Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The effect of temperature on the permeability of beetroot cells Essay Example
The impact of temperature on the porousness of beetroot cells Essay Albeit an obvious pattern is shown by the test information plotted, I am hesitant to define a substantial end on the impact of temperature on the porousness of beetroot cells because of the inconstancy of the outcomes obtained. Although five rehashes were played out, the information gathered isn't dependable due to variety inside the arrangements of results. This could have been because of different constraints of the trial. At 30oC for instance, the perusing for absorbance of light in discretionary units, was 0.12%. When contrasted with the outcomes gathered from different rehashes at this temperature, this gives off an impression of being a bizarrely high worth. Further instances of conceivable atypical information were 0.03% at a warmth treatment of 40oC along with 0.06% at 50oC. On the off chance that these atypical outcomes were excluded from the mean absorbance plotted, this could have significantly affected the general end. For instance, had the perusing at 40oC not been remembered for the mean, the perusing plotted at this temperature of warmth treatment might not have been lower than the mean outcome plotted at 30oC, as is appeared on the chart by a slight plunge. We will compose a custom paper test on The impact of temperature on the porousness of beetroot cells explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The impact of temperature on the penetrability of beetroot cells explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The impact of temperature on the penetrability of beetroot cells explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The size of the range bars makes one inquiry the unwavering quality of the exploratory information. These are particularly enormous at higher temperatures of warmth treatment (for example 70oC) where the slope is steepening. At the lower temperatures of 30oC and 40oC, the range bars are covering. This implies one can't be certain whether absorbance of light by the arrangement at 40oC does to be sure lessening when contrasted with the past perusing. The range bars can be believed to cover for the rest of the temperatures of warmth treatment, which implies that it is difficult to state inside the blunder of the device, what the specific worth is. I am hesitant to make a legitimate inference from the exploratory information because of the altogether enormous rate run at every temperature of warmth treatment. At 60oC for instance, the rate scope of the information from each rehash is roughly 300%. The constraints of the test lead one to scrutinize the accuracy of the trial information and the ends drawn from them. A motorized shaper was utilized to deliver bits of beetroot with a similar cross sectional region. It was verified that we cut downwards with the goal that the bores didn't meet. Anyway the beetroot tests were not the entirety of a similar length. This could bring about the beetroot plates having diverse surface regions thus causing various volumes of anthocyanin to spill out into the encompassing medium at each rehash of each temperature. This wellspring of incorrectness would have added to the variety and lack of quality of the outcomes and could be maintained a strategic distance from through a specialized improvement in the test plan. At the point when the circles were speared on to a mounted needle, a little volume of color spilled out from the harmed cells. This couldn't be estimated and could have been potential color lost into the medium, in this manner influencing most of readings for the absorbance of light. To defeat this wellspring of inconsistency, the beetroot circles could have experienced warmth treatment in a completely penetrable bag. The unwavering quality of the outcomes can be addressed on the grounds that no exact technique for shaking the arrangements before they were filled cuvettes was utilized. The subsequent forces of the arrangements could in this manner have been off base. To maintain a strategic distance from this wellspring of error a mechanical strategy could be utilized to shake the arrangements. The sizes of the mechanical assembly utilized affected the outcomes acquired. For both 70oC and 80oC a perusing of 2.00% was recorded. This was not the genuine absorbance of light by the arrangements at these temperatures in light of the fact that the sizes of the colorimeters didn't surpass 2.00. Subsequently the mean worth plotted was incorrect, in this way any ends drawn from the information are untrustworthy. The investigation ought to consequently be rethought utilizing either less circles, diminishing the timespans the examples of beetroot were left in water for or then again leaving the plates in expanded volumes of water for 20 minutes. The size of the colorimeter was just exact to 0.01%. This may have influenced the outcomes at 30oC and 40oC, where there was a 0.01 contrast. To conquer this wellspring of imprecision and consequently shakiness the size of the colorimeter utilized could be modified to give a perusing right to three decimal spot. In spite of the fact that it isn't sure in the case of utilizing various colorimeters would have had any effect on the readings acquired, to guarantee accuracy of the test information, a similar colorimeter ought to be utilized to gauge the absorbance of light by the arrangements. Albeit a graduated pipette with 0.1cm3 markings was utilized to gauge 6cm3 of cold faucet water, to guarantee high accuracy of the test information, contraption with better divisions could be utilized. This would permit a legitimate end to be drawn from progressively exact results. In request to improve the exactness of the exploratory information, an advanced stop clock could be utilized. The utilization of a manual stop clock implied that there were slight varieties in the brooding and amazed timings, and even slight varieties in timing would present a high rate region. A one-minute deferral in expelling the circles from the test tube following warmth treatment for instance would bring about a blunder of 5%. Further upgrades that would give extensive extra proof to the end is examine an expanded number of temperatures including a more extensive territory somewhere in the range of 50oC and 60oC, as an expanded number of stretches would show precisely where the phospholipid bilayer of beetroot dissolves.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
An Introduction To Diabetes Mellitus
An Introduction To Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus was perceived as ahead of schedule as 1500 B.C. by Egyptian Physicians, who portrayed it as an ailment related with the entry of much pee. The term diabetes (the Greek for Siphon) was instituted by the Greek Physician Aretaeus the Cappadocian around A.D.2. In 1674 a doctor named Willis authored the term Diabetes Mellitus (from the Greek word for Honey).1, 2 Diabetes mellitus is a perplexing disorder that influences numerous organ frameworks. It is presently evident that diabetes is a heterogeneous gathering of clutters that are evoked optional to different hereditary inclinations and encouraging factors.3 Diabetes mellitus is a constant sickness that is described by clutters in starch, protein and lipid digestion. Its focal unsettling influence seems to include an irregularity either in the emission of or impacts created by insulin albeit different factors likewise might be involved.4 Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic issue where sugar digestion is decreased while that of proteins and lipids is increased.5 The outside emission of the pancreas is stomach related in work and the intestinal discharges assume a significant job in the guideline of digestion. The hormones which manage the degree of glucose are for the most part two; glucagon from the alpha-cells and insulin from the beta-cells of the islets of langerhans.6 Glipizide is multiple times more strong than tolbutamide in bringing out pancreatic emission of insulin. It varies from other oral hypoglycemic medications where in resistance to this activity clearly doesn't occur.9 It additionally upregulates insulin receptors in the fringe, which is by all accounts the essential activity. It has a unique status in the treatment of non-insulin-subordinate diabetes mellitus in light of the fact that it is viable by and large which are impervious to all other oral hypoglycemic medications. It varies from other oral hypoglycemic medications ie more successful during eating than during fasting. Throughout the year controlled medication conveyance innovation has a wide advances. Because of its high potential a bioadhesive framework place a significant job in controlling medication discharge. Mucoadhesive framework drag out the home time of the measurement structure at the site of utilization or retention and encourage a restorative execution of the medication. Ongoing interest has been communicated in the conveyance of medication by means of bodily fluid film by the utilization of sticky materials on which studies are been seriously undertaken.58 Glipizide is an oral antidiabetic sedate, having a place with the sulphonylurea gathering. By and by the medication is showcased in ordinary dose type of tablet in common quality of 2.5 to 20 mg. At the point when the medication is directed by this course, about half of medication is utilized in the liver to the few dormant metabolites. Thus there is need of the elective course organization to stay away from first ignore hepatic metabolism.7 More the blend of hostile to diabetic medications with NSAIDS are not accessible in advertise. Physicochemical properties of this medication like little portion, lipophilicity, solidness at buccal pH, odourlessness, dullness, low atomic weight and so on makes it a perfect possibility for organization by buccal course. For hydrophilic substances, the pace of retention is a component of the sub-atomic size. Little atoms (<75-100 Da.) seem to cross the mucosa quickly, however porousness tumbles off quickly as sub-atomic size increments. Since porousness has been seen to diminish forcefully as molar volume is expanded past 80ml/mol, specialists have proposed à ¢Ã£ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢ ¬ two particular polar courses. This connection among size and porousness has not been shown for lipophilic substances, albeit presence of mind recommends that such a relationship must exist. The level of ionization of a permeant is an element of the two its pka and the pH at the mucosal surface. For some frail acids and powerless bases, just the unionized structure has apparent lipid solvency. The ingestion of numerous mixes has been demonstrated to be maximal at the pH at which they are generally unionized, following off as the level of ionization increments. Different investigations, be that as it may, have neglected to show this example. In a similar manner as medication transport across other epithelia, there are various conceivable pervasion pathways over the oral mucosae. The old style qualification is among transcellular and paracellular penetration, alluding to entry over the individual cells of the epithelium and section between these cells, separately. For transcellular saturation, the permeant must be able to do going through pores in the cell layers or diffusing through the lipid bi-layers of these layers. Section through film pore would presumably be restricted to little atoms, while dispersion across cell layers would require apparent watery and lipid solubilities. Paracelluler pervasion requires the epithelium to have an adequately open lattice and requires the permeant to have a considerable diffusivity in the intercellular milieu. It appears to be likely that huge and additionally exceptionally polar permeants might be not able to go through the epithelial cell layers and may, subsequently, follow the p aracellular course. An elective grouping is into polar and non-polar courses, the previous including section of water-dissolvable substances through fluid diverts in the mucosa and the last including dividing of the medication into the lipid bilayer of the plasma layer or into the lipid of the intercellular grid and dissemination through these lipid components. Practically all examinations have demonstrated that, for most permeants entry over the oral mucosae seems, by all accounts, to be a first-request basic dispersion process. It has additionally been recommended, anyway that the oral mucosae contain dynamic or transporter intervened frameworks for little particles, for example, monosaccharides and amino acids. In any case, these procedures have not been completely portrayed as far as area, transport limit or explicitness. The energy of oral mucosal retention have been concentrated by various specialists. A few examinations have demonstrated a moderate beginning of appearance of permeant in the foundational course and a station like conduct of the oral mucosae which have been ascribed to some type of official inside the mucosae. Until this point, in any case, this region has not been efficiently examined and stays generally inadequately comprehended. Potential courses for medicate transport over the oral mucosa: 16 The cell structure of the oral mucosa proposes that there are two penetrability obstructions. The intercellular spaces and cytoplasm are basically hydrophilic in character and become a vehicle boundary for lipophilic mixes chiefly in light of the fact that the solvency of lipophilic compound in this condition is low. Conversely, the cell layer is lipophilic and the entrance of a hydrophilic compound into the cell film is low because of a low segment coefficient. Therefore, firmly compacted cell films become hindrances that hydrophilic mixes need to move around. The conjunction of the hydrophilic and lipophilic locales in the oral mucosa proposes that there are two courses for medicate transport, i.e., the paracellular and the transcellular courses (Diag.3). Pervasion ENHANCEMENT: 14, 15 While the sublingual mucosa is adequately penetrable to permit the helpful conveyance of various little medication particles, low mucosal penetrability is seen to be a critical snag to buccal conveyance. Saturation enhancers are substances added to a pharmaceutical definition so as to expand the layer pervasion rate or ingestion pace of a co-regulated medication. Consideration is along these lines concentrated on a portion of the systems that have been proposed for improving the penetrability of the oral mucosae. A significant number of operators have been proposed as infiltration enhancers. The operators utilized have generally been little hydrophilic particles. E.g., dimethyl sulphoxide, dimethyl formamide, ethanol, propylene glycol, and the 2-pyrrolidones, long-chain amphiphathic atoms (decylmethyl sulphoxide, azone, sodium lauryl sulfate, oleic corrosive and the bile salts), and non-harmful surfactants (polysorbates). Albeit some are viable, either alone or in blend, their methods of activity are not completely comprehended.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How to Write Outstanding College Level Book Reports
How to Write Outstanding College Level Book Reports Theres nothing quite like enjoying a really solid piece of literature. Hours can pass while youre diving into a new world that the author has created. Your enjoyment of your novel may dissipate slightly when you are trying to figure out how to write a college level book report about itâ€"but it doesnt have to be that way. Analyzing (and maybe even critiquing) novels is a useful skill that will help you both in and outside of the classroom. In this post we will outline the best strategies of painlessly writing a book report. Its important to note that there is no one generic book report assignment. This isnt necessarily a step-by-step guide, but it can help get you started thinking about the specific requirements that your instructor has for you.Know the assignmentWhen you start out your book report assignment, its important that you know exactly what your instructor is requiring. Does your instructor want you to explore the books theme and write a five-paragraph essay on it, or are y ou supposed to be writing an essay about a particular character? Read through the assignment sheet very carefully and make sure that you understand all of the instructions. If you have questions or are uncertain about something, be sure to ask your instructor.Actually read the bookEven though it may be tempting to take a shortcut and watch a movie adaptation of your book or even to read the Sparknotes, definitely resist that urge. Not only will your report be more thorough if you read the book the whole way through, but reading and understanding themes and outlining a novel plot is an invaluable experience. Youll be able to understand books on a completely new and more appreciative level. When you are reading the novel for your book report, write down page numbers or passages that pertain to the assignment or that you think might be interesting to mention.Try to really sink into what the author is trying to say by asking yourself the following questions:What is the main theme of the book? The theme is the meaning or the entire reason behind writing the book. An author doesnt typically write just to write something down. What motivated them to pen this novel?What is happening to the characters? Typically novels are told from the perspective (either in the first or third person) of the main character, though some novels have multiple perspectives. Is this character a good character or are they flawed? What kinds of obstacles is the character going through? What did they learn during the course of the story?What is the plot of the book? There are several different kinds of plots, and its helpful to know what kind your chosen novel has in order to help you analyze it better. Some stories are quests: that is, the main character is on a journey to accomplish a goal (think Lord of the Rings). Some stories are overcoming obstaclesâ€"whether thats internal or external. What kind of plot does your novel have and why do you think the author chose that particular type?Wri te a good introductionAfter youve read your book thoroughly and youve thought about the characters, themes, plot, and some good quotes, youll be ready to start writing the book report. Like any other paper, a good book report needs an explanatory introduction that is easy to understand. When writing the introduction, be sure to include the title of the work, the author, and a sentence or two on what you will be overviewing in the report. Even though it may not be required to have a thesis statement in your book report, writing one in your paper might keep it more focused and help you narrow down what you will be writing in the body paragraphs.For example, if we were writing an introduction about a book report over Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, we might write something like this:In Harper Lees iconic coming of age novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee confronts the audience with the idea that systemic racism was rampant in the U.S. court system in the early 20th century in the South . She illustrates this idea with the unfair trial of convicted rapist Tom Robinson, whose lawyer Atticus Finch handily proves is innocent, yet is still sentenced with a crime he did not commit. Through the eyes of the young main character, Scout Finch, the audience is able to learn about these injustices with the innocent eyes of a child.As you can see, we mentioned the name of the book, the author, and we also outlined what we would be discussing throughout the body paragraphs in the book report. Not only will this let the reader know what this report is about, but itll also help you stay organized when you are writing the paper. Note that nowhere in this paragraph does it say that we really liked the book. Whether or not we liked the book is irrelevant in the report. What the book report is trying to do is to objectively understand a books relevance and importance wit themes, characters, motifs, etc. (Though of course its perfectly okay and encouraged to like the book that you are reviewing.)Implement the ideas in the body paragraphsThe meat of your book report will be in the body paragraphs. These paragraphs will expand on the ideas that you brought up in your introduction paragraph and allow you to introduce the novel in depth to your reader.SummaryThough no two book report assignments are the same, its likely that your instructor is going to want to see some summarization in your book report. Your summary of the novel shouldnt be too lengthy (this is a report after all, so its typically quite short). If your instructor has assigned a five-page book report, dont summarize the book in four and a half pages. As a general rule, commit about 1/3 of the paper to a summary just so you can make sure the reader understands your analysis of it without having read it.AnalysisOnce you are done writing the summary of the novel, then you can get into your actual analysis of it. You may remember that we brought up systemic racism in the U.S. court system in the South in our essay on To Kill a Mockingbird. In our summary, we would then explore those ideas that we brought forth to the reader. How does Lee illustrate this idea throughout the novel? A good way to show how the author is making this point is through direct quotations from the book that you believe are a good showcase.In your analysis, you should also be discussing theme (or what was the authors purpose behind writing this book) and character. No two analyses are the same, which is what makes book reports and literary criticism so interesting. Everyone will read the novel through their own personal lenses and experiences and come up with a completely different interpretation of what the author intended for us to come away with.Again, its crucial to keep looking at your instructions for your book report so that you know exactly what you need to be discussing. Even if you write a brilliant report over the theme of systemic racism in the court system in To Kill a Mockingbird, it wont do you any good when you were actually supposed to write about the relationship between Scout and Atticus Finch and why it mattered. Paying attention to instructions is one of the biggest keys to success in writing a book report.ConclusionAs with all other conclusions, focus on wrapping things up neatly. Though you may be tempted to just say in the conclusion that you either loved or hated the book, this doesnt make for a very interesting paragraph. When you are writing your conclusion on your book report, think about why this novel matters. If you didnt like it, think about why you didnt like it. Think about how well the author gets his or her point across. Should this book be read widely to gain a critical understanding of a subject? Why or why not? Would you recommend this book to others? The genre of book reports generally seeks out the opinion of the writer, so make sure that you let your voice be heard.RevisingLike any other paper that you write, its crucial to go back through and r evise if you are turning in the final copy. Its extremely rare that youll write something that doesnt have any mistakes or reworking to do. Once you have written the first draft, take a short break to get your eyes off the paper for just a bit. Come back to the paper after the break with a set of fresh eyes and try to read through it for grammar and spelling mistakes (spell check doesnt get everything!) and then once again for content. Make sure that everything makes sense and is very explanatory. After allâ€"you have to assume that your audience hasnt read your book yet so you want to make sure that you are explaining it well enough to someone who has never read a sentence of it and still be able to understand.If you are uncertain about sentences or even entire passages of your book report, ask a friend or your instructor to take a look at your work. Sometimes it helps to get an outside opinion since youve been closely working with the text.Book reports teach us more than just how to write a reportThough we do a lot of research and studying about subjects that may not be applicable after college, book reports may be one of the only exceptions to that. Novels, no matter how abstract the concept, teach us about human behavior and life through plots and characters. Understanding how to break down an authors intent on their stories will absolutely be relevant to your life. Having the curiosity and the skills to understand a novel with a more complex understanding will undoubtedly enrich your reading experience.Remember than an effective book report will have an introduction that mentions the book title, author, and include the points you will be making throughout the body paragraphs. Your body paragraphs will expand on those ideas that you brought up in the introduction, using quotes from the book, analysis, and summary to aide you.Finally, be sure that once the book report has been written that you are carefully looking at spelling, grammar, and the content of y our paragraphs. Get a friend, your instructor, or even a professional editor to look at your book report to make sure you are on the right track.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of Mahans Advocacy For Sea Power Against...
In many scholarly and military circles, the writings of Mahan and Mackinder are often portrayed as two purist theories opposing one another. Scholars pit Mahan’s advocacy for sea power against Mackinder’s insights into the benefits of land power and soon the real genius of both is lost. (For examples, see Dodds and Sidaway 292, 2004 and Colls 238-239, 2002 as cited in Dodds and Sidaway 293, 2004 and Holmes and Yoshihara 25, 2005). In truth, in almost every respect, Mahan’s and Mackinder’s views are complementary. While Mahan does emphasize the importance of sea power to a nation’s economic prosperity and security, his passionate insight is a far cry from any assertion against the importance of land power. Conversely, Mackinder’s insights focus quite extensively on the potential for a country to develop a powerful land force on the core of the Eurasian landmass, but again we see throughout his writing the underlying assumption of the importance of sea power. Both men agreed on so many salient points that it is far better to read their works as a whole and thereby glean the collective wisdom of their perspectives, than to analyze them separately as two opposing schools of thought. In this way, one can see that their complementary insights are greater than the sum of their individual works. There are a few scholars that recognize this unfortunate trend of depicting a false land power vs. sea power debate. Jon Sumida is one who acknowledges that the Mahan texts are often
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Sources of Violence and the effect is has on...
Sources of Violence and The Effect It Has On Our Children There is far too much violence in our world today. Violence is surfacing in our children as young as 8 or 9, with children killing other children for no reason. This brings up the question of why our children are exhibiting violent behavior and committing terrible acts of violence. Our world has become a breeding ground for violence and our children are at risk. Everywhere our children look they are seeing horrific acts of brutality. Take this scenario for example: You are sitting at home, having dinner with the family around the television set. It is around 6:00 p.m. and you all are watching the local news. News clips of murder, kidnapping, terrorism, sexual assault, and arson†¦show more content†¦It becomes a learned behavior. They believe that what they are seeing in the media is the way life should be, and they sometimes act on those learned behaviors. The second source of violence is in the form of video games. This has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the United States for our children. They depict horrific acts of violence, whether it is from blowing the head off of an enemy with an automatic rifle to running over people with a car. In a recent study, researchers examined 357 seventh and eighth graders. They were asked what type of game they like to play. â€Å"The two most preferred categories were games that involved fantasy violence, preferred by almost 32% of subjects; and sports games, some of which contained violent subthemes, which were preferred by more than 29%. Nearly 20% of the students expressed a preference for games with a general entertainment theme, while another 17% favored games that involved human violence. Fewer than 2% of the adolescents preferred games with educational content.†These statistics gained from the study show that most children enjoy the games with violent content . The exposure that our children are facing from playing these violent video games is bound to have negative results on the way the interact both with others and their environment. When they are playing these games, they are seeing graphic scenes with blood,Show MoreRelatedTelevision Is Destroying Todays Youth, but Dont Blame T.V., Blame the Parents.1302 Words  | 6 Pagesit has become increasingly controversial every year since. So many programs and movies shown on television have become increasingly violent and show sexual innuendos and sexual content. If you were to turn on the six o clock news, you would hear about the murders and the kidnappings and the rapes and all of the horrible things which happen in society, presented in a neutral manner which makes them all seem not quite so bad. Imagine how that looks to twelve year old child. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Permit and Opening Portion Free Essays
For this activity, please construct a series of questions that you would ask In the opening portion of the following types of interviews: 1 . To obtain information from a county official about building permits for a report you have been assigned to deliver to senior management 2. To write a biography of a long-time employee for a special presentation at her retirement party 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Permit and Opening Portion or any similar topic only for you Order Now To counsel a subordinate about a problem he or she is having keeping his or her business expenses within budget deadlines Activity 1 . Construct a series of questions that you would ask in the opening portion of the following types of interviews: a. To obtain information from a county official about building permits for a report you have been assigned to deliver to senior management What will we need for the permission to begin our project In this area? How long does It take to get the permit after we submit everything? Do we have an allotted time to finish the project, or do we have indefinite time to complete this? B. To write a biography of a long-time employee for a special presentation at her detriment party Brenda Mason, the dedication of a woman who has been working to supply for her children all these years, now gets the opportunity to celebrate her retirement and we are thankfully here to celebrate with her. She started working here 35 years ago, when her kids were Just 2 and 3, with the dream of becoming a decanter admit, and all the experience she ever had was witnessing. Her hard work got her into the entry level tech department with all the guys, and everyone treated her as she were a kindergarten, helped her with all the basics. She reemploy became the go-to to other people, and she was known for her charisma, and drive, we even tried to convince her to go to management, we wanted more people like her. She declined, and with that, still holding a positive attitude, she’d decline and said management was only â€Å"baby sitting adults†, she wanted to do a man’s job, she stuck to her dream. With absolute certainty we all knew she was going to be someone, with her two kids, and her job, working an additional 20 hours a week when her daughters began school, she got ahead of the whole department, raced the est. sales people, and learned all the server administrative tasks she ever could. She was getting to her dream, she applied to server support, and kept narrowing down her dream, spiraled Into It, till 3 years later, faster than anyone, she got It. Unbounded to us, this whole time, working the additional 20 hours, and she was In school, after the 3rd year she’d graduated, and qualified for those positions she qualified for. From there to now, she has brought that girl feel every tech department needed, the nagging and the whining, that got us all off our seat to get to work. We absolutely love her, and wish her the best, and to give her time to use up all the paid time off she earned. Equines expenses within budget guidelines We’ve noticed a few draw backs in your business, is everything okay with you and your family? We need to make sure you succeed here for them, if there is anything you need to do we will list it, but we are going over the goals you have failed to med, and re-structure the plan. You will report to us, the customers need to be served the right portions, you are busy, you have clientele, but you are allowing your employees to run your business and they re handing things off to their friends and family. This is coming out of your family resources, they depend on you, and you need to make sure that everyone is accountable for their actions. Your employees must get their receipts reviewed every night, and if I were you, I’d be having their submitted orders reviewed before the client checks out for the moment in order to have them understand how important this is. If they aren’t willing to comply, you have the right to fire them, you have to feed your family, they are not the right fit for the restaurant if that is the way they are behaving while they are clocked in. How to cite Permit and Opening Portion, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Being homeless is often defined as sleeping on th Essay Example For Students
Being homeless is often defined as sleeping on th Essay e streets. Although this is the most visible and severe form of homelessness, there are many other types of acute housing need. These include living in temporary accommodation, poor or overcrowded conditions, or being in mortgage arrears and under threat of re-possession. (Hope 1986) It is a symptom of many complex problems: mental illness, emotional instability, illiteracy, chronic substance abuse, unemployment, and, most basic of all, breakdown of the family structure. Anyone can become homeless and the reasons that force people into homelessness are many and varied. The leading cause, however, of homelessness in the United States is the inability of poor people to afford housing. Housing costs have risen significantly over the last decade, whi. The Homeless Population One of the most important issues that concern me today is homelessness and the every year homeless increase. This is an important issue because millions of people throughout the world have no place to sleep or no food to eat. These people constantly wonder the streets begging for food, money, and any thing else that the people have to offer. The homeless have no remorse the winter beacuse they cant find a warm place to go and they freeze to death. Every year the homeless population increases. There are two major trends responsible for the rapid growth of homelessness over the past 15-20 years. These two trends include the growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. How many people are homeless throughout the world? The number of homeless is made up of 58% African American, 29% Caucasian, 10% Hispanic, 2% Native American, 1% Asian. Who is to blame for homelessness? As much as I would like to blame someone else other than the homeless people, they have a lot to do with it. Most of the homeless are out on the streets . .. HOMELESSNESS Homelessness is a very large problem that America has come to face with. Millions of people, including children, families, babies, veterans, and the elderly live day by day without food, water or a roof over their head. People that are mentally ill also have to tough it out on the streets, which can be very confusing to them, and dangerous to us. This problem must be solved soon, because its not getting any better. People have not always had to suffer with homelessness. Too bad the problem has almost always existed, it had not reached a severe level until recently. With every war there has been a small trickle of homeless veterans to follow, but Not enough people see the whole picture when it comes to societys problems. If something hurts the society, it hurts the individual. For example, the problem of homelessness is not just the problem of those who are without residence. Their plight effects us all. Homelessness hurts the local businessman whose customers are frightened away by the homeless man living on the corner. It hurts those who have to commute to work via public transportation and must deal with .. . Homelessness INTRODUCTION Homelessness is a condition of people who lack regular access to adequate housing. As this condition becomes a growing problem in Canada people are forced to deal with the issues. Who are the homeless? They range from children to adults and even in some cases, families. Why are they homeless? Poverty, lack of jobs or well paying jobs, decline in Social Services, domestic violence, mental illness .. . the majority of the homeless within our society. What effects does being homeless have on members of the family? It contributes to many physical and mental health problems for both parents and their children. Homelessness is a world-wide issue, yet zeroing in on Canada, the majority of the homeless live on the streets of Toronto and Vancouver where they seek shelter anywhere from a park bench .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .postImageUrl , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:hover , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:visited , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:active { border:0!important; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:active , .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6 .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucde205e8e2a0ff1bf959ba225f2b75d6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Genocide Essay Homeless What has been done to decrease the problem? One of the largest growing concerns in Toronto is the constantly increasing number of citizens who are finding themselves living on the streets. With the decrease in the number of available jobs, the population of homeless people has literally boomed. My questions are not as simple to answer as they may appear. Why is a large portion of our community forced to live on the streets? What has be done to decrease the problem? These are the questions I will confront in my essay. With the economical wealth attributed to the name .
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Harverd Referencing System free essay sample
THE HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEM The primary reason for correct referencing is to demonstrate what is your own work and what is work produced by other writers. Failure to quote your sources could lead to accusations of PLAGIARISM!! Plagiarism is intellectual theft as you are claiming work is your own when, in fact, that work belongs to someone else. Books The order for a Harvard reference is:- †¢ Author name [upper case] †¢ Year of publication †¢ Title of book [italics, first word upper case, the remainder lower case] †¢ Edition [if not 1st] †¢ Place of publication †¢ Publisher Example CHILDS M [2005] â€Å"Reward management†London; Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development BACH S and SISSON K [2000] â€Å"Personnel management; a comprehensive guide to theory and practice†3rd ed Oxford; Blackwell Business Journal Articles Example BLACK J and GREGERSEN H [2000] â€Å"High impact training: forging leaders for the global frontier†Human Resource Management Vol. 39 Nos 2 3 Summer pp173-184 McCALL A [2003] â€Å"100 best companies to work for 2003†The Sunday Times Supplement 2nd March BURGOYNE J [2001] â€Å"Tester of faith†People Management Vol. We will write a custom essay sample on Harverd Referencing System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 7 No. 4 22nd February pp33-34 Internet †¢ Author Publication date †¢ Title of document or webpage †¢ URL of webpage †¢ Date you accessed the document Example http://www. acas. org. uk/publications/pub-cop. html [accessed 26th July 2010] http://www. stokesjolly. com/RoamAlone. doc [accessed 23rd July 2010] Quoting in the text Examples Taylor [2002] argues that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Taylor and Brown [2002] argue that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. In a recent report [Taylor and Brown 2006] suggest that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Taylor [2006 p44] defines management as â€Å"the art of getting things done through people. †Evans [2007 pp456-458] listed the following benefits of good management:- So:- when quoting exactly, always include the page number. If you are quoting exactly the reference should not be more than five lines. Location and arrangement of references A full list of ALL references used in the text MUST appear at the end of your work [before appendices]. References must be listed in author family name alphabetical order and laid out as shown above. Internet references follow on from book/journal references in the order used in the text. REMEMBER – INCORRECT REFERENCING COSTS MARKS! PLAGIARISM GETS NO MARKS PLUS OTHER PENALTIES. IF IN DOUBT – ASK!! Richard Underwood
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Mothers Day Quotes From Famous People
Mothers Day Quotes From Famous People Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May every year. Your own mother may not be the perfect cook or the greatest homemaker. But she is your mother a woman like no other, and she deserves more than just a Happy Mothers Day. Here are some thoughtful Mothers Day quotes to make her day memorable. Read some of the following motherhood quotes to understand what it means to be a mother, and help you put into words how priceless she truly is. Charlotte Gray Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate. George Eliot A mothers yearning feels the presence of the cherished child even in the degraded man. Napoleon Bonaparte Let France have good mothers, and she will have good sons. Elizabeth Barrett Browning Women know the way to rear up children (to be just). They know a simple, merry, tender knack of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes, and stringing pretty words that make no sense. And kissing full sense into empty words. Elizabeth Stone Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Aristotle Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own. Aeschylus On me the tempest falls. It does not make me tremble. O holy Mother Earth, O air and sun, behold me. I am wronged. Washington Irving A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Abraham Lincoln All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother. Henry Ward Beecher The mothers heart is the childs schoolroom. George Washington My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. James Russell Lowell That best academy, a mothers knee.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Comparing the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Diplomatic Service Essay
Comparing the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Diplomatic Service and UK Diplomatic Service Regulations - Essay Example In this way, the major areas that will be discussed between these two code of laws revolve around the expectation of impartiality, receiving of gifts or other remunerations, the level to which the monitoring and/or implementation of successful agreements is performed, whether or not discrimination is a determinant compliments that requires elaboration and definition, the process and regulations regarding the acceptance of gifts, and the level and extent to which the sponsoring state is ultimately responsible for providing the needs and welfare of the employed individuals within the diplomatic services. One of the first and most blatant the differentials that is noted with regards to the law concerning the diplomatic services between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom is with respect to the overall level of importance and time that the United Kingdom’s code of law gives towards the importance of impartiality. For instance, the United Kingdom specifies the following in DSR one se ction 3: â€Å"As a civil servant, you are appointed on merit on the basis of fair and open competition and are expected to carry out your role with dedication and a commitment to the Diplomatic Service and its core values: integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality†(Diplomatic Service Regulations, 2012, p. 5). Further section 3 of DSR 1 goes on to state that impartiality is defined as â€Å" acting solely according to the merits of the case and serving equally well Governments of different political persuasions (Ibid). Although there is not a specific section within the law governing the actions and expectations of the diplomatic service operating at the behest of Azerbaijan, article 4 subsection to denotes the following with regards to the expectation concerning proper behavior of diplomatic professionals: â€Å"Diplomatic service agencies may carry out other functions in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan†(Law of the Rep ublic of Azerbaijan, 2012, p. 2). Once again, a clear level of divergence is noted with respect to the fact that the laws governing diplomatic expectations within Azerbaijan deviate quite a bit from the law governing diplomatic expectations within the United Kingdom. Serving based upon impartiality is a fundamental construct of the UK law whereas serving in strict adherence and accordance with existing Azeri law and the Constitution serves as the regulatory framework and concern for the Azeri consular services. Another noted differential is with regards to the level and extent to which British law defines appropriate behavior and expected outcomes is with regards to what the regulations specific concerning appropriate remuneration and/or the acceptance/receipt of gifts. Whereas the British law allows for the receipt and acceptance of certain low monetary value gifts, special favors, discounts, or benefits of any other variety are strictly prohibited from being enjoyed by the individ ual employed by the diplomatic services. Although this is not to say that the receipt of gifts and or any level of persuasion/coercion on the part of a third-party is not specifically frowned upon within the regulations of consular and diplomatic conduct that had been laid out within the aforementioned case, no such specification of regulations
Monday, February 3, 2020
Bioterrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bioterrorism - Assignment Example Bioterrorism is a deliberate attempt to discharge biological agents to spread illness and eventually death of the inhabitants of particular geographical area. These biological agents may be bacteria, viruses or their toxins, either in their natural form or in their modified forms, or with enhanced virulence developed by humans to bring disaster. These agents can spread into the environment through air, water or food. It is enormously complicated to differentiate and detect the presence or these agents as they do not display any immediate complaints and also may not show symptoms for days. Thus, they serve as weapons which are cost-effective, trouble-free to disseminate and are capable of creating an extensive fear (Web- Bioterrorism Overview). One of the most discussed action was noticed in September-October 2001 in USA where numerous cases of anthrax bust out. These cases were due to the deliberate attempt and extended through letters carrying the potential anthrax agent, letters were delivered to the offices of news media along with the office of U. S Congress. Receivers of the letters were victimized with anthrax. Later on when tests were performed the strains were labelled as from a domesticate source. This incidence has paved the way for bio-terrorism and has wagered the meaning of biodefence and biosecurity, as it is highly focused exploitation of biological techniques (Web- Bioterrorism Overview). Bioterrorism agents can be categorized on the basis of the intensity of ailments or fatal consequences they create. Three categories are enumerated on the basis of the risk they dispose. Category A encompasses agents with highest risk while Category C encompasses agents with up-and-coming terrorization for disease. Agents belonging to Category A include: Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis); Botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin); The Plague (Yersinia pestis); Smallpox (Variola major); Tularemia (Francisella tularensis); Hemorrahagic fever (Web-
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Urinalysis of Four Urine Samples
Urinalysis of Four Urine Samples Urinalysis Practical Background: As you have learned, the urinary system performs many vital functions in the body including: Regulating blood volume and pressure by regulating water excretion, Regulating plasma ion/solute concentrations by adjusting urine composition, Assisting blood pH stabilisation, Removing nitrogenous waste, Conserving water and important nutrients and Assisting the liver in detoxifying poisons. Therefore, analysing a sample of urine from a person can provide important information on the health of that person. Urinalysis can reveal diseases such as diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infections and renal (kidney) infections such as glomeronephritis and kidney stones (renal calculi). A medical professional may perform a urinalysis for several reasons: As a general health check-up, Diagnosing metabolic or systemic diseases that affect renal function (heart failure will lead to decreased blood flow to the kidneys, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy will lead to increased protein in the urine), Diagnosis of endocrine disorders e.g. infertility (low levels of FSH and/or LH), Diagnosis of urinary system disease, Monitoring of glucose levels in patients with diabetes, Testing for pregnancy (hCG levels secreted by the embryo), Screening for drug use. Urinalysis is a technique involving physical, chemical and microscopic analyses of a sample of urine. Physical parameters: Normal urine is a clear yellow colour due to the presence of uribilin. Abnormal urine may be dark orange, red or brown and cloudy in appearance. This can be due to the presence of red and/or white blood cells or pigments and may indicate a urinary tract or renal infection or disease, liver or gall bladder disease. Normal urine has a specific gravity of between 1.002 – 1.028 (this is a measure of the number of particles/solutes in the urine, its concentration). A urine sample that has an elevated specific gravity can indicate dehydration, diarrhea/vomiting, glucosuria, inappropriate ADH secretion. A diminished specific gravity may indicate such diseases as renal failure or pyelonephritis. Chemical parameters: The chemical analysis of urine is routinely performed using an inexpensive and relatively accurate dipstick test (Uristix from Bayer or other brands). The test uses a reagent-coated plastic stick that is placed or dipped into the urine sample. The reagent areas change colour according to the presence of glucose and/or protein. (a) Figure 1. Colour chart (a) for determination of glucose and/or protein.   The glucose test on the dipstick is based on a double sequential enzyme reaction. One enzyme, glucose oxidase, catalyses the formation of gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide from the oxidation of glucose (if present in the urine). A second enzyme, peroxidase, catalyses the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with a potassium iodide chromogen to oxidise the chromogen to colours ranging from green to brown. Normal urine has less than 0.1% glucose concentration. The protein test on the dipstick is based on the protein-error-of-indicators principle. At a constant pH, the development of any green colour is due to the presence of protein. Colours range from yellow for ‘negative’ through yellow-green and green to green-blue for ‘positive’ reactions. Normal urine has a protein concentration of less than 100  µg/ml. Although the dipstick test is semi-quantitative, significantly more accurate levels of glucose and protein can be determined by other means. In this practical you will use a BCA Assay (discussed later) to quantify the amount of protein present in a sample of urine. Urinalysis may also include assaying for levels of ketones (an indicator of diabetic ketosis, fasting or starvation), blood cells (indicating infection or kidney stones), bilirubin (liver or gall bladder disease), drugs and many other substances. Microscopic parameters: The urine sample can also be analysed by a microscope, often after staining to reveal any pathogens such as bacteria, urine crystals, cells and/or mucous. The presence of any of these may indicate infection or disease and further medical investigation will provide a thorough diagnosis. Aim: The aim of this practical is to perform glucose and protein urinalysis techniques on five samples of ‘urine’ provided by five ‘patients’ and use this information to provide an initial diagnosis for each patient. Part One: Using Dipsticks To Provide A Qualitative Measure of Protein And/Or Glucose. Materials: 5 samples of urine labelled A – E (these will be required for Parts One and Two), 5 Uristix dipsticks. Method: Perform a basic physical analysis of the urine samples noting the colour and cloudiness of each sample: Urine A Urine B Urine C Urine D Urine E Colour Cloudiness Immerse a dipstick into each of the samples, wait 60 seconds and record your results using the colour chart in Figure 1 to determine if the sample contains glucose and/or protein or neither substance: Urine A Urine B Urine C Urine D Urine E Glucose Protein Ketones Negative Negative Negative Negative Strongly positive Blood Negative Negative Trace Negative Negative Part Two: Using A Commercial BCA Assay To Provide A Quantitative Measure of Protein. Background: The BCA Protein Assay exploits the chemical reduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by protein in an alkaline medium with the selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu1+) by bicinchoninic acid (BCA). The first step is the chelation of copper with protein in an alkaline environment to form a blue coloured complex. In this reaction, known as the biuret reaction, peptides containing three or more amino acid residues form a coloured chelate complex with cupric ions in an alkaline environment containing sodium potassium tartrate. Single amino acids and dipeptides do not give the biuret reaction, but tripeptides and larger polypeptides or proteins will react to produce the light blue to violet complex that absorbs light at 540 nm. In the second step of the colour development reaction, BCA, a highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection reagent reacts with the Cu1+ that was formed in step 1. The purple-coloured reaction product is formed by the chelation of two molecules of BCA with one Cu1+. The BCA/Cu complex is water-soluble and exhibits a strong linear absorbance at 562 nm with increasing protein concentrations. The rate of BCA colour formation is dependent on the incubation temperature, the types of protein present in the sample and the relative amounts of reactive amino acids contained in the proteins. Figure 2. Reaction diagram for the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay. Materials: The 2 samples of urine from Part One that were positive for protein, Protein stock standard (BSA, bovine serum albumin) at 1mg/ml, 0.9% Saline (diluent) BCA (bicinchoninic acid) Working Reagent (labelled BCA WR), 6 Tubes for dilutions for the standard curve, 96 Well microtitre plate, P100, P200 P1000 pipettes tips, Marker pen, 37ËÅ ¡C Incubator, Microtitre plate reader set to read at a wavelength of 562 nm. Method: Set up the dilutions for your standard curve, Label your tubes as 1,2,3,4,5 6, Prepare your standards according to the table below: Dilution tube # Volume of diluent ( µl) Volume of BSA or from tube # ( µl) Final BSA (protein) concentration ( µg/ml) 1 0  µl 300  µl BSA 1000 2 250  µl 250  µl bsa 500 3 250  µl 250  µl Tube 2 250 4 250  µl 250  µl Tube 3 125 5 800  µl 200  µl Tube 4 25 6 Blank 250  µl 0 0 Label your microtitre plate so that you know which wells hold your standards and which contain your samples (perform in triplicate), Pipette 25  µl of each standard (in triplicate) and sample (in triplicate) to each well, Add 200  µl of the Working Reagent to each standard or sample and shake for 30 seconds, Cover the plate and incubate at 37ËÅ ¡C for 30 minutes, Cool the plate to room temperature, Measure the absorbances at 562 nm on a microtitre plate reader, insert the average values in the table below: Dilution tube # Average absorbance at 562 nm (add 3 values divide by 3) Subtract blank (Tube 6) from value in previous column Final BSA (protein) concentration ( µg/ml) 1 1000 2 500 3 250 4 125 5 25 6 Blank 0 Sample 1 Sample 2 Prepare your standard curve: use the corrected absorbance readings for standards 1 – 6 (in column 3 in the previous table) and plot them against the amount of BSA in each tube, Once you have plotted your standard curve, you can determine the protein concentration in your samples, enter this value into the table above. The patient scenarios are outlined below. You now need to match the urine samples with their corresponding patient scenarios and include justification for your decisions in your practical report: Patient Scenarios: Kidney Stones: Nida is a 17 year old student. She arrives at her GP feeling nauseous, feverish with acute pain in her lower back. She is also passing large amounts of blood in her urine. Glucose Drink: Thomas has just started a new job but is feeling quite stressed has lost weight. He arrives to see his GP but has had to skip lunch so drinks a litre of cola to maintain his energy levels. Diabetic: Jenny is studying for her A levels. Recently she has been losing weight although she is eating much more than usual is always hungry. Athlete: Dave is a professional athlete requires a blood urine test before competing in his next event. His test results are negative for drugs but are positive for another substance. Nephrotic syndrome: Keely is a 20 year old student. She has been feeling very unwell for some time with general fatigue, listlessness, weight loss puffiness around her eyes ankles. Her urine is very sparse very dark in colour
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Effects On Ocean And Coastal Environments Environmental Sciences Essay
Climate alteration is impacting the planet including coastal and ocean environments in a figure of ways. The impacts are non merely related to increasing temperatures but besides due to for illustration lessening in PH, sea degree rise and altered forms of and strength of air currents and storms.These phenomena have impacts on the ecosystem and a figure of economic activities including the maritime industry. The Oceans cover about 72 % of the Earth surface and provides a great and varied life infinite for countless species and Acts of the Apostless as the driving force over clime and conditions stages, specially on heat and fresh water. In add-on, these mass of H2O offer a profitable resourse for people through fishing activities, development of minerals, transportation, defence and leisure activities. ( Field et al, 2009 ) .Coastal zones form the outer boundary of the coastal sphere. Almost 60 % of people of universe population lives here taking advantage of its natural resourses. ( Field et al, 2009 ) . Due to over population of these countries, such ecosystems are now in danger and demand to be protected for future coevalss. Maritime conveyance carries over 80 % of universe trade by volume and surely it is non isolated from clime alterations ; the type, scope and magnitude of impacts vary harmonizing to local conditions, transit systems, designs and policies, every bit good as the cap acity to accommodate and minimise the costs. ( UNCTAD, 2009 ) Climate alteration is doing great concern in publicA?s heads, going one of the most warmest issues in the docket of governmental establishments, international and environmental organisations around the Earth. Then, it is necessary that certain preventative and disciplinary steps must be taken in order to get by with the damaging effects of clime alteration so as to guarantee that natural resoursess will be so for future coevalss. A civilization of free pollution, preservation of natural resourses must be develop around the planet and among young person. Therefore, this paper will depict the impacts of clime alteration on the planet concentrating on coastal and oceans countries. Its basic physical, chemical and biological phenomena and eventually will discourse the challenges and chances for the maritime industry. The function of oceans in the clime procedure This immense mass of H2O dramas an indispensable function in the clime procedure. They non merely influence clime but besides are linked to the ambiance by: Heat storage Transportation system of heat around the planet Vaporization Freezing and thowing in polar parts Gas storage and exchange Due to these functions, it can be notice that they are indispensable and it is necessary to take attention of them decently for the well-being of future coevalss. However, the world on behalf prosperity have been presenting new engineerings which have resulted in damaging effects for the planet. The most worring topic is the heating of the planetary ambiance. This takes topographic point when several gases are trapped in the ambiance and barricade the flower stalk of the earthA?s radiation to infinite. ( Edgerton, 1991 ) . Despite the fact that this action is a natural phenomenon, the invariably human actions increases the effects of clime alteration. Climate alteration and its effects on the ocean Oceans are in continual equilibrium with regard the degrees of CO2 and heat with the ambiance. Any fluctuation in regard of the measure of each of them in the ambiance will inevitable lead to alterations in the oceans as good. Therefore, the increase of these two factors makes the physical and chemical belongingss of oceans to change. There are five effects of clime alteration on the ocean which will be described in the undermentioned paragraphs, effects such as heater oceans, thaw of the poles, lifting sea degrees, alterations to the oceanA?s current systems and ocean acidification. Ocean acidification is one of the effects derived from clime alteration. Consecuently as oceans have dissolved inorganic C in three different signifiers: Bicarbonate, carbonate and C dioxide when oceans absorb CO2 from the ambiance in immense or inordinate sums due to the human action, the degree of CO2 in H2O additions doing H2O more acidic. ( Union of Concerned scientists, 2011 ) . This growing of CO2 reduces the sum of carbonate ions in H2O. Therefore, prevents coral reefs and shelled marine animate beings like plankton who need carbonate ions, to organize calcium hydroxide that composes their skeletons and shells. These alterations endangers the marine chemical science in add-on, acidification can besides impact ocean natural philosophies by cut downing the capableness of sound soaking up and leting sound to go much further. Both vegetations and zoologies are in danger due to acerb H2O, tropical reef edifice corals, cold H2O corals, molluscs and lobsters. As mentioned before oceans has the ability to storage heat. Then, climate alteration may do oceans to storage randomly heat and consequence in heater oceans, which make H2O expands and do ocean surface rise. In add-on, the thaw of inland glaciers, Continental ice sheets and polar ice besides contribute to sea degree rise which have sound effects on conditions conditions by increasing the frecuency of implosion therapies and storms. Detriment of sea ice consequences in the loss of natural home ground of several species like seals, seahorses, polar bear, penguins and besides affects the antartic home ground of the antartic krill which composes the bottom portion of the nutrient web. Furthermore, the warming oceans reinforce utmost conditions phenomenas such as hurricanes and typhoons flooring Marine ecosystems and people around the universe that depend on them to last. Phenomenas like coral bleaching, migration of species, alterations in behavior and in development of certain species a nd its sexual adulthood are atempting to the normal operation of marine ecosystems. Ocean major current systems may see alterations every bit good. These currents are driven by the interactions among different H2O multitudes and between these multitudes and the ambiance. ( Talley et al, 2009 ) . Ocean circulations are really complex and can go in different waies depending on how deep you look in the ocean, but the chief beginning that drives all ocean circulations is the energy from the Sun ( air current and ocean denseness ) . Temperature and salt are the chief features of pelagic H2O, alterations in salt concentration at the ocean surface affect the weight of surface Waterss. Fresh H2O is light and floats on the surface, while salty H2O is heavy and sinks. Both, salt and temperature determine saltwater denseness and opposition, driving the extent of ocean stratification, commixture, and H2O mass formation. Then harmonizing to Manabe and Stouffer 1993 ; Stocker and Schmittner 1997. As the ambiance warms, alterations in the Polar Regions cause surface Waterss to go heater and freshman. Such a alteration could hold important impacts on regional clime systems, including new current, air current, and precipitation forms ; increased ocean stratification ( and the associated hinderances to perpendicular H2O motion ) ; and changes to upwelling and downwelling. There are oceansA?ecosystems which can be extremely affected by clime alteration. A good illustration is the marine nutrient web composed chiefly by plankton, seals, giants, sharks, tunas and worlds. Foods travel through oceans from bugs to giants ground for why alterations in any portion of the nutrient web can do dropping effects that modify full Marine ecosystems. Besides decresed upwelling because of warmer multitudes of H2O agencies that fewer foods from lower in the H2O column will do it to the surface. Warming temperatures cause migration of Marine species, due to the rise in temperature in tropic countries some species are obliged to travel towards the poles. In add-on, these species may stand for a hazard for new ecosystems since they become invasive species. Harmonizing to old paragraphs, Climate alteration is the consequence of human intercession and causes several effects on the ocean which can impact its physical and chemical features every bit good as the marine ecosystem. Some of these effects are irreversible and can take ages to reconstruct them ; moreover, the purpose of international organisations every bit good as governmental 1s is to seek and happen the best manner to continue natural resources for future coevalss. Climate alteration and its effects in coastal countries Coastal countries are non the exclusion of the effects of sea degree rise, in fact deltas, barrier islands, Rhizophora mangles, wetlands and stuaries every bit good as coral reefs will be affected. Some of these are natural protections against terrible storms forestalling amendss to the coastal ecosystems and homo made installations. Coral reefs back up several species and supply shelter and nutrient to all of them, doing a extremely rich Marine ecosystem. Peoples besides take advantage of its fishing and touristry, besides, coral constructions serve as a natural barriers from unsafe ocean storms. Additions in planetary sea surface temperature imply that coral reef thermic thresholds will be exceeded more often and this is projected to ensue in more frequent and more intense coral bleaching events and subsequent widespread mortality. ( Herr and Galland, 2009 ) Climate alteration and hence anthropogenetic nursery emanations affect coral reefs by doing seawater chemical science alterations, temperature addition, and low-lying rise. Besides, opprobrious fishing, pollution and invasive species increases the hazard of danger. Lower ocean PH and changed carbonate chemical science would diminish the calcification necessary for constructing coral reef stuff. ( Kennedy, et Al. 2002 ) . Higher temperatures produces coral bleaching and even mortality. And in those coral reefs near coastal countries the sea degree rise may increase coastal eroding so corrupting H2O quality and forestalling light incursion which means that it will be more hard for algaes to bring forth photosynthesis. If coral reefs disapears it will make besides the biodiversity, piscaries and recreational activities will be surely be affected. Harmonizing to Kennedy, et Al. ( 2002 ) In salt fen and mangrove home grounds, low-lying rise may submerse wetlands, waterlog dirts, and cause works decease from salt emphasis. Most wetland home grounds can last low-lying rise by migrating inland to countries of diminishing tidal flood along undeveloped ( by worlds ) shores with comparatively soft inclines. Wetland fens are of import subscribers to the biological productiveness of coastal systems and map as baby's rooms and as safeties from marauders for commercially of import shellfish and fish and for birds like some tracks, chumps, and terns. Rising sea degrees will ab initio increase entree to marsh surfaces by fish and invertebrates, possibly increasing their production in the short term ( e.g. , Gulf of Mexico runt crops ) . Estuaries are semi-enclosed multitudes of H2O in which fresh water and saltwater mix if alterations happens in fresh water tey will ensue in fluctuations in the estuary ‘s salt, accordingly those beings who permantely live at that place have to accommodate themselves to such variableness. In add-on, these multitudes of H2O symbolize great chances for activities such as fishing. Worlds activities contributes to the bulnerability of islands which even a little rise in sea degree can do those barrier islands move toward the mainland through a procedure of beach eroding on their seaward border, overwash of deposit across the island during storms, and deposition of the scoured deposit in the quieter Waterss of the inland bay. The rate of this natural migration depends mostly on the rate of low-lying rise, and besides on the frequence and badness of storms and hurricanes. ( Kennedy, et Al. 2002 ) . Climate alteration, challenges and chances for the maritime industry To get down with, the term maritime industry involves non merely the shiping of certain lading to an specific port, in fact it includes a broad scope of activities for illustration designing of ships, building, runing age-related macular degeneration mantaining of ships, services such as stevedoring every bit good as transportation and cargo forwarding services. Then, in the epoch of clime alteration public concern about GHG emmissions released by transporting industry is deriving more and more attending and requires nautical industry and international organisations to take action. Presently, planetary action about stabilising GHG emanations at manageable degrees implies a great challenge and calls for new engineering, energy efficiency and finance to be revised and invested. International cooperation among scientists and applied scientists, international organizarions and policymakers are needed in order to lucubrate equal ordinances. At present, nautical industry is confronting two chief challenges sing Climate Change: to cut down its part to planetary heating to accommodate to the impacts of clime alteration The manner maritime industry contributes with planetary heating is through transporting industry which carries more than 80 % of planetary trade. Maritime conveyance is responsible for 3,3 % of planetary CO2 emanations from fuel ingestion. ( IMO, 2009 ) . Due to its profitableness and efficiency ships tend to be constructed in big measures and bigger than of all time earlier. What in simple words means that the part to planetary warming done by GHG emanations from ships will increase excessively. The decrease of GHG emanations from ships represents a challenge for the industry, because transportation is already, by far the most carbon-efficiency manner of commercial conveyance particularly when compares to aviation, but besides when compares to trains and trucks ( IMO, 2009 ) The chief challenge here is to cut GHG emanations from international transportation without sabotaging development aims, and without endangering conveyance efficiency and trade facilitation additions ( UNCTAD, 2009 ) . The maritime conveyance have to face besides the impacts of Climate Change such as lifting sea degree, utmost conditions and lifting temperatures. The industry is increasing at higher degrees than of all time before and if things continue without a regulative legal model, likely we will be confronting an increase of 150 % – 250 % in the GHG from transporting around 2050 ( IMO, 2009 ) . In order to pollute less ships have to decelerate down the velocity, since high velocity requires more ingestion of sand trap fuel. The fuel used in transporting comes from crude oil which is extremely pollutant for the environment. However, as transporting represents one of the major manners of conveyance of the Earth and carries about 90 % of universe trade, the thought of slow down the velocity will ensue in less diligence of the shipper in presenting the lading, what will likely ensue in a loss of possible clients. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) trades with climate alteration issues but does non turn to GHG emanations from international transportation. For this ground, the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) was encouraged to make so. Then in order to get by with this affair the IMO has developed some steps, the cutting-edge is the IMO Resolution MEPC 203 ( 62 ) adopted on 15th July 2011. This Resolution adds a new chapter at the terminal of Annex VI of MARPOL that leads with â€Å" Regulations for Energy Efficiency for Ships †which establishes that an â€Å" Energy Efficiency Design Index ( EEDI ) †will be compulsory for all new ships, every bit good as a â€Å" Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan ( SEEMP ) †will be compulsory for all ships as a portion of the â€Å" Ship Safety Management System ( SMS ) †. Harmonizing to the UNFCCC convention ( 2009 ) : aˆÂ ¦ topographic points a heavier load on developed states to cut down GHG emanations under the rule of â€Å" common but differentiated duties †. While developing states are non bound by any specified emanation decrease marks, by 2000 developed states had to cut down their GHG emanations to 1990 degrees. They are besides required to advance and ease the transportation of climate-friendly engineerings to developing states and to states with economic systems in passage. In simple words, developed states should assist developing states in cut downing GHG emanations by supplying them with all the engineering necessary to avoid pollution. The international community have proposed new thoughts and possible steps to cut down GHG emanations, for illustration â€Å" Global emanation trading strategy †and the â€Å" Global levy on international maritime fuel †( IMO, 2012 ) . The former one, implies the buying of allowances which shippers will hold to subject harmonizing to the GHG that they create. Hence, shippers will hold the pick of either to cut down their emanations or buy their decreases from other sectors. The latter one, implies that when ship operators buy the fuel, some revenue enhancement will be added to its monetary value, that revenue enhancement will be used for investing in new friendly- engineerings. The challenge of cut down or cut GHG emanations from ships have lead to new engineerings to be considered as the posible solution to the issue of Climate alteration, which means that in order to integrate that new engineering into ships it will necessitate more investing in the portion of shipowners in order to follow with the new international steps. New ships with advanced engineering, wholly environmentaly friendly will be a great chance for the transportation industry. Other possible solution from the proficient point of position and a great challenge besides, is cut down fossil fuels ingestion and increase efficiency. And from the operational point of position, betterments in the velocity direction and the efficient of the ships through a better planning of the ocean trip classs. Decisions Climate alteration affects coastal and ocean environments in many different ways. But non merely these are the 1s affected, besides the maritime industry is reached by the effects of clime alteration. Global clime alteration is predicted to impact air and H2O temperatures, low-lying rise, precipitation, air current forms, and the frequence and strength of storms. Changes in temperature can act upon reproduction, growing and can do some species to migrate to other ecosystems. In coastal countries, fens and Rhizophora mangles are of import subscribers to the biological productiveness of coastal systems are bulnerable to sea degree rise. Coral reefs are at peculiar hazard from planetary clime alteration since alterations in carbonate chemical science could decrease the copiousness of microscopic open-ocean workss and animate beings that build Ca carbonate constructions. The maritime industry has to confront two challenges in this epoch, to cut down its part to planetary heating and to accommodate to the impacts of clime alteration. The possibilities are to cut down fuel ingestion without losing efficiency and adopting and bettering new ways of planning ocean trips. However, both nautical industry and international organisations have to collaborate and work together to carry through the same end, which is no less than protect the environment and cut down in this instance GHG emanations.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Is beauty best? Highs versus normally attractive models in advertising Essay
Abstract (Summary) Several studies investigating the positive effects of including highly attractive models (HAMs) in advertising have failed to unilaterally support their use. A study explores the differential effects of pairing highly versus normally attractive models with different types of attractiveness-relevant products. Contrary to past research, the results suggest that HAMs are not the most effective choice for all categories of attractiveness-relevant products. The research also explores the method by which the match between model attractiveness and product type influences advertising effectiveness. Results suggest that a match between a model and a product improves ad effectiveness not necessarily through the elicitation of product arguments from model appearance, but instead by heightening perceptions of the model’s expertise about the product.  » Jump to indexing (document details) Full Text (7266 words) Copyright American Academy of Advertising Spring 2001 [Headnote] Several studies investigating the positive effects of including highly attractive models (HAMs) in advertising have failed to unilaterally support their use. This paper explores the differential effects of pairing highly versus normally attractive models with different types of attractiveness-relevant products. Contrary to past research (Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990), the results suggest that HAMS are not the most effective choice for all categories of attractiveness-relevant products. This research also explores the method by which the match between model attractiveness and product type influences advertising effectiveness. Results suggest that a match between a model and a product improves ad effectiveness not necessarily through the elicitation of product arguments from model appearance, but instead by heightening perceptions of the model’s expertise about the product. The inconsistent support for the use of highly attractive models (HAMs) in advertising has led one group of researchers to state that â€Å"physical attractiveness seems to have been granted greater influence than can be supported empirically†(Caballero, Lumpkin, and Madden 1989, p. 21). To better understand these inconsistencies, researchers have explored the importance of a convergence between the product and the message communicated by a model’s image, that is, a model-product type match-up (e. g. , Baker and Churchill 1977; Caballero and Solomon 1984; Joseph 1982; Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990; Park and Young 1986; Peterson and Kerin 1977). Although prior research has argued that HAMs are most effectively matched with attractiveness-relevant products (e. g., Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990; Peterson and Kerin 1977), the mixed results from HAM-attractiveness-relevant product match-ups may be because there are different types of attractiveness-relevant products (Bloch and Richins 1992) that may not all be appropriate for use with highly attractive people. Furthermore, much of the past model-product type match-up research has tended to compare HAMs with unattractive models (e. g. , Caballero and Solomon 1984; Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990) instead of considering more realistic, normally attractive models (NAMs) as counterpoints. The sparse use of unattractive people in advertising (Caballero and Solomon 1984) and the greater usage of NAMs suggest comparing HAMs with NAMs is more ecologically valid. The purpose of the present research is two-fold. First, the different attractiveness-relevant product types (Bloch and Richins 1992) are incorporated into the model-product type match-up literature, and the types of attractiveness-relevant products that are most effectively paired with HAMs or NAMs are delineated. Because beautiful people may be perceived as having better lives that are free of the problems of normal people (Dion, Berscheid, and Walster 1972; Kanner 1994), advertisements for problem-solving attractiveness-relevant products may be more effective if the models are normal looking. Second, this research attempts to determine whether model-product type match-ups influence ad effectiveness either directly, through the elicitation of product arguments from the picture, or indirectly, through his or her perceived credibility. Previous research has explored the effect of model-product type match-up on perceptions of model credibility (Kamins 1990; Maddux and Rogers 1980), product evaluations, purchase intentions, or other measures of ad effectiveness (Caballero, Lumpkin, and Madden 1989; Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990). However, the relationship between spokesperson credibility and ad effectiveness (i. e. , product evaluations, purchase intentions) has not been explored under match-up conditions. Literature Review Highly Versus Normally Attractive Models The appearances of HAMs are both idealized and unrealistic and have been called â€Å"haunting images of perfection†(Richins 1991, p. 71). The elements of HAM beauty include a beautiful facial appearance (Richins 1991), as well as thinness (Striegel-Moore, Silberstein, and Rodin 1986). Contrary to these icons of flawlessness, â€Å"normal†attractiveness is defined here as a more average or moderate weight, height, and facial beauty, that is, more representative of a â€Å"real†woman. Normally attractive models are considered attractive but not beautiful in the idealized manner of HAMs. An important difference between HAMs and NAMs is in the attributions made about each. Highly attractive models tend to be associated with the â€Å"what is beautiful is good†stereotype, in that beautiful people are believed to have more positive life outcomes (e. g. , more successful careers, better marriages) and not suffer from the problems of â€Å"normal†people (Dion, Berscheid, and Walster 1972; Kanner 1994; Walster et al. 1966). Whereas NAMs are considered to be somewhat attractive, they are perceived to be normal people to whom these more positive life outcomes are not attributed. Problem-Solving Versus Enhancing Products Attractiveness-relevant product types are introduced into the match-up literature to delineate not only those that are best paired with HAMs, but also those that may be best paired with NAMs. A major distinction that can be drawn between types of attractiveness-relevant products is whether the product is associated with a potentially problematic area of life and appearance (Bloch and Richins 1992). One group of attractiveness-relevant products (called problem-solving products) serves to fix or hide beauty liabilities or flaws such as acne or dandruff. Other products (called enhancing products) serve more aesthetic purposes by enhancing beauty (e. g. , jewelry, lipstick, perfume) instead of masking defects. Enhancing products either may be inherently beautiful (e. g. , jewelry) or may enhance beauty through their application to the user (e. g. , lipstick). Regardless of their method of enhancing beauty though, the use of enhancing products is not catalyzed by the existence of a beauty problem. A product’s classification depends on whether the product-related body attribute is perceived positively or negatively (e. g. , a consumer may use mascara either to thicken puny eyelashes or to enhance beautiful eyes). Advantages of Normally Attractive Models? Prior research suggests that the match-up between product type and model beauty may be more important than the models attractiveness alone and that a NAM may sometimes be more effective. Kahle and Homer (1985) demonstrate that a â€Å"well-matched†celebrity endorser for an attractiveness-relevant product should be physically attractive (versus unattractive) to convey information about the quality and benefits of that product. Kamins (1990) findings also indicate that physically attractive (versus unattractive) celebrities are best matched with attractiveness-relevant (versus irrelevant) products. Although these findings do not take into account the advantages of NAMs or recognize the important distinctions between different kinds of attractiveness-relevant product types, both Kahle and Homer (1985) and Kamins (1990) support the importance of matching spokesperson image with product characteristics. Similarly, Baker and Churchill (1977) find that when the product is related to romance (e. g., perfume), men had higher purchase intentions when the female model was attractive. However, when the product was unrelated to romance (e. g. , coffee), male subjects indicated greater purchase intent if the model was less attractive. In a study by Caballero and Solomon (1984), more tissues were purchased when they were paired with an unattractive (versus attractive) model. Although the authors proposed that this response was due to the unusual (for advertising) and perhaps more noticeable nature of the model, an alternative explanation may be that an unattractive appearance may be more convergent with sickness. Consumers may not perceive the HAM as suffering from such mundane problems as an illness that requires tissues, whereas the less attractive model’s more realistic appearance may have made her a more credible spokesperson. HAM Versus NAM Match- Ups Some of the research investigating model-product type match-ups has assessed match-up effectiveness by measuring spokesperson credibility (Kamins 1990; Maddux and Rogers 1980). Two components of spokesperson credibility typically recognized are source expertise and trustworthiness. Expertise refers to the perceived ability of a source to make valid claims, whereas trustworthiness pertains to the believed willingness of the spokesperson to make those claims (Hovland, Janis, and Kelley 1953; Ohanian 1990). Model Attractiveness and Trustworthiness. There is evidence to suggest that NAMs may be perceived as more trustworthy than HAMs because of consumers’ perceived similarity between themselves and the NAMs. Deshpande and Stayman (1994) demonstrate that enhanced identification and similarity with a source can increase perceptions of source trustworthiness. If a woman perceives herself to be physically more similar to a NAM, a greater perceived attitudinal similarity between the receiver and the source may drive the receiver to like the source more (O’Keefe 1990; see also Berscheid 1985; Byrne 1969). A greater liking for the source may influence source trustworthiness positively (e. g. , O’Keefe 1990; Simons, Berkowitz, and Moyer 1970), which may in turn influence the consumer to like and trust the source more. Therefore, H1: NAMs are perceived to be more trustworthy than HAMs. There is no hypothesized relationship or interaction between product type and model condition on trustworthiness. Trustworthiness pertains to a personality trait of the endorser, regardless of the endorsed product. Model Attractiveness-Product Type Match-Up and Model Expertise. Models may be more credible if they either have some physical characteristic that is associated with a product schema or demonstrate some characteristic that indicates that the product has accomplished what it claims, which thus suggests expertise based on experience (Lynch and Schuler 1994). Stemming from their attributions about beautiful people, consumers may believe that HAMs know more about the presentation and elements of a beautiful image, including the kinds of products used to enhance beauty. In addition, HAMs may be perceived as having more experience accentuating beautiful features or surrounding themselves with aesthetic things. Thus, H2: HAMs are perceived to have greater source expertise for enhancing products than are NAMs. Highly attractive models may not be perceived as having the problems that purportedly are solved by problem-solving products (e.g. , Dion, Berscheid, and Walster 1972; Kanner 1994) and therefore are believed to have little expertise using such products. Alternatively, consumers may be more likely to believe that a NAM has struggled with and, as evidenced in the ad, â€Å"conquered†the problem using the advertised product. Therefore, NAMs may be more congruous with the schema associated with enhancing products (Lynch and Schuler 1994). H3: NAMs are perceived to have greater source expertise for problem-solving products than are HAMs. Model Attractiveness-Product Type Match-Up and Product Evaluations. If a viewer can convert the visual imagery of an endorser into product information, the model’s image may serve as an argument for product efficacy (Bloch and Richins 1992; Downs and Harrison 1985; Kahle and Homer 1985; Lynch and Schuler 1994; see also Rossiter and Percy 1980). There is general evidence that product arguments may be elicited from pictures (e. g. , Mitchell and Olson 1981) and that, in high involvement situations, pictures containing product-relevant information can strengthen product beliefs and result in more positive product attitudes than can pictures that only influence affect (Miniard et al.1991). If a viewer believes that a model possesses some physical characteristic that indicates the model has improved his or her appearance with the product, then the viewer may believe that the product was responsible for that improvement (Lynch and Schuler 1994). The pairing of an enhancing product and a HAM may serve to reinforce the argument for product quality and efficacy for enhancing beauty by demonstrating the enhancer’s ability to highlight beautiful features (Petty and Cacioppo 1980). This stronger argument for product quality may enhance ad efficacy by improving evaluations of the product and heightening product purchase intentions (Caballero, Lumpkin, and Madden 1989; Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990). Therefore, 114: Ads for enhancing products that include HAMs will be more effective than those that include NAMs. Specifically, we expect that ads for enhancing products that include HAMs will result in greater product evaluations and higher purchase intentions than will those ads containing NAMs. With regard to problem-solving products, it might initially appear that a HAM could serve as a more positive argument for a product’s effectiveness. The more beautiful appearance of the HAM (versus NAM) might make the product appear as if it is more effective in heightening the user’s beauty. However, for the efficacy of problem-solving products to be assessed from the model’s photo, the viewer must first believe that the model had a beauty problem prior to product use. Because HAMs are not perceived as having the problems of normal people (e. g., Dion, Berscheid, and Walster 1972; Kanner 1994), consumers may not believe that the HAM suffered from a beauty problem that required the use of the advertised product. In contrast, consumers may believe that NAMs are more likely to have experienced beauty problems (e. g. , Dion, Berscheid, and Walster 1972; Kanner 1994). According to attribution theory, if an outcome occurs despite the presence of something that might have prevented that outcome (an inhibitory cause), a consumer may give more weight to the cause that is perceived to be responsible for that outcome (the facilitative cause; Kelley 1972). A HAM’s overall appearance might suggest multiple facilitative causes for the model’s superior appearance in the productrelated attribute, and the greater the number of other potential causes for the overall superior appearance, the more the problem-solving product may be discounted as responsible for solving the beauty problem (Kelley 1972). However, a NAMs’ overall typical appearance might suggest that, prior to product use, the appearance of the NAM’s product-related attribute was normal. Because the product (facilitative cause) may be responsible for a beautiful product-related physical attribute in the face of the inhibitory cause of the model’s â€Å"normalcy,†the perceived efficacy of the problem-solving product is augmented. With this improvement in product evaluations and likely improvement in purchase intentions (Caballero, Lumpkin, and Madden 1989; Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990), the following hypothesis is offered: H5: Ads for problem-solving products that include NAMs will be more effective than those that include HAMs. Specifically, we expect that ads for problem-solving products that include NAMs will result in greater product evaluations and higher purchase intentions than will those ads containing HAMs. The Mediating Role of Source Credibility Although model-product type match-up effectiveness has measured both spokesperson credibility and other measures of ad effectiveness, such as product evaluations or purchase intentions, no relationship between these two constructs has been examined. Past credibility research has suggested that greater spokesperson credibility (i. e., expertise and trustworthiness) tends to generate greater attitude chane (e. g. , Dholakia and Sternthal 1977; Harman and Coney 1982; Hovland, Janis, and Kelley 1953; Sternthal, Dholakia, and Leavitt 1978). Therefore, any influence that a model-product type match-up may have on spokesperson credibility subsequently might offect product evaluations or other measures of ad effectiveness. Therefore, H6A: Spokesperson expertise will mediate the effects of model-product match-up on ad effectiveness. H6B: Spokesperson trustworthiness will mediate the effects of model beauty on ad effectiveness. Study I Pretests. Two pretests were conducted to select product and model stimuli. The purpose of the first pretest (n=25) was to select two products to represent enhancing products and two to represent problem-solving products. Subjects were asked to categorize a list of products according to the provided definitions of each product type. The two products selected to represent the problem-solving category were acne concealer and acne medicine because of their categorization as problem-solving products (100% and 92%, respectively). With regard to enhancing products, 88% of people categorized lipstick and jewelry as enhancers. Because acne medicine, acne concealer, and lipstick all pertain to the face, the jewelry selected for use as stimuli in this experiment was earrings (i. e. , the only widely accepted jewelry associated with the face). For the second pretest, two judges selected full-color model photographs from popular women’s magazines on the basis of subjective criteria of which photos might represent each model condition. Photos intended to represent NAMs were selected from â€Å"Reader Makeover†issues of the magazines so that, while the physical features of the NAMs were still moderately attractive, the hair and makeup were professionally styled. Two undergraduate classes viewed five photos of NAMs (n=72) while two other classes evaluated five photos of HAMs (n=65). Respondents were asked to complete five questions regarding the beauty and four items assessing the normalcy of the model (all seven-point scales), and each set of items subsequently was summed. The HAM photo was selected on the basis of beauty extremity (M=29. 37) and subjects’ beliefs that she was leading a less-than-normal life (M=13. 31). The NAM photo was selected on a rating of moderate beauty (M=22. 06; p
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