy.†With anti-monarchist influences like Locke and Paine, it’s not wonders that the architects of the American constitution constructed a political system that significantly limited the powers of the executive branch and instituted a number of difficult-to-navigate checks and balances. Much debate surrounded the exact role of the President during the early constitutional debates that followed the American Revolution. However, it was universally agreed upon that a strong separation of powers was needed. Much of the debate surrounded exactly how powerful, or how weak, the executive branch, headed by the President, was to be. The founders of the American constitution agreed (MacDonald, 1994, 126) â€Å"that safety and ordered liberty cannot exist without competent government and that government without an executive authority is no government at all.†Ultimately, the founders agreed on a concept that would create a natural and permanent tension between the President, the chief executive, and the members of Congress who were responsible for the legislation of the nation’s laws. They did this be ensuring that the new constitution contained (Thach, 1969, 70)â€Å"no constitutional legal barrier which Congress could not at pleasure cross.†This intuit ional strength that the founders granted Congress would significantly diminish the powers of the American executive, especially when
Friday, September 27, 2019
Philip Kotler's experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Philip Kotler's experience - Essay Example Depending on the market and product characteristics, the competition takes place at one of the product levels. Six levels of product hierarchy with relation to certain other products are described and few possible classifications of the products listed. A notion of product mix, or assortment, is introduced and defined as a combination of all the products offered by a particular market player to its customers. It is characterized by the width, length, and consistency. Product line decisions are important for the product strategy and should be based on product-line and market analysis, considering optimal product-line length and issues of modernization, featuring and pruning. The second part of the chapter is devoted to the brand and brand decisions. Brand is a complex symbol; it identifies certain products and distinguishes them from the competition in the mind of the customer and in the marketplace. Building brand identity is extremely important as it allows the company to increase the differentiation of its products and receive price premiums. Building brand identity requires decisions on the brand's name, logo, colors, tagline, and symbol. Brand strategy decision includes choice between functional, image and experiential brand, and brand development and repositioning. Packaging and labeling are also important parts of the overall product strategy. This chapter is devoted to the marketing and management of services. ... Services can be classified as equipment-based or people-based; requiring client's presence or not; targeting personal or business need; based on the type of the service provider. Four main characteristics of the services are intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. They influence significantly the development and implementation of the marketing strategies for the service firms and pose certain challenges. Marketing strategy elements for the services, besides traditional four Ps, include also people, physical evidence and process. Three main tasks the marketing of services should fulfill are differentiation of the offer from the competition, effective management of the service quality, and improving the employees' productivity. For goods-producing companies marketing of services is important while they sell not only the physical products but the product support services as well. The company should manage its product's life-cycle cost, and meet or exceed the customers' expectations. The offered services may be of several types: facilitating services (e.g. installation, financing, training), value-augmenting services (e.g. product warranties, trade-in allowances), postsale services (maintenance, repair etc.). The recent trends in the product support service include "service unbundling", accumulation of the maintenance services and outsourcing them to the third parties, increasing role of call centers and customer service representatives, and extended warranties. Chapter 16: Developing price strategies and programs This chapter looks in deep into price element of the marketing mix. It is of high importance
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Essay
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - Essay Example They needed to disprove men’s suspicions that they could be efficient workers. Men were surprised at the skills women were learning at such a fast rate that they were usually at a loss as to what orders to give them. Women were initially trained to the same standard as men, but employers eventually didn’t want to hire fully trained women because they received better pay, which upset the trained male workers, causing friction in the workplace. The government tried to remedy this problem by reducing the length of training courses for women, which inevitably resulted in the occurrence of work-based accidents among women. The government also entered into the ‘relaxation agreements’ with trade unionists, which stated that women could undertake men’s jobs as long as they were regarded as temporary and were paid the same as men. The predominantly male trade unions, therefore, initially looked like they truly wanted equal pay and equality for women, but in r eality, they were merely trying to protect the traditional working rights of men. Yet, when faced with discrimination, the majority of women continued to work hard to gain their superiors’ respect and often carried out their jobs to a higher standard than their male equivalents (Trueman, 2000). The new millennium has ushered overwhelming changes that call for the empowerment of men and women alike to contribute to globalization efforts. Women, in particular, have seen the change in their roles more dramatically than in the past centuries. The most salient change is their joining the workforce and even climbing up the hierarchy to positions in organizations that were previously reserved for men. However, sexual stereotypes passed on from generation to generation seem to dictate that women have no place in the workforce and their rightful place is at home, caring for their family. Thus, some work places may not be too accepting of the empowerment of women in employment and may strip them of their dignity to make them realize that they do not belong there. In the United Kingdom, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (amended 1986 and in the Employment Act 1989) makes it unlawful to discriminate in terms of gender who is offered the job; opportunities for promotion, transfer and training. (Equal Opportunities Management Guidelines, 2006). The Gender Equality Duty, which is included in the new law as of April 2007, requires public entities to remove sex discrimination and facilitate equality in all their services, policies, and employment and recruitment practices (Thompsons Solicitors, 2012). Presently, women now can occupy positions even in professions considered male-dominated. Many researchers try to prove that women are more responsible and hard working and can perform with more efficiency than their male counterparts. However, there appears to be a constant conflict between mutually beneficial relationships and contemporary situations, where males dominate t he social, political and professional spheres (Taylor, Kemeny, Reed, Bower, & Grunewald, 2000). Many women claim that they have fewer opportunities to succeed in their work than men do and have to exert greater effort in order to be promoted in their jobs. Men are more readily employed and more supported by their employers than women (Bergman, 2003). Research funded by the European Commission showed that generally women who work full-time, receive only three-fourths of the hourly earnings of men.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
TOYOTA IN THE BUSINESS WORLD Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
TOYOTA IN THE BUSINESS WORLD - Term Paper Example This has become possible through globalization which eliminated the barriers including finance so that the company could open up its way into the world market. Actually, Toyota has managed to achieve the top position in the world market owing to its successful approach of the market development and the accomplishment of the efficient management style. Toyota's first car matched American and European cars, like Dodge but these days Toyota produces its own unparalleled models on the groundwork of new technologies. The multinational giant in the beginning had its strategic functioning oriented on the international markets as the local, Japanese market was not able to physically consume the products produced by the company. According to Volti (2005) Toyota has its manufacturing and assembling plants for cars not only in countries like the US, Australia, South-Eastern Asia, the EU, but it has also entered markets of other countries like China, Argentina, Mexico, and others. Sakichi Toyoda, a productive inventor, instituted the Toyoda Automatic Loom Company. This company was based on his innovative designs. One of the innovative plans was licensed to a British company for 1 million yen with the money going towards the creation of the Toyota Motor Company ( accessed 9 November 2009). Between the years 1936 and 1943 only 1757 cars were produced out of which 1,404 sedans were produced and 353 phaetons. Actually Toyota had more success in producing their trucks and buses. The Toyota KB, a 4x4 was a two ton truck which was produced in 1941. Its loading capacity was 1.5 tons and it could go up to around 43 mph. ( accessed 9 November 2009). The Crown Toyotas' first luxury car was produced in the year 1955. This car was provided with a four cylinder, 1.5-liter engine and had a three-speed column shift. The luxury car was followed by the 1-liter Corona. Only about 700 cars per month were produced in 1955, 11,750 in 1958, and 50,000 per month in 1964(http://www.toyoland. com/history.html accessed 9 November 2009). In the year 1959 Toyota's first plant outside Japan that is in Brazil was instituted. From then on, Toyota observed an attitude of localizing both production and design of its products. The company believed that this would help them to build long-term kinships with local providers and local labor. Toyota has thus established a network of design and R&D facility in North America and Europe (http://www.toyoland. com/history.html accessed 9 November 2009). Market of Toyota To a considerable degree, the international market development of Toyota was achievable due to the development of globalization. This process involves the economic integration of countries, removal of financial obstructions between countries and the support of free trade. The production chain of Toyota has spread all over the world thus proving that Toyota is in fact a global company ( /toyota.htm retrieved 9 November 2009). On the other hand, in the modern years, Toyota has elaborated its existence in the world increasing its business in many countries. Several of these countries are third world countries and include Philippines, Venezuela, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Mexico and Argentina (Volti, 2005). Globalization
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Bauhaus Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Bauhaus Movement - Essay Example But in 1945 when the World War II had ended, a pattern of thinking particularly in arts and architecture began to emerge. This was known as the Bauhaus movement. The presence of eminent personalities from arts and architecture like Joseph Albers, Gropius and Mies who supported the movement was an evidence of the movement gaining acceptance by the people at that time. Every movement in history has gone through phases of controversies and criticisms. The Bauhaus movement too, was no such exception. There were obstructions as well as political interferences. But still the Bauhaus movement was successful in providing a direction to a newly incepted art form which was known as the abstract art (Craig, 2001). The Bauhaus movement laid the foundation stone for the art and architecture that was to be used throughout the 20th century The Bauhaus movement- inception During the initial decades of the twentieth century many chaos and destructions were seen. While at the political level socialism and democracy uprooted monarchy, at the scientific level machines and new technology brought in many changes. It was at this time that visual art fused with new ideas and creation emerged. This growing pattern manifested itself in the form of Expressionism (Ryan and Conver, 2003, pp.49-50). In Expressionism form of art, the person or the objects in context were removed using strong contour lines or bold colors. Around 1907, cubism emerged. Cubism was of two forms – analytical cubism that derived abstracts from living objects and synthetic cubism, which was more metaphorical of the two, emphasized on representing the essence of the object only. Cubism form of art led to the occurrence of several other art movements like the Dadaism, Futurism and the Bauhaus (Arntson, n.d, p.24). The background The name Bauhaus movement was coined from the name Bauhaus that was a German school of crafts and fine arts in Germany during 1919-1933. It was founded by the Walter Gropius who was a G erman architect in 1919. Post World War II, a movement known as the Bauhaus’s movement began that aimed at the liberation and exploration of American art and artists. Prior to that, much of the focus laid on the European form of art with little scope for their American counterparts The European artists were restricted in their expression of art and architecture. Bauhaus movement uprooted these restrictions and offered new arenas for them to explore. But still in its effort to bring in modernism and incorporate new ideas in its art and architecture it faced severe criticisms from both the public as well as the ruling government in those times. The Bauhaus movement occurred in two stages. It made its appearance during 1919-1936 and gained momentum during its second phase (Craig, 2001, p.112). The initial stage laid the foundation for the acceptance of new ideas .This was implicit from the fact that people from the Bauhaus School of Arts were brought in the country to teach and express their ideas. The second phase saw marked improvement over the first phase in the form of establishment of the renowned artist Joseph Albers at the Black Mountain College in North California and its acceptance of the Bauhaus ideology by the German artist Gropius and German American architect Mies (Craig, 2001, pp.35). The influence of de Stijl on the Bauhaus movement The de Stijl was a Dutch artistic movement that occurred in Netherlands. The Guggenheim museum’s article on the de Stijl stated that the de Stijl form of art focused on the usage of geometrical figures like the straight line, the square, the rectangle in asymmetrical combinations and using pure primary colors with black and white (Ryan and Conver, 2003, p.52). The Bauhaus move
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Ancient Americas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Ancient Americas - Essay Example In addition, it is well highlighted that the ancient Americas people had a wide range of backgrounds, values, attributes, and physical features as any other people of all cultures would have. After viewing scientific video in the field museum, we discovered that ancient Americas lived during the ice age. The environment of the ice age was harsh because most part of the earth was covered with spruce woodlands; lakes, glacier, marshes, sea levels were lower, and temperatures were cooler. Indigenous people solved the problem of survival by becoming hunters and gatherers because no crops would have grown on the glacier. In addition, it was clear from the video that they crafted finely Clovis and fishtail stone tools that were extremely vital in hunting and gathering. From the interactive food wall, we learned how creative and innovative indigenous people were as the climate and environment changed drastically, and many animals became nonexistent. Their innovative abilities were extremely critical when they were faced with food shortage because it resulted to inventing remarkable types of food. Invention of new food like domestication of maize and improving fishing among many other invention resulted to improvement in their diet and solving food shortage. In the field museum, the southwestern pottery illustrated characteristic of powerful leaders and characteristics of people of different societies. The wide range of ceramic of the southwestern offers a unique look at the societies’ spiritual, political, and daily lives of the indigenous people. In addition, the monuments were made for the leaders to make a meeting point for his followers, therefore, making them famous to their people. The pottery the indigenous people made are the ones that have been improved continuously to come up with the pottery we are making today. These shows that the potteries we make today have evolved from the potteries that were made by the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Five Trends that Will Shape the Global Luxury Market Essay
Five Trends that Will Shape the Global Luxury Market - Essay Example A watch is more than a timepiece and forms part of an individual’s appearance and jeweler. The watches have been made through careful craft as an integral allure of mechanical watches. The brands share a tradition and cultural prestige derived from centuries of innovation and expertise that is not readily reproduced. The design aesthetic is central to the selection of watches, but it requires cultural capital so as to make artistry worth the price tag. This dissertation explores how the art value of timepieces stirs up consumers to have a desire to purchase luxury watches, especially in reference to Cartier watches, which embrace art element and normally manifest a story behind them. The high reputation that Cartier enjoys can be linked to the art value of Cartier timepieces, especially owing to the history, meaning, and the story behind the Cartier watches collection. Cartier produces watches and jewelry that are typified by an understated, timeless style with a harmonious co mbination of personality and discretion, aristocratic touch, and elegance (Barrett 2000, p.349). Cartier watches also have other strengths dwelling on functionality and easy accessibility, which means that the products can be accessed by anyone across the globe (Barrett 2000, p.350). Cartier watches can be regarded as the ambassador of luxury owing to the high relation that the brand enjoys in prestige watch-making. Presently, Cartier brand is proud of its private collection comprised of collector watches, the company’s range of fine jeweler’s watches, its extravagant timepieces that perfectly embody the Cartier dream and sports and products that have won a place for the brand in history. On the other hand, Vacheron Constantin incorporates personality to the brand and human interaction. The products can be regarded as have an alluring packaging, intriguing ads, and its sensuous looking appearance.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Just like Helen Keller Essay Example for Free
Just like Helen Keller Essay Marketing new services that will enhance existing organizations must be carefully thought out and planned to be considered a needed addition to any organization. Companies which have been founded on principles of ethics and quality services, ensure that every additional service provided to the many existing services must meet the expectation of each customer that is serviced. Team B has begun to target the process of marketing the expansion of processing packages that are undeliverable within the Fed Ex organization. Instead of returning the packages to place of origination, or re-delivering packages after an additional delivery failure, a process specifically geared to contact the person for whom the package is meant, will be the newly planned addition to the existing services which Fed Ex provides. Learning Team B will focus on reviewing the existing organization, providing a more detailed description of our LT goals in this process, review the importance to our success in planning and executing the idea, provide a SWOTT analysis on the project, and will develop a marketing strategy in order to be successful with this new process. Providing a consumer friendly service will give Fed Ex further success in the industry of package delivery to all consumers; both within the U. S. and Internationally. In today’s fast paced, high competition and deadline driven environment millions of people turn to FedEx Corporation everyday to get packages to the desired destination because of the assurance and commitment behind the name. FedEx Corporation was built upon providing top of the line innovative solutions and it continues to be an crucial part of the FedEx the overall culture and business strategy. FedEx Corporations commitment has been an instrumental part in the overall development of products, ideas and services that have given FedEx’s customers the ability to grow their businesses around the world. What is known as FedEx Corporation today, was originally introduced in 1971 as FDX Corp, and since their inception has engineered the shipping and logistics industry and has set the mark over and repeatedly, for all others in the business to meet. Since its beginning, FedEx Corp has been seen in the public eye as a leader in the transportation and logistics industry. The FedEx Corporations ability to collectively work together through their different entities demonstrate the leadership and foresight of the trusted FedEx brand. It is this loyalty which brings customers to FedEx every day. â€Å"FedEx provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. FedEx Corporation offers integrated business applications through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. †(FedEx Corporation, 2009). With a marketplace that is always changing FedEx Corporation is always putting forth full effort to be on the forefront of technology and to bring new and innovative ideas to maximize their profits and customer choices. FedEx currently handles an â€Å"averaged 3. 4 million†a day and delivers to over 213 countries†(E-Logi, 2009). Even in a hard international economical time, many Customers are increasingly seeing the value of using FedEx to reach new markets, grow their businesses and cut inventory carrying costs. The global economy is expanding steadily, particularly the manufacturing sector, giving our business more opportunities to grow in the future. (FedEx Corporation, 2009). As one can tell FedEx Corporation is a trend setting and revolutionary business force which continues to be on the forefront of innovation due to its ability to focus on the customer, ability to make tough decisions and always absolutely positively delivering on its promises. Federal Express is a global leader in getting packages to consumers. Business consumers already enjoy services like a hold feature for important packages and documents. This service is designed for the organization that ships a large number of packages and documents to regular business partners or employees. Employees and partners can retrieve their package from the closest sorting facility by having a hold placed on any or all incoming packages. Federal Express notifies partners and employees via pre-recorded voice mail that their package is available for pickup at the location nearest them. The service that is being contemplated is a kiosk idea, where customers business or individuals can send packages or documents, as well as pick them up all in an automated system that is based on the needs of the consumer. Undelivered packages and documents will be retained with in the kiosk, and consumers can pickup their delivery. This will be offered in a few different manners. Customers can log into the web site and obtain a pin number for the package, or it can be e-mailed or an automated voice mail can be sent to a cell or land line telephone. Customers whom do not want deliveries to be sent to there place of residence can have the option to have this become their primary way of receiving anything shipped by Federal Express. People in a specific delivery area will have the ability to ship and receive their packages and documents using the same kiosk based on geographic and delivery area. The kiosk will be totally automated and open twenty four hours a day, based on customer needs. Marketing is defined as the strategy-allocating resources (time and money) in order to achieve the objectives of (a fair profit for supplying a good product or service). The economy uses tactics to get buyer’s attention in order to gain maximum success. â€Å"Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large†(American Marketing Association, 2008, p. 1). Marketing is vital to any organization in meeting the needs and wants of the consumers and if the marketing department is not focusing on meeting the needs of the consumers, stakeholders or vendors, the organization will not be successful. Marketing helps the organization develop a plan, collect data on the target population, examine and explore areas of the organization that will improve services to his or her customers in order to provide top quality services. FedEx marketing department has decided to explore the problem of holding customers package when they are not home to receive these packages. With the current system, customers can pick up their packages at the nearest Kinko’s FedEx store, but in order to know if the package is there for pick up, the customer would need a tracking number then have internet access to see if the package is there for pick up but many times, the package is not there before the driver finishes his or her route, therefore, FedEx has decided to incorporate a kiosk system. This system will create a faster tracking system and enhance the quality of service provided to the consumers, vendors and stakeholders. The marketing department will create services that would fit the lifestyles of the consumers, by understanding demographics, psychographics, cost and time in providing a new service as well as if the new service will be beneficial to the consumer. Without a clear understanding of the importance of marketing in the success or failure of the organization, misrepresentation of marketing can have consumers going to the competition because of getting their needs better met with faster turnaround services, better customer service and overall, top quality management. Strengths of reputation and organizational processes of Federal Express now known as, Fed Ex are what they have worked hard to create. Companies which have the focus of excellence usually have the proper organizational values in a progressive environment. Weaknesses within Fed Ex are between the past upper management decisions to categorize delivery drivers as independent instead of employees of Fed Ex. In 1998, 203 drivers filed a lawsuit against Fed Ex, citing they were paid as independent contractors instead of regular employees with benefits. (1) This class action suit would cause competitors to think Fed Ex has less sensitivity to employee requests for better benefits and more importantly working relationships within the company. Opportunities may present of growth within a company for in-house middle management and upper management. Promotions are readily available to the employee who shows they are working toward the growth of the company. Threats may be exhibited in ways which show habits that are representative of carelessness and lack of ethical behaviors of employees. Intrusion of thieves which may attempt to sabotage or rob delivery persons of packages delivered is another type of external threat. Any action which causes the inability to provide the services for which the company is known for may be categorized as a threat. Major mistakes, poor decision making skills, package losses, or failure to deliver on time are all errors which represent key threats to an established business such as Fed Ex. Of these threats they are known as internal and external threats. Trends may be what a company starts and is shown throughout the city, state or world as a mainstream guide for other companies in similar fields of service. Other companies may begin to show the public how a stable company works; as a level of standards. As a company which is known for delivery, productivity, quality improvement techniques and reputation, Fed Ex is a trend setter. Analysis of the plans of a package holding process will aid with deliveries that cannot be delivered after the second attempt. This is an opportunity for Fed Ex to stand out from among the other delivery services. Creating a personalized processed to contact the recipient until located will cut costs with returned item shipping, in addition to up-building of customer services. Marketing research can be a quantitative or qualitative process. Quantitative research would be conducting surveys to the consumers. Qualitative research includes focus groups and observational studies. The best marketing research approach for our service would be a qualitative approach. It is the less expensive approach and a more efficient way of getting feedback from the consumer for our particular service. Marketing research follows the guidelines of the scientific process. The research project for this particular process is a 24 hour automated Kiosk for Fed Ex customers to send and receive packages based on their own needs. The next step would be to collect primary and secondary data about the new Kiosk service. Then we can perform qualitative research by use of observational studies, by picking a sample of Fed Ex customers to test the new Kiosk service. From the observational studies, we can then compile the data on how the customers reacted to the new Kiosk service. Once we have all this data we can then summarize our findings and determine whether or not this idea is feasible for Fed Ex. The market research process leads us to our marketing strategy for the new Kiosk service. A good marketing strategy includes a target market and marketing mix. Our target market would be adults over the age of the 18, and our marketing mix would include the 4p’s: product, price, place and promotion. References American Marketing Association. (2008). Marketing definitions. Retrieved January 22, 2009 from http://www. seologic. com/ E-Logi (2009). E-longi. net FedEx corp. Retrieved January 6, 2009, from http://www. e-logi. net/index. php? ID=696 FedEx Corporation (2009). FedEx Corporation investor report. Retrieved January 5, 2009, from http://ir. fedex. com/releasedetail. cfm? ReleaseID=259392 http://www. fedexdriverslawsuit. com/ (1) Retrieved Feb. 8, 2008 http://www. fedex. com/Dropoff/start? locale=en_US Retrieved 2-7-09
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysing The Sustainability Of The London Olympics Environmental Sciences Essay
Analysing The Sustainability Of The London Olympics Environmental Sciences Essay The theme and heart of the Olympics and the Paralympic Games 2012 is sustainability. The sustainable approach will lead to long lasting environmental, social and economic benefits through regeneration and legacy (Pointer and Mercury, 2009). The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 was launched on 23 January 2007 to independently assure Londons 2012 pledge to host the sustainable Games. Source: The reason for London to host the 2012 Olympic Games was the sustainable aspect of the Games and the site. The London Olympic Games are set to make history on carbon reduction issues and is the first of its kind concerning the infrastructure and worldwide publicity of Games. The venue of the 2012 Games will be the two hundred and forty-six hectare Olympic Park in east London and the western edge of the Thames Gateway. East London is the most diverse and most deprived community in the UK, the idea behind the project was to regenerate the whole city. To clean and clear the Olympic Park, sustainable techniques were utilised to recycle and reuse ninety percent of the demolition material and eighty percent of soil on site. The government is putting their best effort to achieve short and long term goals. A good progress is being made in the area of sustainable design and construction to achieve energy efficiency. The Olympics committee have planned to minimise the environmental impact and have set a zero carbon policy for 2012. The organisations responsible for London 2012 Games are the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) to plan and stage the Games and the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) to build the venues and infrastructure for the Games. The London 2012 Olympic offers opportunities for London to improve infrastructure being environmentally sustainable. The London 2012 organising committee has developed a policy to set out the idea of sustainability, One Planet Living and has a plan to achieve these goals. The committee wants United Kingdom TO BE the worlds leading sporting nation, MAKE the Olympic Park a guide to sustainable living, TRANSFORM east London to a better place, INSPIRE young people to take part in social and cultural activities, DEMONSTRATE the country is a welcoming place to all. In 2006, few construction commitments were developed for the Olympics 2012. The committee wanted an integrated project team that works together to achieve the best possible outcomes and which includes designers, builders, architects, environmental analysts and sustainability developers to achieve designs that are innovative, creative and capable of meeting necessary objectives, using modern methods of construction, with the theme of sustainability and ensuring health and safety standards. The Olympics 2012 plan involves three main phases i.e. the preparation, event staging and building an ever lasting heritage. The 2012 games preparation involves design and construction of the Olympic Park and infrastructure, keeping sustainability the theme of the project, to create an influence on the construction techniques for the country as sustainability is a relatively new concept. The 2012 games must secure a legacy for the Olympic Park area and the UK to be a platform for sustainable regener ation programme. The important factor for the planning and construction is the sourcing of materials, waste management, construction impacts and benefits, employment and bio-diversity affects. Reducing Carbon footprint of Olympics I Energy The main key to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is the provision of renewable energy with high level of efficiency, the authorities want to produce clean energy wastes and sewage. The Olympic committee and the London development authority are setting a new energy recovery plant that uses waste to generate renewable energy, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The main concern for the games is the carbon footprint of permanent venues and the embodied energy of the structures for temporary venues. II Waste One of the issues is to eliminate and handle waste and try to reuse, recycle or compost it, it has been ensured that no waste arising during Olympics will be directly send to landfill. The recycled material will be used for food packaging systems to avoid contamination. Source: London 2012 sustainability plan III Water resource management The sustainability issue for the games includes provision of clean drinking water, recycling grey water, managing flood risks. This will be achieved by imposing water saving technologies, reducing demand of water and designing efficient landscape for the city. IV Air Quality Good air quality is a priority consideration for the games to ensure the best conditions for world athletes to compete in, the pollution will be reduced to a minimum during the games. V Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation is a part of the development of many 2012 venues, ensuring no significant adverse effect on habitats or species. VI Materials Selection of materials is a main part of the sustainable sourcing, the purpose and use is identified, keeping in mind the local source of the material, cost and value for money, its pay back time, environmental and social impacts and the scope to reuse or recycle. VII Transport The London 2012s sustainable transport schemes encourage people to travel to London venues by the sustainable modes public transport, walking or cycling and use of rail over air transport to minimise the carbon emissions and impacts on air quality generated by the transport. VIII Food The vision for the food during games is to provide diverse and good quality British food and drinks at affordable prices which will leave a strong, sustainable legacy for UK by nurturing commercial partnerships. VIII Health and Safety London 2012 is committed to promote healthy living among the workforce by provision of healthy food in the site canteens, auditing caterers on the park by Environmental Health Offices (EHOs), not allowing alcohol on the sites and delivering health and safety educational programme for children residing near the site. IX Equality and Diversity The London Olympics 2012 will raise job opportunities in London by 70,000 by 2012 (job volunteer London 2012), the community believes in equality among men, women, races and disabled people. The London Olympics 2012 have set five priority themes for sustainability. For change in climate issues, their aim is to minimise carbon footprint of Games and the development as a whole, which will be achieved by minimising embodied energy affects, optimising energy efficiency and use of renewable energy resources. The Olympics are trying to develop a waste management infrastructure reuse, reduce, recycle, compost and use waste to produce energy. The area hosting Olympics will be developed by physical, social and economic regeneration and by enhancing ecology of the venues to conserve nature. The Games and the legacy will promote a healthy lifestyle for British and make them aware of the sustainability aspects (London 2012 sustainability plan). The Olympics will provide a platform to solutions for developing infrastructure, energy and water resource management, transport, local food production, carbon mitigation and adaptation.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Robinson Jeffers Essay -- essays research papers
The Nature of Man by Robinson Jeffers Robinson Jeffers is one of the twentieth centuries most important and controversial poets. He, like others in history, has tried to give his opinion about life. Many poets in the twentieth century focused on issues affecting mankind, Jeffers is no exception. Most of his work was inspired by his surroundings. One’s environment is great source for poetic inspiration. Poets come and go, but their ideas are kept alive through their poems. Whether they are a hundred or ten years old, these poems hold ideas in them which are still interesting now as they were back then. It seems that poets are always passionate about their work. They should be, since it expresses who they are and what they believe in through writing. One tends to write about what one knows or feels one might know. Feelings control our mind and our mind controls our actions. How we feel can be determined by external forces. Sometimes, one lets emotions run wild which can cause our work to be accepted or rejected by o thers.      One must not worry about writing something which might cause a brush off by society. However, writings such as these can create a cold shoulder for one’s future work. Then again, poetry is used to express oneself. Society will only encourage radical behavior to continue and who knows, one’s ideas might generate a fan base. A poet cannot please everyone. There are some emotions which will be seen as pleasant ideas and some which will seem disrespectful. Poetry, that is controversial, seems to captivate an audience and it accomplishes one’s lofty goals. One’s courageous work commands respect, whether the reader agrees with the ideas or not. Poems are intended to force the audience to see one’s views. Though the reader’s views often contradict your own, the most important part is to make them consider new ideas and better understand the issues. Although, many of issues will never be understood.      Poets often tend to write openly about this. Man is involved with everything in this world. Mankind as a whole has progressed in knowledge and technology. In other areas, on the other hand, it has stayed the same or has gotten worst. Poets for centuries have written about man. Few, have written using facts. Yet more have written using their opinions. Thousands of books have been written about... ...rica’s intervention. â€Å"The squid, frightened and angry, shoots darkness out of her ink sac; the fighting destroyer throws out a smoke screen, and fighting governments produce lies.†Jeffers kept pushing his views of man stating that our race began to think as an adult does, rather than an egocentric baby. He also believed that man controlled the keys of unearthly violence. Claiming that Earth is too small to feed us and we must have room. Also, Jeffers was once quoted saying, â€Å"We use to be individuals, not populations. Breeding like rabbits, we hasten to meet the day.†(Birth and Death) In later poems, he began to wonder what was the best life for a man. Jeffers came to the conclusion that man should have never been born and the next best was to die young. (The Silent Shepherd) As his reputation fell, Jeffers began less on man. Jeffers expressed his contempt for human society, which he regarded as doomed by its own violence and depravity. With his unc ompromising reverence for nonhuman values and his World War II isolationism, Jeffers fell out of favor with the public. Even though still outspoken after the war, newly created patriotism in America did nothing but anger many Americans.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wuthering Heights :: essays research papers
Explore the role and function of the narrators in Wuthering Heights      Ellis Bell was criticised not only for the novel’s blasphemous nature and violent plot but a lack of conclusive moral. It seems freedom of expression was tolerated as long as the reader was left in no doubt of the righteous path. Bronte liberates the reader from this sense of duty and distinguishes her novel from its Victorian contemporaries. Helping to accomplish this task is her style of narration, being unusually structured in the concentric circles of Lockwood and Nelly Dean.      Lockwood descends on the Yorkshire moors, like the reader unaware of the turbulence that the ‘beautiful country’ conceals. I have read that Bronte’s original purpose of the book was to show Lockwood the meaning of love and her choice of name, ‘Lockwood’, implies a depth that is not on display nor easy to withdraw. (From this respect it is an ambitious novel for Emily Bronte to attempt as her life is from all accounts barren of much romantic attachment. Perhaps her impression of love mimics Isabella Linton’s adoration for a Byronic Heathcliff, an ideal never quite within reach.) Lockwood strikes me as a character who is much astonished by his own intelligence, he dilutes his account of the Heights with Latinate words and pompous expressions, ‘relaxed a little in the laconic style of chipping off his pronouns and auxiliary verbs’. Either this is an early indication of his arrogance, later confirmed by his unlikely fear that Catherine would regret a union with Hareton on observing how ‘tolerably attractive’ he was or possibly the ‘primitive’ nature of the Heights provokes him to use language that he associates with civilised society in order to feel comfortable in an evidently uneasy situation. If this be the case Bronte mocks the established politeness of introduction showing his language to be simply a faà §ade disguising his unsettled emotions. This language helps him to preserve his detached demeanour as only once is the reader given an insight to his insecure character. He relates an amusing incident in which a ‘goddess’ he professed to be in love with hinted at a reciprocation of feeling that unfortunately caused him to flee rabbit-like, rapidly lessening the warmth of his ‘glances’. This minor incident demonstrates his inability to handle complex emotions and in comparison to the forthcoming passion of Cathy and Heathcliff, Lockwood appears all the more sheltered. It is as though a distant relative of the Lintons has come to call.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Health Risk Assessment Bnt’s Story Essay
To die with dignity should be a given. Death will present itself to everyone eventually and presumably no one in their right mind would choose not to die with dignity. That being said why is it that so many people who would choose to die a good death are no allowed to. For some people no death is a good death, but that is silly because as everyone knows death is inevitable. No one can escape this fact. The controversy herein lies within the circumstances people who are suffering or lingering with a terminal illness that debilitates them such that they have no quality of life are not afforded the comfort of dying with dignity. It seems that this high merit is available to our beloved pets, but not our beloved family members. Aunt Bessie is forced to endure unrelenting pain from here incurable pancreatic cancer. No amount of pain medication is available to treat her pain and allow her to maintain consciousness. She knows her time is limited and she does not feel she should have to wait out the inevitable in such a terrible state. At the same time the family pet Bassett hound is found to have a mass in her intestines. She cannot eat and barely moves as she is in so much pain. The veterinarian has given the option of putting her to sleep or euthanizing her to put her out of her misery as she is suffering so. This sits well with most people. Aunt Bessie requesting euthanization though is out of the question. Why is the question that this paper will attempt to answer and why this is wrong will also be addressed? Euthanasia Defined Euthanasia can bring about different feelings to people depending on the context in which it is used. Mention that good old dog and it is good as they no longer suffering. Change the identity to a person and it is not so easily swallowed. No matter how it is interpreted the true meaning of the act is the same in either circumstance. â€Å"Originating from the Greek terms â€Å"eu†(happy or good) and â€Å"thanatos†(death), euthanasia means literally â€Å"happy death†or â€Å"good death. †(Le Baron Jr. , 1999). Breaking that definition down even further is subdivisions in the definition are voluntary/involuntary and active/passive: â€Å"Voluntary euthanasia is a death performed by another with the consent of the person being killed. Non-voluntary euthanasia is the provision of euthanasia to an incompetent person according to a surrogate’s decision. Involuntary euthanasia is euthanasia performed without a competent person’s consent. Passive euthanasia involves allowing a patient to die by removing her from artificial life support systems such as respirators and feeding tubes or simply discontinuing medical treatments necessary to sustain life. Active euthanasia, by contrast, involves positive steps to end the life of a patient, typically by lethal injection†[ (Le Baron Jr. 1999) ] Euthanasia brings tranquility to death. In euthanasia the suffering prior to death is limited and death is entered more peacefully as opposed to lingering with pain and suffering. Presumably most people would want to end their journey in life without pain and suffering. A more compassionate death is a more desirable death. However to know what euthanasia actually means requires more exploration into the depth of this term. Practical Problems Euthanasia can bring about bad feeling to some people. After all when the term is used it is in relationship to death. In our culture and to numerous people death or speaking about death is taboo. This is an unfortunate fact. What is most unfortunate is that death is inevitable and therefore discussion regarding it should be more open. Essentially the problem with euthanasia is this taboo associated with it. Ethically euthanasia is an appropriate and well warranted act of kindness and consideration. Support of euthanasia will be provided within the context of this paper, and the potential negative issues will also be brought up. Ethics Argument For The ethical principles that can justify euthanasia are many. This is because the premise of euthanasia is based upon the idea of caring. This idea of caring is inherent to most care givers and is the key principle in euthanasia. Such acts of caring resonates through theses ethical principles and frameworks: Respect of persons, Virtue ethics, Utilitarian, Rights based ethics and ethics of caring. These frameworks or principles although many will all show supportive qualities for euthanasia. Respect of Persons In respect of persons the support of euthanasia is found in that the principle here is that individuals are afforded autonomy and able to make their own decisions. When a person chooses not to suffer at the end of their life this is an autonomous decision. â€Å"Respect for persons generally means respecting a client’s autonomy†(Ethical Principles, 2011). That person in the eyes of this principle is just in making that call. The respect of person principle sustains this in its foundation. â€Å"The principle of respect for persons affirms the primary importance of allowing individuals to exercise their moral right of self determination. To violate their ability to be self-determining is to treat them as less than persons. (Bennette-Woods, 2001). Therefore, this principle is then supportive of euthanasia when decided upon by an individual. Virtue Ethics With the act of euthanasia people are seeking the good by allowing a good death. Suffering is not permitted to go on until death. Rather death is allowed to happen prior to a lengthy battle with pain and suffering. Virtue ethics is doing good and for the right reason. Forcing peop le to live with pain and suffering would not be characterized as good. So presumably then allowing for euthanization is good. Because it is done in response to alleviate further pain or suffering it satisfies the right reason aspect. In another view the dying patient is taking a virtuous stance. â€Å"Some dying patients consider it virtuous to spare friends and family the ordeal of witnessing a slow process of degeneration†(van Zyl, 2002, p. 19). This again satisfies the criteria for virtue ethics. Utilitarian In encompassing the utilitarian ethical frame work consideration must be made for the balance of the greatest good. Allowing a person to die a â€Å"good death†will promote the greatest happiness for both the person and for those remaining behind. Sure there will be unhappiness in that there is a loss with the person dying, but the greatest happiness will be in knowing that the person is no longer suffering and that the pain of their disease is not torturing them any longer. This satisfies part of the balance. The other part is on behalf of the individual who is suffering. There is much good in ending a life from pain and suffering. A â€Å"good death†is much more desirable then a death of unrelenting pain and suffering. Therefore the balance of the greater good is established here and the utilitarian frame work is established. Right Based Ethics The right to die is an inevitable right. â€Å"Advocates of euthanasia argue that people have a right to make their own decisions regarding death, and that euthanasia is intended to alleviate pain and suffering†. (Nargus, 2012) It is of the belief of many that all people hold this one true right. Dying is ultimate natural right. â€Å"The patient has the right to make the decision about when and how they should die, based on the principles of autonomy and self-determination†(Nargus, 2012). This alone substantiates the use of rights based ethics and upholds this as an ethical point for euthanasia. Ethics of Caring This is the final ethical stance that will be used to persuade the positive perspective of euthanasia. To care is the essence of this ethical principle. To care would be to not allow suffering with pain at the end of life. Compassion is a must in the ethics of caring and allowing pain and suffering to continue cannot be construed as compassionate. â€Å"The ethic of care demands that we maintain conditions under which caring can flourish†. (Bennette-Woods, 2001) How better to show a sense of caring then by stopping suffering, stopping pain and allowing for a good death. Ethics of caring is the basis for most nursing philosophies and can be equated to most nursing principles. Care is not just in the physical sense, but the emotional sense as well. Care is delivered when euthanasia is allowed. Ethics Argument Against The arguments proposing that euthanasia be allowed were provided and supported. Now a few counterarguments will be analyzed and provided. Kant’s original ethical framework intent was clearly against the use of euthanasia, but a newer vision of Kantian ethics could also be supportive of the act. However, the argument against it in this framework will be what is focused on. Nonmaleficence framework can also be argued against euthanasia. This theory bases itself on doing no harm and depending what is perceived as harm is how this argument can be made. Kantian Ethics â€Å"A moral action is one that is performed solely for the purpose of meeting a moral obligation, and the action itself can only be judged moral in light of the intention behind it†. If the intention produces death it cannot be a good intention. Death although now relieved of suffering is the outcome. With Kantian ethics the end result is not at question. The person no longer suffering perspective is not of any value. The point is euthanizing a person is morally wrong and the outcome (alleviating pain and suffering) has no bearing in the matter. This is why this argument was not used in the pros. The outcome has to matter. Nonmaleficence Ethics â€Å"The principle of Nonmaleficence states that we should act in ways that do not inflict evil or cause harm to others. In particular, we should not cause avoidable or intentional harm. (Bennette-Woods, 2001) While some people feel that causing an earlier death as with euthanasia is harmful not everyone shares this view. â€Å"Professional organizations have invoked professional obligations as an argument against support and participation in assisted suicide and euthanasia†. [ (Ersek, 2004) ]. For those that do this could certainly be understood as argument against euthanasia. However, for others the harm is noted in the continuance of a life of suffering. Catholic Moral Tradition Each human life is considered sacred and deserving of a right to life. This is the position that the Catholic moral tradition stands behind. According to the Roman Catholic perspective, we are not obliged to ward off death at all costs, but we should not deliberately intervene to bring death about (Euthanasia a Catholic Perspective, 1987)†. The church goes on to say that†the end of human life is not subject to a person’s free judgment†(Euthanasia a Catholic Perspective, 1987). This theory protests that as in birth; death can only be implemented by God. However, even the church has come to make exceptions or loop holes that allows for euthanasia to happen. In the double effect principle medication can be given in large doses to relieve pain. The patient will succumb to death as a result of this medication, and that is ok. As long as the intention is to relieve pain, not cause death the Catholic moral traditions is receptive to this. It seems as if the church has struggle d with this issue in the past and the best that they can deliver is this double effect doctrine. (This was actually developed in the 15th century). . Final Justification â€Å"A slow, painful, undignified death is a fate that most of us would not wish on our worst enemies†(Dyer, 1999) yet this fate are often offered to people, loved ones and family members. This categorically should not be. Euthanasia theories have been presented and supported both for and against the act. What it comes down to is how individuals understand things. Some religious factions are adamant that this act is strictly forbidden. This author does not share these views. There is no argument that it is wrong to kill someone. However, there has to be availabilities for exceptions. When an act is done for all the right reason it then becomes a just act. When a person is deemed terminal and is some way suffering then this would create such an â€Å"except†. This is only one of an infinite number of â€Å"except†possibilities. Each case presenting itself must be evaluated for its ethical morality. Evaluation can be accomplished by using the previous theories presented in favor of euthanasia. Should the case lend itself to these proposed theories then it is indeed a just act. Pets are not made to suffer a miserable final existence (associated with the love of them) neither should people. Loved ones, family, friend or foe no one deserves to die suffering when a good death is an option.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Pros and Cons Essay
Globalization can be defined as the increasing flow of products, people, money, and ideas across the globe. National economies are being swept into the global economy. One can thus think of globalization as rushing through four channels: †¢ Freer trade goods; †¢ Freer mobility of labor; †¢ Freer investment; and †¢ Freer communication, thanks to telecommunications and the Internet. Pros and Cons 1. Capitalism Free enterprise is now the dominant economic system in the world. China is very much capitalist and her late Communist Party leader Deng Xiaoping coined the slogan, â€Å"To get rich is glorious. †Only Cuba and North Korea are holding on to the central planning system of running the economy. Capitalism brings along free trade and the free flow of money across the earth. Countries belonging to the World Trade Organization are trying to bring down tariff barriers. Today, immense portfolio investments zip in and out of countries at the click of a mouse (Baylis & Smith, 2001). With free trade comes economic integration. It is possible to download an album of songs in the United States of America, turn it into CDs in Europe, print the cover and lyric sheet in France, and sell it in Asia. The greatest story of economic integration is the European Union, with its common currency, the euro (Brecher & Costello, 2004). 2. Information economy Another driving force is the knowledge economy. Land, labor and capital are bowing in importance to brain creativity. In the United Kingdom, over a three-year span, manual jobs dropped by 750,000, while professional jobs shot up by 1. 5 million (Brecher & Costello, 2004). 3. Mass Media The invention of the printing press helped scattered people become a national community. In the same way, the evening news is nurturing world’s community. The suffering in India and Indonesia are brought home through CNN. 4. Telecoms There is a global boom in telecommunications. A fourth of all Europeans, have mobile phones. The people in Finland gave the greatest access to cell phones at 417 for every 1,000 people (Brecher & Costello, 2004). Reference: 1. Baylis, John, and Smith, Steve, eds. The Globalization of World Politics. 2nd ed. , 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Brecher, Jeremy, and Costello, Tim. Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction from the Bottom Up. Boston, MA: South End Press, 2004. Radical critique of recent patterns of economic globalization.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Employment Law Compliance Plan Essay
I have researched several employment laws for Mr. Stonefield’s Landslide Limousine Company and there are four laws that I will outline for Mr. Stonefield to consider complying with in his new business venture. I will discuss in this memo the Civil Rights Act of 1964 regarding employment discrimination, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 regarding people with disabilities, Equal Pay Act of 1963 regarding wage discrimination between men and women, and lastly the Texas Minimum Wage Act regarding the least amount of an hourly wage payable in the state of Texas. I will give a brief summary of each of the four Acts and consequences for noncompliance. Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is regulated and enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). As a new business, if you receive any federally funded monies such as grants, assistance, or subsidies The Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to you. The EEOC â€Å"enforces laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age in hiring, promoting, firing, setting wages, testing, training, apprenticeship, and all other terms and conditions of employment†(The United States National Archives and Records Administration, n.d., para. 3). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful for employers to â€Å"fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions or privileges or employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin†(The United States National Archives an d Records Administration, n.d., para. 2). The Civil Rights Act has been expanded to include subsequent legislation. According to the United States Government Manual of 1998-99, â€Å"the EEOC enforces laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age in hiring, promoting, firing, setting wages, testing, training, apprenticeship, and all other terms and conditions of employment†(The United States National Archives and Records Administration, n.d., para. 3). Protected classes now include race, color, creed, sex, and age. As you can see, the spectrum of inclusion has been increased to protect the employee. Consequences for noncompliance Once a business has been found to be in violation of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 the penalties are substantial. Consequences for violating The Civil Rights Act can result in federal funding can be withdrawn for a specific time or terminated and monetary fines. Marion Shaub, a former Federal Express (FedEx) truck driver, sued her employer after she reported anti-female comments, hostility, and retaliation when she reported the incidents. The EEOC reports â€Å"The jury found Federal Express liable for a sex-based hostile work environment and retaliation and awarded Ms. Shaub $391,400 in back pay and front pay, $350,000 in compensatory damages for emotional pain and distress, and $2.5 million dollars in punitive damages†(United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC], 2004, para. 2). Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 â€Å"prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities†(United States Department of Labor [DOL], n.d., para. 1). The ADA requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees that have disabilities or may have accessibility requirements to be able to use public accommodations. Under the ADA, disabilities include physical and mental conditions with varying degrees of severity. A few examples are deafness, blindness, missing limbs, epilepsy, cancer, and mental retardation. The Department of Labor provides assistance with the ADA but four federal agencies are responsible for enforcing the ADA. Those four agencies are the EEOC, The Department of Transportation (DOT), The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and The Department of Justice (DOJ). Consequences for noncompliance As with The Civil Rights Act of 1964, withdrawal and termination of federal funds is possible of companies that violate The ADA. One example is Bates v. United Parcel Service (UPS). This particular case brought against UPS brought to issue â€Å"the hearing standard that is part of the DOT physical†(Case Law Find Law, 2015, para. 9). The plaintiffs contended that even with a hearing disability and not passing the DOT hearing test they were still able to operate vehicles that were below the required gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10, 001 pounds. UPS agreed to pay $5.8 million and to create a program that was implemented nationally throughout UPS. Equal Pay Act of 1963 The Equal Pay Act of 1963 states, â€Å"Employers may not pay unequal wages to men and women who perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment†(Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM], 2015, para. 2). What this means is that men and women are to be given equal pay for doing the same types of work however, the work does not have to be exactly the same but equal, within the same employer. Skill, effort, responsibility, working conditions, and establishment are factors that employers must keep in mind when paying wages to men and women doing similar jobs in similar work environments. Wage differences can exists when merit, seniority, or any other factor exists as long as it is not a person’s gender. When there are wage differences the burden of proof falls on the employer to prove why the difference exists. Consequences of noncompliance Corning Glass Works violated the Equal Pay Act by paying male employees who work a night inspection shift a higher wage than females doing the same inspections during the day inspection shift. Corning Glass also tried to correct this by opening up the night inspection shift to women and implemented a unionized shift differential to equalize pay however, employee employed prior to the changes continued to receive higher wages continuing to create a difference in pay. The Secretary of Labor brought the charges against Corning to collect back wages for the women who had been violated. Texas Minimum Wage Act The Texas Minimum Wage Act (TMWA) provides information about rights and duties for both employees and employers. The TMWA establishes the minimum wage at $7.25, requires employers to provide a written statement of an employee’s earnings, outlines provisions for agricultural workers, provides exemptions for different types of employers, and civil penalties for violations. All employers must display the current Texas minimum wage poster in an obstruction free area so that all employees can see what the minimum wage is and their rights as workers in Texas. Recommendations for Compliance In closing, compliance with Federal, State, County, and City laws is strongly recommended. Landslide Limousine Company can be shut down and fined heavily for violations brought by employees. The burden of proof is on you as the employer and understanding all of the laws applicable to your business is necessary. Investigations by any of the federal departments who are responsible for investigating and enforcing the employment laws can tie up your resources for months, possibly years. However, not all judgments go against the employer. My recommendation is to understand the laws, document well, keep pristine records, and do your best to remind within the guidelines for employers. References Case Law Find Law. (2015). BATES v. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC UPS. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management. (2015). Equal Pay Act of 1963. Retrieved from The United States National Archives and Records Administration. (n.d.). Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). Disability Resources Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved from United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004). Federal Express to Pay over $3.2 Million to Female Truck Driver for Sex Discrimination, Retaliation. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
European Commission´s actions against The Coca Cola Company Essay
* 1 Introduction The Coca Cola Company (TCCC) is an American corporation and manufacturer especially known for its soft drinks like Coca Cola or Fanta. It sells over 3500 products, is available in over 200 countries and has revenues of nearly 50 billion us-dollars (Coca Cola Company, 2011). After Coca Cola was accused by the European commission (EC) to have abused its market power, Coca Cola gave in and set up commitments to prove that it does not abuse its power. They promised no exclusivity arrangements, no target or growth rebates, no use of its stronger brands to sell other less strong brands and finally a 20 percent free space in their coolers for other products and brands. These commitments were accepted by the EC. This essay explains why the EC is concerned about the abuse of market power and analyzes the commitments stated by the coca cola company in its economic terms and how they affect the market competition. Finally it will evaluate if the EC was correct in accepting these commitments. Background to the Case The EC tries to establish a free competitive market and a fair competition between businesses in setting up competition policies like state aid, merger control rules and antitrust also known as the European competition law (Report European Comission, 2010). It does so to ensure the maximization of social welfare which will be further explained in section 2. In September 2004, the EC started to proceed against the Coca Cola Company relying on their antitrust regulation. In October, 2004 Coca Cola was sent a â€Å"preliminary assessment†which stated the EC ´s concerns about their abuse of market power. One month later Coca Cola submitted commitments in response to these Claims (European Comission, 2006). The four commitments are as followed: 1. Coca cola promised that at all time their customers are free to buy or sell carbonated soft drinks from any supplier of their choice and therefore no more exclusivity arrangements; 2. No target or growth rates are allowed. Coca Cola no longer offers rebates that reward in purely purchasing the same amount or more of Coca Cola products than in the past. Hence it is easier for customers to purchase from other suppliers; 3. Coca Cola is not allowed to use its strong brand to push other products which are not that popular goods; 4. If Coca Cola provides free coolers to retailers, the retailers are allowed to use 20 per cent of its space for other brands and goods. If Coca Cola should break these commitments the EC could demand a fine of ten per cent of Coca Cola ´s total worldwide turnover (European Comission, 2006). Loss of Welfare due to Market Power But why is the EC actually concerned about the abuse of market power, the ability of a firm to charge a price above marginal cost and earn a positive profit (Perloff, 2012), of big firms like TCCC? The main answer to this question is that the EC tries to ensure social welfare and to maximize it. But before answering this question social welfare needs to be elucidated. Social welfare itself is difficult to measure. One way to measure it is to define it as the sum of the consumer and producer surplus. Perloff describes the consumer surplus as: â€Å"The monetary difference between what a consumer is willing to pay for the quantity of the good purchased and what the good actually costs†(Perloff, 2012). In other words the consumer surplus is used to measure and compare consumer welfare, the benefit of a certain product a person gets consuming that product less the money he or she paid for the good. In contrast the producer surplus is described by Perloff as followed: â€Å"The d ifference between the amount for which a good sells and the minimum amount necessary for the seller to be willing to produce the good†(Perloff, 2012). It is the gain of trade and thus equal to the profit from trade minus the profit from not trading. The EC tries to maximize the social welfare. This is only possible in a competitive market because in such a market environment the price equals the marginal costs (Perloff, 2012) which results in an equilibrium price, an economic term for a balance between the wants of producers and consumers and no loss of welfare. However, the converse argument is that in a non-competitive market social welfare is not maximized. The biggest counterpart to a free competitive market is a monopolistic market. Although TCCC is not a real monopoly it has big market power and can therefore be compared to a monopoly. The loss of social welfare, the deadweight loss, which occurs if a monopoly (or a company with a big market power) arises, is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Deadweight Loss of Monopoly 1 (Barnett, 2007) Figure 1 shows that at the competitive equilibrium the price (Pc) is lower than the monopoly price (Pm) and the quantity (Qc) is bigger than the quantity (Qm) which the monopoly supplies. Hence a deadweight loss arises. This deadweight loss develops only due to missing competition. This scenario could appear due to an abuse of market power. By definition, market power is the ability to charge a price above marginal cost and therefore earn a positive profit (Perloff, 2012). Compared to a competitive market the demand curve is not horizontal but downwards sloping. This means that although the quantity decreases if a monopoly raises its price there are still buyers for the product. In a competitive market this is not true because the demand curve is horizontal and only the slightest increase in price will result in zero demand. As we can see in Figure 1: The monopoly is able to set its price not at the equilibrium (the intersection of marginal cost and the market price) but at a poin t at which it maximizes its own profit (a point where the price is higher than marginal costs). This results in a welfare loss for the consumers which the EC tries to prevent. Furthermore the market power is related to the shape of the demand curve and tells a monopoly how much it can raise its price above the competitive equilibrium (the interception with the marginal cost) at the profit maximizing quantity. The more elastic the demand curve becomes, graphically this would means a nearly flat curve, the more sales are lost even if the price is only slightly increased. Conversely, if the demand curve is a steep curve (not very elastic) it would lose fewer sales by the same increase of price (Perloff, 2012). However a firm with a big market power or a monopoly benefit from large economies of scale. They can produce their products cheaper than any number of other firms together and for this reason not challengeable (Perloff, 2012). Economic Effect of the Commitments on Market Competition Concerned of the big market power TCCC had, the EC decided to intervene and requested Coca Cola to come up with solutions to allow the free competition to grow. Coca Cola then set up four commitments which were accepted by the EC. Although all four head to the same economic effect of lowering entry barriers for competitors and accordingly make consumers more aware of substitutes for Coca Cola products, all four are described separately. The first commitment assured that TCCC would not accept any exclusivity arrangements. It allows customers of Coca Cola to sell any soft drinks from any supplier next to Coca Cola. This means more suppliers which results in more products similar to Coca Cola ´s products, substitutes. Although these substitutes existed also before the commitment it is now much easier for consumers to be aware of these and accordingly buy these. The economic effect of more substitutes was already explained in section 2: The market power is related to the demand curv e. The flatter the demand curve is the more elastic it is and therefore a small increase in price leads to a big loss in sales. If we now take the substitutes into account the demand curve of TCCC becomes more elastic because consumers can choose between products of different suppliers. Hence Coca Cola cannot set its price per unit as high as before. In other words the demand curve gets closer to a competitive demand curve and if TCCC sets its prices too high consumers will buy a substitute. In addition as prices of Coca Cola ´s products gets lower it becomes easier for other firms to enter the market. The second commitment prevented Coca Cola to set up target or growth rates. Hence Coca Cola was not able to reward customers for purchasing the same amount or more of Coca Cola products than in the past. Again this makes it easier for customers to buy from other soft drink suppliers or a less amount of Coca Cola products plus different products. Economically this has the same effect as the first commitment and concentrates the overall effect: The demand curve becomes even more elastic and the market becomes more competitive. The third commitment states that TCCC is not allowed to use the strongest brands to sell less popular brands. Again consumer can choose more easily between different suppliers and the competition in the market is further increased. Next to this economic effect it is now harder for Coca Cola to sell its less popular products and weakens its market power and brings TCCC even closer to sell at the competitive equilibrium. Secondary to the economic effect of the more elastic demand curve the decrease of entry barriers and the gain of substitutes increase the supply of the market. As more suppliers enter the market, supply increases which lowers the price of products in the market. The last commitment allows retailers to use 20 percent of the space in the Coca Cola coolers although they were provided by TCCC for free. Therefore Retailers who want to benefit of a free cooler are not forced to use it only for Coca Cola products anymore. This makes it easy for consumers to be aware of substitutes of Coca Cola ´s products as well as comparing prices. All in all the four commitments are heading to decrease TCCC ´s market power and to increase the competition in the market. They do so allowing substitutes gain more attention by customers which results in a more elastic demand curve for Coca Cola. The more elastic it becomes the more competition increases in the market. Moreover the market ´s supply increases and prices decrease. Conclusion Finally it can be said that firms with too much market power can reduce the social welfare. In order to protect this social welfare the EC accepted the four commitments. The closer analysis of the four commitments and their economic effect on the market shows that due to lower entry barriers the market ´s supply is increased and more substitutes are easier available for consumers. In addition, Coca Cola ´s demand decreases and it cannot benefit from its economies of scales as it could before. Furthermore, it cannot set its price as high as it could before. Although Coca Cola does not lose all of its market power and is still one of the biggest companies and soft drink suppliers worldwide its market power is reduced by the EC ´s actions and this results in an increase of market competition and a reduction of Coca Cola ´s market power. If it was actually maximized to its fullest cannot be said because the information of actual demand or marginal cost curves is always limited, nor are the theoretical assumptions of a market environment given in real life. Nevertheless, the social welfare was definitely increased by the EC and therefore it was right to accept the four commitments. References Barnett, T. (31. October 2007). Maximizing Welfare through technological Innovation. From Coca Cola Company, C. C. (31. December 2011). Anuual Report of Exchange. Von Comission, E. (2006). Competition in Practice – Coca Cola. European Comission, E. (2006). Coca Cola. Perloff. (2012). Microeconomics. England: Pearson. Report European Comission, C. (2010). Report on competition policy . Brussels.
Brutus’s Speech vs. Antony’s
The Speech That Changed Everything In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Mark Antony must win the support of the Romans by making a speech to them. The two former friends become enemies. They share different beliefs in what is right in their eyes. Brutus wants to take the place of Caesar and become powerful. Antony wants justice for his best friend, Caesar. However, Shakespeare pits Mark Antony’s speech against Brutus’ speech. Antony’s speech is persuasive, and heartfelt. He understands the Romans unlike Brutus. Brutus’ speech is brief and not heartfelt.Mark Antony becomes victorious in winning the hearts of the Romans by having his speech be more rhetoric and effective than Brutus’ speech. Brutus’ â€Å"Romans, Countrymen, and Lovers†speech is brief, precise, and gets to the point. He tells the people of Rome that Caesar is ambitious even though he does not prove that he was ambitious. Brutus also tells the Romans that Caesar w ill mostly likely be corrupt because all the other rulers before him were corrupt. For example, Brutus says, â€Å"Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? (3. 2. 3-24)†He tells the people of Rome that if Caesar was ruler, everyone would be slaves. Brutus tells them that he actually did them a favor. Brutus convinced the Romans, but he didn’t convince them for long. If he understood how they felt he would have fully convinced them. Mark Antony’s â€Å"Friends, Romans, Countrymen†speech is more rhetoric, persuasive and he put a lot of thought into it. After Brutus called Caesar ambitious, Antony gave excellent reasons on why he actually wasn’t ambitious. For example, Mark Antony says, â€Å"When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man (3. 2. 94-97). †Mark Antony was ab le to turn the word honorable around to mean dishonorable. He put it in a respectful, but sarcastic way. Antony understands how the Romans feel about the death of Julius Caesar. They are angry, confused, and sad just like Antony. Antony relates to the Romans by saying, â€Å"My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me (3. 2. 108-109). †By saying these powerful words the Romans and Antony share the same amount of suffering towards Caesar’s death.Mark Antony was able to convince an audience, who at first were against him, to be on his side. Mark Antony and Brutus both tried to make their speeches convincing and persuading. Mark Antony’s speech was very successful unlike Brutus’. His speech is also better than Brutus’. The people of Rome rooted for Brutus until Antony made his speech. If Brutus went after Antony, he might have been the more successful one. The people of Rome will follow anyone which is why th ey rooted for Antony because he spoke last. As Cassius puts it, â€Å"the Romans are but sheep (1. 3. 106). Mark Antony used more rhetorical questions in his speech to help persuade the Romans and Brutus did not. Brutus was less persuasive than Antony. He also treats the Romans like they are nothing but peasants. Antony calls the Romans his friends. Shakespeare does pit Mark Antony’s speech against Brutus’ speech. Even though Brutus gained the support of the Romans, it was not for long. Brutus just wanted power so he didn’t really have a passion in his speech. Mark Antony wanted justice for Caesar who made him passionate and sincere in his speech. Overall, Mark Antony’s speech won the hearts of the Romans.
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